A fic that still needs to be named
By: Sandact6

Hi! This is a Sandact6 here with his BIRTHDAY SOON! OH YEA! SWEET 16! And, to celebrate I decided to write a birthday fic! Who's going to be in it? Read it and find out. Going to be released on May 21st, my birthday (o^_^o). But, until then, this fic has 2 purposes:

1) This fic was going through my head at school, so I wrote it
2) Tell about my birthday fic!

And now, about the name. This is a chance, you, the reader, can name this story. Just simply include the name you think is good in the review. You can use more than one name. Now, onto the story!

A mysterious man was running through the woods at night during a storm to escape the pursuit of an equally mysterious figure. Not wanting him to get the precious cargo that he held within his arms, he would rather die than see this wonderful creature be used for such vile, disgusting ways of experimentation and possibly ruling the world.

"I'll get you!" yelled the man chasing after the stranger.

He was running out of idea fast, he couldn't keep this up, he had to hide himself and the egg. He located a cave nearby, and went in to protect himself from the torrential downpour of rain. He laid back and didn't make a sound, not even much as breathe as the figure searched the surrounding area.

The man wearing a black cap looked closely at every aspect, but assumed he lost him. "Damnit... Boss won't like this..." he growled beneath his breath. And with that, the man slowly left.

The stranger gasped for air. Just after the torture he went through trying to get it. He looked at his arm, they nicked him pretty bad back there. He sighed, "I can't go on like this... I can't let them have you!" He uncovered the top part of the blanket, showing the glimmering white with light blue dot egg. He covered it up in the blanket and took out a piece of paper a scribbled on it fanatically, knowing he could possibly be back any second. Then used a piece of duct tape he had on him to tape it onto the blanket surrounding the egg. "My god have mercy on us all if they find you first..." Then, despite the massive pain in his left arm, he out of the cave and yelled, "Hey asshole! I'm over here!"

No sooner than as he said those words, he heard faint footsteps just barely above the rain drops again.

He jetted off again, hoping to get as far away as possible from the location where he hid the egg. He ran for a good ten minutes, until the dizziness slowly made his world go back, he then tripped up. His world going slowly back, he needed medical attention, badly. Before looking up and staring straight down, out of a round, black barrel...

"Checkmate..." the figure said as me made a sleek smile. "Now tell me where the egg is, and I might spare your life."

The stranger bit back. "Quit wasting your breath! I'd sooner die than ever let your greedy corporation!" He then spat on his shoe.

The dark figure chuckled. "Any last words before I send you a one way trip to the graveyard?"

"Yea..." said the stranger, forcing the words out of his mouth, "Tell your boss that one day, this incident, for going to misuse that wonderful creature, come back one day and bite him in the ass!"

"Wrong answer..." he said and pulled the trigger.

The deafening bang went throughout the forest, as Pidgey's flew away, another human life was cut short, but made a noble sacrifice...


A newlywed couple on their honeymoon in a forest cabin, were just relaxing and thinking. You see, Rick had a problem, he was unable to produce children. But, Celia didn't mind much. They didn't want a kid, and if they ever wanted one, they could adopt one. But something still troubled him.

Rick sighed as he sipped his coffee beside the fireplace. It sure was nice to be inside, all nice and warm by a fireplace beside the one you loved the most. But something still seemed to brother him...

"Rick? Honey? Everything alright?" Celia asked as she looked up into her husbands eyes.

"Celia... Do you want to have any kids?" He asked, looking at the fireplace depressed

"Well... If you want too I..." She was cut short by Rick.

"I want none of that... It's your choice. If we could do it naturally I would have to ask you first. And adopting is no different. I want too only if you want to Celia..." He grabbed and squeezed her hands gently. "Please understand Celia... I don't want to do anything that you'll regret. Seeing your wonderful face being stressed or depressed is the worst possible torture I could ever endure. So please... You pick..."

Celia's heart melted for the other countless time, for the man she loved treated her so well. How could she ever repay him? For his gratitude, hospitality, and the way he treated her. "Y... Yes honey... It's fine with-"

BANG! A roaring sound echoed throughout the forest, making Rick drop his coffee and stand up, along with Celia.

"What was that!?" Celia asked

Rick walked over to the closet and picked up a raincoat. "I don't know but I'm going to find out. You stay here."

"Put Rick no!" Celia dashed over to the doorway and said, "Let me come with you!"

"Sorry Celia. It might be dangerous." he exclaimed while putting on his boots. "I wouldn't want for you to get hurt."

"But do you remember our vows? In sickness and health? In good times and bad? Till death or till part?"

She got him. Rick sighed and said, "Fine fine. Hurry up and get your stuff on."

The couple was out, using flashlights to cut though the pitch black blanket of the night. "Hello!?" the shouted in unison. "Is anybody there!?"

They continued looking around the area, shouting out to the bleak darkness with no response. Until, Rick caught a glimpse of a shimmering light inside the cave. Curious, he went to investigate. Then he found a blanket, appeared to be wrapped around something with a note on it. "Hey Celia! Come take a look at this!"

Celia was almost over in an instant and looked at it. "There's a note on it." She picked it up and began to read it.

Dear whoever may find this

Please, I don't have much time left. Inside this egg is a astonishing creature that was going to be using for evil purposes. Please, take this egg, care for the offspring so that it will grow up right...

"Hm..." Said Rick as he lifted the egg. It was quite big, easily fitted into his to arms. "Let's get it back to the cabin."

"Good idea." Agreed Celia. "And maybe we can hatch it to see what's inside of it too."

YES I DO WANT THAT 6 FOOT SUB AT MY HOUSE! Uh? Oh hi! Thought I had more time. Oh well. Remember, please include a good title because I'm too lazy to think of one. And, sorry I haven't been posting fics lately, Biology I get an assignment every week and a test every two. (o-_-o) So, try to see it through my eyes. Were-pokeism part 8 is planned out, and I may want to add I've been busy making my own sprites! (o^_^o) R&R! Byez chu!

PS - If someone can teach me the HTML code to indent, I'll be very happy...