Adventures of Janine Ugiasi

Part 5

By: Sandact6

Aaahhh… Why am I doing this again? Could it possibly be because Soul Silver came out recently? Sure, let's go with that. I'll see how long I can continue to do this series before some shiny object catches my attention and I run off again

Some edits of the previous chapters are also going to be soon, mainly because of how goddamn stupid it is and myself can't believing I wrote some of that crap. As usual, I don't own Pokemon and god help you if you claim that you do.

The high ranking Team Rocket members once again gather around a large conference table. The lighting is poor everywhere except on the desk for the papers.

"It appears Ms. Ugiasi will be not beaten with brute force alone." The head Rocket Member announces. Footage from the pokemon center shortly before it was blown to bits appear on the screen, various numbers and formulas appearing whenever Janine uses psychic energy. "She has learned rather quickly to use her telekinetic energy. According to the data we collected, she is only a little weaker than most of our Zanomorphs in both raw physical might and telekinetic power."

"According to the data, Janine lacks protective abilities." A woman in a labcoat says out out.

"And that is what we will capitalize on." The Rocket head replied as he pressed a button on his computer.

The display changed and was split into two screens. The first screen showed a blond haired woman that appeared to be roughly Janine's age. She has red eyes, white skin, and a figure of a developing woman. The picture on the left showed a cross behind a human and a Ninetails. Unlike most zanomorphs who appeared hideous thus far, this one actually seemed rather graceful and serene in comparison.

"This is Angelica. Her specialty is... indirect combat of sorts." The man at the front says. "Her main task is to simply take out Ugiasi by any means necessary."

"And if she gets involved with direct combat?" A man points a pen to the chairman.

"She can at least hold herself off long enough to run away. She's one of our foremost stealth experts." The chairman leans back in his oversized chair and plays with a pen in his fingers. "It may take a while for her to get results, but I have the utmost confidence that we'll have our target by the end of the week…"

"AH HA HA HA!" Angelica laughs as she goes over the clothing she has been assigned for this mission. "Today's the time I finally get to blow this hellhole!"

"I knew you'd be chosen someday Angelica!" A male teenager in a hospital gown says as he watches Angelica go through the clothes. "But just be careful! I heard that Ugiasi took out Dimitri and that guy was a freak!"

"Pfft. Ugiasi." Angelica snorts as she leans close to her friends ear. "I'm not bothering with her. I'm leaving and never coming back."

The teenager quickly recoils back from Angelica. "WHAT!? ANGELICA YOU CANMUHMWAMUH."

The teenager is cut off by Angelica covering her damn mouth. "Keep your voice down you damn idiot! And yes, I don't care about Ugiasi or this place. I might check her out to see if the stories are true, but otherwise I'm doing whatever I want." Angelica slowly uncovers the teenagers mouth.

"B-but we're freaks!" the teenager replies in a timid tone.

"That's the least of my concerns. I can look human, that's good enough." Angelica says as she begins to put the rest of the clothing away into her suitcase.

"But eventually you're going to run out of those and die!" the teenager says pointing at a pill bottle Angelica is reaching for. It's the medication that limits the metabolism for periods of inactivity. Without it Zanomorphs wither and die exceedingly quickly.

Angelica picks up the bottle filled with gel-capsules for a few seconds. "I'll manage." Angelica says throwing the pills into her suitcase.

"Angelica!" the teenager whimpers.

Angelica zips up her suitcase and walks over to the teenager, gently stroking the side of her face. "Ephes… Listen. I've been suspecting for a long time that these people here don't have our best interests at heart. I've come completely to terms with what they've turned us into. I do not want to die belonging to someone else, and if I have to die then I shall do it as a free woman. You understand?"

"B-But what i-if they s-send people to f-find you!?" Ephes studders.

"Tch. They won't find me. Listen Ephes, I'll be fine. And when it's your time, don't follow these assholes orders, just come looking for me. I'll be perfectly fine and have everything set up." Angelica reassures him.

