Two days seemed to come and go in a flash in fact it was the morning of the wedding.

Making her way down the stairs half asleep still kitty noticed people running around trying to get things set up and ready, guys trying to help each other as some of the younger kids just played.

She yawned gently and phased through people as she made her way to the kitchen promptly phasing through those doors. In the kitchen sat Bobby who was going off about video games to a very uninterested Colossus, kitty just giggled at the sight. Her eyes scanned the area looking for food and came across the bare blue back of a certain mutant.

He turned around going to correct Bobby about something when his gold eyes landed on Kitty, "H-hey you…" He smiled and she blinked at him her heart pounding as she wiggled her fingers. "You're just in time." He chuckled reaching above the fridge were he usually hid her breakfast so the hungry boys wouldn't take it. His eyes widened feeling nothing, he gripped the edge and pulled himself up looking as it wasn't there. Bobby chuckled and burped dropping the plate.

"Bobby you little!" Kurt ran towards him and Kitty stepped between her small hand on his apron covered chest. She smiled at him. "It's okay Kurt, I'll just have some cereal." She looked over at Bobby who was surprised by her strange calm attitude. She opened her blue eyes her smile turned into a frown as she held up her other hand that had a remote in it. Bobby rose a brow, "What are you?" Colossus wrapped a collar around his neck and Bobby's eyes widened. "You didn't!" Kitty smirked and Kurt rose a brow impressed.

"Kitty please I-" He was cut off by being shocked brutally and falling to the ground. She then smiled thanking Colossus and he nodded in return walking out of the kitchen finally free of Bobby's bumbling idiocy.

Kitty turned back to Kurt and got on her tippy toes giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "It's the thought that counts." She whispered to him before phasing through him and going to the cabinet. His cheeks turned bright pink (or purple) as he turned to see her struggling to reach the cereal, he quickly aided her by following behind her and grabbing it handing it to her. She blushed gently and took it, "T-thanks…" He nodded.

Breaking their moment was a cry from a certain boy in pain, "K-kitty please…" He muttered and her eyes shot to him pressing the button again and he screamed again. "Don't eat my food." She simply stated and Kurt chuckled. She looked up seeing him his gorgeous teeth. "Beauty…" She whispered and Kurt looked at her. "Hm?"

Kitty's eyes shot away and her face turned bright red, "N-nothing…" "Katzchen your face his warm." His fuzzy hands grabbed her face.

Kitty got even redder is it was possible she squeezed the cereal to her chest tight. "I-I need to go get r-ready" She began to move away backing away from him, "S-See y- ah!" She tripped over Bobby's unconscious body and Kurt walked towards her to help her up. She looked up to see him her bright blues practically freezing Kurt in his place. "Sorry." She whispered and phased through the floor.

Kurt stood there dumb founded looking at the floor where she just phased through, bobby groaned coming too and Kurt growled and slammed his fist on the counter, in aggravation which caused a spoon to fall off and hit the button that kitty had dropped and Bobby screamed again. Kurt blinked turning around. "Ooo…" He began to tend to his friend.


Later that day around lunch time Kitty was sitting in Rogue's room watching her try and put on make-up. She popped a cheerio in her mouth sitting on the girls bed. "You know Rogue you're so pretty without make up, and I'm sure Bobby thinks so as well."

This caused the girl to stop and damn near drop her mascara, Kitty rose a brow "What did I strike a nerve?" Rogue glared at her through the mirror and the kitten just smirked. "Don't make me strangle you pussy…" Kitty giggled a bit shoving more cereal in her mouth. "Pussy? Oh that's a good one! I haven't heard that one yet."

Rouge smirked. "That's because you don't get laid…" Kittys face blushed a bit. "Oh and you do? With the whole touch me and I die thing?" Rogue turned around and through box of eye shadow at her. Kitty rose a brow as it phased through her. "Oh right phasing…" She leaned against the dresser and folded her arms as kitty still awaited her answer.

"There are ways okay!" Rouge exploded and Kitty put up her hands filled with cereal, "Okay, okay I won't push you." Rogue looked to calm down but took this opportunity for pay back. "And what about you and fuzz ball? You don't really have the same problem as me."

