A.N/ A story between Kurt and Kitty that's all about dancing.

'Till we fall in love.

Chapter 1

Kitty was sitting in the garden behind the institute. She had just finished a huge exam in her 3rd year of college. That test said weather she passed or failed. She had studied for months and felt confident that she had passed. With all that constant stress gone she could finally relax. She lay in the cool grass as a soft breeze pushed against her face. Her hair was down, she wore a knee high light pink dress and her makeup was very light. She learned from her high school years that a lot of makeup was too much and very unattractive. Yea she's only 22 but she feels already like a woman.

Her baby blue eyes were locked on the setting sky admiring everything that passed her gaze; from clouds to birds, to the ever changing colors of the sky. She began to drift. When she heard little squeals and screaming in the large mansion she woke up. She sat up slowly looking over her shoulder to the building as if to see through it. She rolled her eyes and stood up slowly. She lightly stepped through the grass barefooted ending up on the back patio before the kitchen.

Her eyes scanned the insides before placing her hands on the door. All she could see was Kurt cooking and the door swinging so someone had just left. The door was swinging fast so it wasn't too long ago someone left. She checked Kurts' features for a hint before entering. He had a fading smile on so he was just being polite to some new news. So someone was sharing some sort of information. She finally opened the door gently, it made a slight swish sound signaling her entrance. Kurts' eyes shot up from the frying pan and locked with hers. She smiled at him warmly. Closing the door behind her she asked.

"What's going on? I heard a bunch of women scream." Kurt stared at her he was still frozen. Kitty walked closer up towards to him. He just stared at her. She lowered the temperature on the stove to medium and waved her hand in front of his eyes. "Hey fuzzy, are you there?"

Kurt was simply starring at her. He had always had the biggest crush on ever since he first saw her. She was drop dead beautiful. Her face just always seemed to glow and her smile was always just the brightest. Bringing him back to planet earth he saw Kitty wave her hand in front of his face.

Giggling softly she asked. "Well, Kurt?" Kurt blinked and saw her small smile.

"Oh, uh sorry. What now?" He placed a hand on the back of his head rubbing it sheepishly and blushing.

"What happened? I heard squeals." She questioned again with slightly more persistence.

Kurt opened his eyes and looked down at her questionably. "What sque-? Oh that, ja I don't remember something vith Storm."

Kitty smiled a little wider amused by his ignorance. "Thanks see yah later." She smiled at him one last time and walked to the door. Kurt just stood there, eyes closed, feeling her essence as much as he could before it left. Kitty stopped and smirked.

"Kurt your chicken is burning." His eyes shot open and he turned to the stove to tend to his chicken. Kitty laughed whole heartedly and walked out.

When she finished her filling laugh her mind was set back on why she came into the house in the first place. 'Now where is Storm?' She thought scanning the main hall. She saw no one in the main room and walked down the hallway. 'Where is everybody?'

As if to answer her question she saw a light down the hall way and heard giggling and the constant squealing. She stepped around the corner slowly into the rec. room. Immediately she saw a tall silver woman surrounded by other shorter woman and their faces were all bright. Politely she closed the door behind her and waited for her presence to be noticed.

Storm finished a laugh and looked up from her crowd.

"Kitty! Oh it's good to see you." Storm pushed through the bunched up girls. She skipped over to her favorite x-men and smiled widely. Kitty smiled back at her. Storm was her favorite adult in the word. Not only was Storm like her best friend and they shared everything but she took care of her and was like a mother she truly loved her so much.

"What's going on Storm?" Storms' smile only widened at the brunettes question. To answer the question that Kitty had been asking for the past 10 minutes, Storm held up her left hand and their on the fourth finger from the thumb sparkled the biggest diamond Kitty has ever seen in her life. Her mouth practically fell off her face.

"Oh my gosh!" Kitty screamed as she grabbed the engaged woman's hand to pull the ring closer. "Storm congratulations it's beautiful." She pulled the motherly like woman in for a hug. In response she hugged back smiling and whispering in her ear.