"Promise?" Ephes asks.

"Promise." Angelica says as she gives Ephes a hug like you would to a family member.

"Anywho! I'm off!" Angelica pumps her fist in the air as she grabs her suitcase.

"Good luck Angelica! Stay safe!" Ephes says as she leaves the room.

"Later!" she says as she leaves the room."

"We're lost." Sam blunt states as the group travels along.

"For the last time, no we're not!" Rex says. "I've been through this area so many times that I know it just as well as my own room! We're just taking the scenic route."

"You see that engraving on the tree over there?" Sam says pointing to a "AR+SH" heart on a tree nearby.

"SH? That the Healman kid at my school god lucky?" Rex asks.


"…Was it supposed to be a left?" Rex asks himself.

"Janine can't you just transform and fly up to see what path to take?!" Sam yells at Janine.

"Last time I did that it resulted in horror film rejects chasing us." Janine says as she continues to munch on a baggie of pokemon food.

"Then just teleport us there! We've been going in circles for DAYS!" Sam pleads.

"Nonsense! Surviving harsh trails like this can only make one stronger!" Janine states in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'll teleport us when we have no food left."

"BUT WE BARELY HAVE ANY FOOD LEFT!" Sam nearly screams.

Janine simply tilts the bag in Sam's direction while nibbling on a piece.

"…No. Just no." Sam says.

Rex pipes in after thinking for a while. "OK, I may admit we're a teeny, tiny-"

"Extremely." Sam adds in.

"Bit lost." Rex continues. "But I absolutely, positively, know the route now. It's just a matter o-"

"HWAA!" an extremely loud voice can be hear gasping in surprise.

"What's that?" Sam asks.

"Someone in trouble! Come on!" Janine says as she puts her food baggie into her pocket and quickly dashes to catch up.

"I told you that I have nothing worth stealing!" Angelica says backing into a tree, her current clothing being a white t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"Oh? That so?" A bald man with a knife pointed at Angelica asks. "Then I'll just take this suitcase then since there's nothing in it worth stealing!" The man quickly reaches down and grabs Angelica's suitcase.

Angelica quickly moves in to intercept. In a heartbeat she's already over to the man and has the arm holding the suitcase grabbed.

"Leggo you bitch!" the man says stabbing the knife at her; the knife grazes the side of her arm, cutting a small gash in it.

"Ugh!" Angelica is caught off guard by the man's reaction speed and quickly steps back holding her wound. This man has a rather impressive reaction speed.

"Yea… There ya go." The man says slowly picking up the suitcase while keeping his eyes and the knife pointed at Angelica. "Don't be stupid, it ain't worth your life."

Angelica removes the hand from her wound and looks at it, showing the blood from her hand. "I'm not in a good mood now. Prepare to be reduced to ash." Angelica closes her hand, small sparks of electricity arcing around her body.

"What's going on up here!?" Rex can be heard yelling a little further down the trail.

"Gh!" the biker sorts as he puts down the suitcase and starts to run away.

"You alright!?" Janine asks as she runs up to Angelica.

"Yea, nothing's stolen. I'll be fi-" Angelica freezes as she sees Janine in front of her.

("Is this… dumb luck? No… No this is probably fate messing with me.") Angelica thinks to herself.

"Is there something on my face?" Janine asks feeling around her mouth or cheek area for any leftover food bits.

("I guess I'll play along with fate for now.") Angelica quickly regains her composure. "Oh I'm sorry! You just remind me of someone I used to know! Thanks for the hand back there."

"You don't have any pokemon with you or anything?" Rex asks skeptically. "Aside from the random muggers you could also get attacked by the wild pokemon in the area."

"Ah I'm not worried about that! I may not look like it but I can take care of myself rather easily!" Angelica boasts. "Not that I'm not thankful for your help that is."