Kitty's face blushed bright red and she looked down. "I-i… don't know, I want to tell him but its like one day I think he likes me and then the next day he acts like we're just friends… what if I am just misreading, what if… I ruin what we have?" Rouge smiled and walked next to her and placed her gloved hand on Kitty's shoulder, "Listen no matter what happens between you too don't you think it best to at least say something? If you don't then you'll never know."

Kitty pulled her legs into her chest not feeling so hungry now. Rogue was right, and she didn't want to say it out loud but something had to happen and the sooner the better… She got up and sat Rogue down and helped her with her make-up as her mind wandered.


Somewhere else in the mansion Kurt was looking for Colossus only to find him in the weight training room.

"Hey Colossus," The man dropped his 350lbs that he was benching he looked up at Kurt seeing him holding the collar and remote. "Here you go man thanks for the laugh." Colossus rose a brow, "I know you didn't come all the way over here to give me the shock collar…" Kurt looked down a bit.

Colossus stood up and placed a hand on the fuzzy man's shoulder. "Listen, It couldn't be more obvious of the belittling obsession you have with a certain female, and it's even more evident that she somehow has equal feelings thus for you." Kurt rose a brow at his statement. "I give you one day fuzz ball, if you do not make your move tonight I will start making a move, for I have feelings for the kitten and just like any broken heart she will be looking for the next set of arms to hold her at night." Kurt swallowed hard looking to Colossus's well colossus arms.

The larger man took the shock collar and went back to his lifting as Kurt rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks." He muttered walking away, "Well that was no help." He looked up seeing Kitty leaving Rogues room with a sad face, he rose a brow and poofed in front of her.


"GAH!" The surprised kitten kicked him in the sack. Hearing a groan she opened her eyes looking down to see Kurt cringing on the floor in pain.

"Kurt! I am so sorry! I-I didn't know and I'm sorry I was scared and-" Kurt gave her a thumbs up as tears streamed down his face. "I-it's okay!" Kitty cringed seeing his face in pain, she leaned over looking at him. "A-are you sure?"

"Yup! I'll be fine in a few minutes," he tried as he steadied his breathing and tried standing up. "W-was there something you were trying to tell me Kurt?" He pressed his hand on the wall holding himself up and the other on his junk. "I was just going to say I look forward to spending the night with you, and of course dancing with you." Kitty blushed bright red and nodded. "Me too." The fuzz ball smiled and began to walk awkwardly away, "Well see you then! You should probably go check on Storm though!"

Kitty watched him waddle away and smiled tilting her head in his direction, what a goof ball he was always trying to make her smile. Her eyes then widened. "Oh my god Storm!" She turned and sprinted of phasing through the doors seeing the woman face down on her bed.

"S-storm?" The kitten went to go poke her mother like figure only to be grabbed and shaken repeatedly. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Kitty blinked seeing the scared face of Storm, a side of her she had not seen but in turn she smiled.

"I was helping people more desperate people such as Rouge." The girl giggled and peeled storms hands off of her and sat her down grabbing the make-up and began to get her ready. Storm stayed silent as Kitty worked her magic.

Finishing up styling her hair Storm decided to break the silence, "Did you find out your grades from your exams?" Kitty giggled putting the last bobby pin in her hair. "Yes, I passed and now have my degree, graduation is in a few weeks, mom." This eased Storms heart a bit and helped distract her. Kitty walked her over to the mirror letting herself.

The wife to be had a simple but gorgeous make-up job and her hair in a gorgeous curled up do. Seeing herself Storm pressed her hands over her mouth in shock. "Amazing… I look…" "Breathtaking…" Kitty finished her sentence.

Looking in the mirror at Kitty Storm smiled and turned around and hugged her tightly giggling happily almost crying. "Wow okay wait a second we can't have you crying your make up away just yet," She paused and pulled away looking at Storm.

"Listen I know this is a big change for you, always being reliant on yourself and being one badass mother of the academy, but I know better than anyone how much you two love each other and with love that strong there is no reason why you shouldn't be together, you were made for each other."

Storm nodded and hugged kitty again. "Okay now let's get you into that dress!"


"Hank? You in here?" A certain German voice called out as he opened the door to the males changing room. "I am in here." The male called out looking over his shoulder to see Kurt waddling slightly. "Why are yo- never mind…" Kurt chuckled rubbing the back of his head seeing Hank already dressed and spiffy looking.