"I would love it if you would be my maid of honor." Kittys' eyes popped open.

Pushing back and starring at the woman dead in the eyes her mouth was agape. "Are you serious?"

Her question made Storm giggle again and nod. Kitty squealed and hugged her tightly.

"Oh yes! Thank you so much!"

"Not a problem, it's such a pleasure." She pulled off of Kitty and grabbing her face whipped her tears.

"One condition," Kitty laughed rolling her happy tears back. "That would be?" Storm smirked.

"Not that it would be a problem because i know you love to, but I need you to learn a dance in a month." Kitty looked at her confused. "When is your wedding Storm?" "Two months." Kitty about fell over in fact she would have if Storm hadn't caught her.

"What why so soon?" Kitty positioned herself looking slightly concerned. "Is there some sort of rush."

Storm blushed and looked to the carpet covered wall. "No not really. We just want to be together already. Besides we can afford it now so we'll get married as soon as we can." Kitty giggled at the answer.

"Well then, so what kind of dancing shall I be performing for you my dear?" Kitty tried to bring the subject back.

"Well Beast and I want our friends to perform a dance for us so we figured we'd force you all to do one." Kitty laughed. "Oh really, and what kind of dancing is this?"

Storms face went from cocky to sneaky in a flash of her eyes. "You will have to find out at 1 o'clock tomorrow in the ball room. Now shoo go get some sleep I know you had exams today and your exhausted."

Kitty giggled softly as she was being pushed out of the room by gentle hands and the door closed behind her. As much as Kitty wanted to hear all the juicy detail Storm was right she was extremely exhausted, but she was slightly hungry. She wondered back over to the kitchen. She peaked her head through the door seeing her fuzzy friend eating cereal, and staring at a motorcycle magazine.

"Hey fuzzy, whatcha up to?" Her small voice startled him. "Oh geez Kitty you almost scared the blue off my back." Kitty giggled and quietly walked to him looking over his shoulder. "Hmm Cocoa Puffs look pretty good right now. Mind if I join you?" Kurt shoved another spoon in his mouth as she spoke and muffled a yea, when she was done.

"So Beast and Storm are getting married," She tried to make conversation as she pulled out the cereal and a bowl. Kurt looked over at her and swallowed.

"Yea finally, right?" she smiled knowing everyone expected the two to get married. "Yea, did you hear about the dancing we have to do?" Kurt took another bite and shook his head no.

"Yea we have to learn a dance and if I know Storm, and I know Storm, it's gonna be something totally embarrassing and for her pleasure. Gosh she's so maniacal." Kitty finished her sentence by sitting next to Kurt at the table.

"Kitty she can't be that bad, I mean she has a heart right?" Kitty looked at him with a squinted face. "Not when it comes to something specific she wants, I'm sure Beast knows what he's gotten himself into."

Kurt laughed. "Oh Ja I'm sure he knows."

Kitty giggled. "Oh and did you see her ring? Oh geez it's like the biggest ring I have ever seen and lemme tell you Kurt I've seen a lot of rings." Kurt looked at her in shock. "Is it bigger than Jeans'?" Kitty nodded taking her fourth bite of her cereal. "Wow he went all out." Kitty agreed. "Yea, well I'm really tired I'm gonna finish this in my room with some television. Good night fuzzy." She got up and awkwardly one arm hugged him, due to the other being occupied with puffs. He attempted to hug her back but she began to release. She walked out of the Kitchen and Kurt sighed going back to his boring magazine.

Kitty sat up on her balcony dressed in a robe eating her cereal. She star gazed until she finished and went back in her room. As she closed the double glass doors behind her. Her eyes said good night to the stars, and closed her velvet curtain. Being as exhausted as she was she dragged her small feet to her oval bed and plopped down on it. Her eyes shut as her body relaxed and in an instant her dreams were in the hands of the dreamer gods.

Hope you enjoyed more chapters on the way!