Janine somehow doesn't buy the explanation. "If you say so… Anywho, I'm Janine Ugiasi. What's your name?"

"Angelica Weathers." Angelica says smiling as she offers a hand to Janine, who returns the same shake and smile in turn.

"Sam Yumigo, or you might know me better as the most Badass Frickin' trainer in this entire forest!" Sam boasts.

"Oh a real expert? I'm impressed!" Angelica forces herself to sound impressed, knowing from the threat assessment records that Sam really didn't even register as a threat.

Sam then turns over to Rex, who is currently studying her body with a serious face.

("Damn he's sharp.") Angelica thinks. Out of all the people in the current group, Rex ranked a close second behind Janine in terms of danger. "You like what you see?" Angelica smirks, doing a little a pose for Rex.

"Rex!" Janine warns him in a scolding tone.

"Buh?" Rex looks at Janine before putting his hands up in defense. "It's not what you think I swear!"

"So what are you doing out here?" Sam asks while Janine and Rex argue in the background.

"Me? Oh I'm just on my way to Stevenville an-"

"Do you know the way?" Sam cuts her off in midsentence.

"Extremely. I used to walk along this trail with my uncle when I was younger. But in case I get lost I also have some emergency food supplies in by suitcase." Angelica replies.

Sam grabs Angelica's hands and squeezes them tightly. "I love you." She mutters as she holds Sam's hands.

"My this is certainly sudden!" Angelica gasps. "I accept, but I have a rule! No first base until the first date!" Angelica then reaches around and hugs Sam, rubbing her cheek against Sam's.

"Hey, wa? WHAT!?" Sam says trying to pry Angelica off of her.

"Daw! They look so cute!" Janine says as she begins to laugh at the situation, Rex also joining in on the laughter.

"Yea yea fine whatever!" Sam says shaking off Angelica. "Let's just head on to the next town before we starve to death in this bloody forest!"

"Wait! Come back my love!" Angelica says picking up her suitcase and starts to gracefully prance towards Sam.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Sam says beginning to sprint away from Angelica, Rex and Janine can only laugh at this.

It is now nearing sundown, the group is now setting up tents off the side of the road.

"Are you setting up our tent?" Angelica asks Sam sweetly.

"…It is MY tent." Sam says grating her teeth. "And wheren't you all, 'only first base on the first date' earlier!?"

"We had our date. It was frolicking through the forest together while flowers bloomed around us…" Angelica says in a dreamy tone.

"IT WAS A GLOOM AND ODDISH FIELD!" Sam quickly corrects her. "I'M ALLERGIC TO THAT!"

"Close enough." Angelica shrugs.

"Hey Rex, can you go get some firewood?" Janine asks him as she finishes putting up the tent.

Rex stands up and dusts himself off. "No problem. Angelica, do you mind helping me?"

"Between the choice of a hot meal or letting my sore feet relax…" Angelica thinks for a few moments before standing up. "Hot meal it is."

"Don't take too long." Janine says while keeping busy with tent.

"Alright! Let's get some logs before it gets dark!" Angelica pumps her fist into the air energetically.

"But first we're going to have a little chat." Rex says pulling out a pistol from his jacket and pulls back the hammer so Angelica can hear the click.

"Woah woah woah! Look if Sam was your girlfriend I swear I was joking back there!" Angelica says raising her hands.

"Cut the crap. You regenerated from that cut on your arm in only a few seconds. I can only think of one thing capable of that." Rex says.

"I figured you'd be the one to find out." Angelica states bluntly. She makes a small jolt of electricity run down her body to show.

"This pistol is loaded with a dart that's designed to put down a raging Lugia." Rex states to Angelica. "I don't care how your regeneration capabilities are, but you won't be getting up from one of these for a long time."

"Look I don't want a fight." Angelica calmly replies.

"Then what are you here for? To spy on us?" Rex asks.