"Wow you clean up nice." Kurt mused elbowing him. Hank rolled his eyes and turned to see Kurt's tie not fixed, "So I see why you came in here then." He reached over and began fixing his tie. "That is not one hundred percent of the reason I came in here, I wanted to see if you were okay."

Hanks smiled at him finishing up the tie and straightening it. "I'm honestly very happy, probably the happiest I've been in a while… after mystique… I never thought I would love again and for the longest time I didn't think I would ever deserve love… but here I am getting married to the most amazing woman I've ever met."

Kurt smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Make sure your ex doesn't try to break up the wedding now." Hank and Kurt shared a small chuckled before looking outside at the two jets ready to leave.

"Where is this wedding anyways?" Kurt asked seeing the jets. "On an island we handpicked and decorated for the wedding so no one goes and disturbs the peace of humans if anyone gets drunk." Kurt rose a brow impressed. "Wow, good thinking." Hank smirked and began to walk out motioning for Kurt to follow. "So wait where is everyone going to sleep on this island?"

"We built a nice hotel on the island all of you will sleep in pairs of two with your ballroom partners of course." Kurt stopped blushing bright red images of Kitty flashed through his mind and they weren't the censored kind. He shook his head and caught up to Hank. "You guys are evil." "It wasn't my idea Kurt, trust me." Kurt sighed getting in the jet with the other guys.

He sat next to Bobby who glared at him. "Hey don't give me that look, I didn't have anything to do with it." "Hmph." Bobby grumbled and looked away. Kurt chuckled and looked up seeing Colossus and his smile faded a bit looking out the window as they took off.


"Alright Logan, are you okay to hold down the fort while we're gone?" The mentioned scoffed a bit. "Not a problem." Kitty blinked and looked at Jean. "He's not coming?" Jean shrugged. "He doesn't do weddings…" "I see…" Whispered looking over as Storm in her gorgeous wedding gown gave Logan a hug and smiled waving him off as the girls helped her into the jet seated and ready they shot off across the sky.

Logan grunted a bit. "Good luck." He whispered turning around and into the mansion to scare off the younger kids.


The boys had landed about 20 minutes before the girls in awe about the island and headed into the ceremonial area, the groomsmen awaited at the door and Hank and the priest were already at the altar waiting.

The girls landed and the boys were in clear awe of how amazing the woman looked. The walked to the main hallway no one was to see Storm yet.

Meeting up with their pairs, Jean smiled as Scott was trying to hold in his nosebleed as he saw what she was wearing. The bridesmaid dressed were sleeveless short dressed with a sheer high low skirt cover colored blue to match the male's ties. The heels were whatever black heel they could dance in and their hairs were pulled up with a small flower in all of their hairs.

Kitty walked up to Kurt looking down blushing, Kurt looked at her in awe. "You look …" She looked up to see him and he choked. "Nice, you look nice!" He tried and she smiled politely slightly let down. "Thanks Kurt." She turned away holding herself as he mentally shot himself looking over sighing as he saw Colossus smirking which made him growl slightly. "C'mon Kurt, it's starting."

The soft music began to start as they walked down the aisle Kitty with a polite smile as they walked Kurt doing the same holding her hand in his arm.

The other couples hand made it down the aisle as the music changed to something like holy music as Hank stiffened.

The double doors opened slowly revealing a golden light around Storm as she looked up through her veil and Hank felt his heart stop in his chest and he held his breath. The entire time she walked their eyes never left each other's.

Finally stepping up on the altar with him he grabbed the veil and pushed it behind her his hands gliding against her chin looking into her eyes. "You look astonishing." This caused the woman to blush and smile. "You look stunning yourself." Reaching back she handed her bouquet to Kitty her maid of honor and kitty smiled watching the two.

The ceremony commenced as Kurt watched smiling but he couldn't help to look over at Kitty she looked so beautiful, his heart pounded in his chest as it seemed everyone had disappeared in his mind, everyone but Kitty and him on an altar… getting married. He snapped out of it hearing Hank say 'I do' and he smiled clapping as everyone cheered the two kissed to seal the deal and he picked her up bridal style and went down the aisle.

Kitty looked over at Kurt her hand outstretched towards him and that's when he decided, she was going to be his tonight. He grabbed her hand and pulled her as she giggled and they ran down the aisle the rest of the court followed suit.

Off to the reception they went, and this was it the dance they all practiced for and this was Kurt's last chance for Kitty