"I was originally tasked to knock you all out then use an Ultra ball on Janine." Angelica coldly states. "You can find both the tranquilizer and Ultra ball in my suitcase. But I wasn't going to resort to that in the first place."

"Then what? Hostage?"

"No, I just wanted to run away."


"No, it's the truth. Not every Zanomorph are cursing Rocket for what they've done to them. I'm actually perfectly happy with myself."

"Zanomorph? Rocket?"

"Zanomorphs are what we call those half-pokemon half-human hybrids that are funded by Rocket Enterprises."

"Rocket Enterprises? Why would a big business be behind this?"

"You think they tell us that? Look. All I know is that five years ago I had terminal cancer. My parents signed themselves over to them, claimed I died, and then rebuilt my body from a cellular level. It hurt like hell. I don't know if a process of me returning back to a human exists, but I'm sure as hell not going through that again. As I said, I'm happy as I am right now."

"If you're that unhappy why don't you stage a revolt? Dimriti and Zaba were incredibly strong, if you're all anywhere near his power then it should be simple to stage an escape."

"Trust me, it ain't that simple. The main base it tighter than Fort Knox with nearly five floors of turrets with APFDSR ammo and reinforced blast doors a foot thick at the very least. But that's small time compared to our biological problem. Our regeneration abilities come at a cost. Without special medication to limit our regeneration, our metabolism goes out of control and we starve to death in mere hours. We're given just enough medicine for field operations, but we constantly have to keep in touch with agents in order to keep supplied."

"Does that mean you'll be keeping in contact with them?"

"No. They considered my objective would take an extended period of time. So I have enough medication to last me about a month."

"Then why did you run into us?"

"Pure luck. I was on my way to some other pharmaceutical company. I was going to strike a deal and pray they could reverse engineer my medication before I ran out."

Rex remains silent for a few moments, digesting the information that Angelica has been feeding him. It sounds like something out of a conspiracy theorists nut blog, but it does shed light on these half-pokemon freaks.

"How can I trust you?" Rex asks.

"In the moment you hesitated back there I could've transformed, disarmed you, and then have your arm broken in three different places. But I didn't. I told you I don't want to fight. You'll just have to take my word on that it's the honest to god truth." Angelica states.

Rex sighs as he turns on the safety for the weapon. "Fine, I'll trust you for now."

"Well thank god that's over!" Angelica says letting her arms down. "But look, do you mind keeping this little secret between you and mean for now?"

"What for?" Rex asks, hand still on the gun.

"Trust me when I say I'm very scared of your little Lugia friend back at camp. I don't want to have a fist in my mouth as a reflex action the very moment I tell her what I just told you." Angelica states.

"Well… She does have anger management issues." Rex says looking down at his weapon. "It's why her Father gave me this."

"Right! And I won't tell her about that little gun you have there with you!" Angelica smiles happily.

"…Deal." Rex says after hesitating for a moment. He knows if Janine found out about this, she'd most likely feel betrayed and wouldn't talk to him for weeks.

A few days later, the branch leader of Team Rocket is inside of his office, doing paperwork under a single lamp on his desk.

"Excuse me sir." A man with a black beret salutes upon entering the room.

"I'm busy." The Leader says continuing to sign his paperwork.

"I'm sorry sir, but it's about Agent Angelica." The man replies.

The Leader stops signing his paperwork and looks up at the man. "Continue."

"We… Haven't received any reports from her in nearly 81 hours since she left, we've also completely lost contact with her." The man says, brow sweating.

"Hm. Hm." The Leader says nodding slightly as he puts his cap back on his pen. "Remind me again why you still work for me?"

"I'm… Sorry sir. I'll clean off my desk after my report." The man says saluting before leaving the room.

The Leader reaches over and pressed a button on the intercom on his desk. "Aphis, get me one of the projects who knew Fire-32 and send them to my office. After please find me a security chief who can actually keep track of our agents."

"Certainly sir." The voice on the intercom replies before the Leader goes back to signing his papers.

"L-l-look I'm sorry!" Ephes studders as he's being led down the hall at gunpoint and handcuffs by two Rocket thugs still in his hospital gown. "I won't take an extra p-pudding at lunch next ti-time! P-please let-et me g-go!"

The thugs lead Ephes to the directors door, after inputting a code to open the door. As it fwips open the guards poke him inside with their rifles. The Leader is sitting at his desk with his hands folded over the lower part of his face.

"I SWEAR TO GOD! I'LL NEVER STEAL ANOTHER PUDDING RATION SO LONG AS I LIVE!" Ephes says shaking so hard that he's about to wet himself.

"There are more important things to worry about than punishing you for stealing food rations." The Leader says. "I'm here to talk to you about Fire-32."

Ephes stops babbling for a moment. "Angelica? W-what about her?"

"W-what about her?" Ephes studders.

"We've lost all contact with her ever since she left the base. She has skipped two scheduled contact meetup times and is officially MIA." The Leader says.

Ephes face goes wide for fear of the worst case scenario. "Then that Ugiasi gi-"

"No. We do not thing they have fought. None of our satellites have picked up massive psionic activity or fire from the Pippy Forest, her last confirmed location." The Leader says. "I heard from various other projects that both you and Angelica got along quite well."

Ephes sighs in relief but barely has time before the Leader puts more pressure on him. "Well… We-"

"I'll cut to the chase. What did she say her plan was?" The Leader asks.

Ephes begins to mutter in a barely audible tone. "S-she said th-"

"Speak up." The Leader bluntly states.

"S-She said that she was running away from this place!" Ephes quickly spills his guts.

"Did she tell you her reasoning for this?" The Leader asks.

Ephes just simply stares down at the floor. The Leader nods motions his head to one of the guards. The guard to the right of Ephes slams his rifle but into Ephes's stomach. Ephes gags and collapses to one knee.

"I think I can tell you. She plans to sign herself to some pharmaceutical company. Am I correct?" The Leader asks.

Ephes can do nothing but remain on the floor, vision going blurry due to tears.

"Take him away." The Leader says to the guards before activating his intercom. "Aphis, tell Strike Team Gamma that they have a new assignment."

"NO! THEY'LL KILL HER!" Ephes says lifting his head, tears still in his eyes.

"Not my concern." The Leader says grabbing a small pile of paperwork on his desk.

The guards reach down and grab the struggling Ephes by the arms. "LET ME GO! I KNOW ALL OF ANGELICA'S TACTICS! SHE TOLD ME THEM EVERY NIGHT BEFORE LIGHTS OUT! I CAN FIND HER!" The guards have enough of his struggling and hit him in the stomach with the rifle butt again.

Upon hearing this the Leader raises his hand at the guard. "Wait. Let him speak."

"Guh-guh! I said I can find her!" Ephes says. "Every night before lights out we always talked about our day, and she told me all the tricks she used to hide! I know them off by heart! You don't need to send Gamma in to kill her! I can bring her back alive!"

The Leader sits back in his chair; the silence in the room seems to go on for hours while he thinks.

"Fine. Your objective will be to locate Fire-32 and incapacitate her for extraction. Under no circumstances are you to engage Ugiasi or Rexel as you do not stand a chance against either of them. Is that clear?" The Leader asks.

"Y-Yes sir!" Ephes says ecstatically.

"You'll leave immediately. Contact the base every 12 hours. If you are 10 minutes then Gamma will be dispatched." The Leader turns to the guards. "Bring him down to be equipped."

The guards nod as they bring Ephes to his feet and escort him out of the room.

("I'm sorry Angelica… But this is for your own good…") Ephes thinks to himself as he is escorted.

"OH THANK GOD!" Sam falls to her knees as she stares at the clearing in front of her. "WE'RE FINALLY OUT!"

"You're welcome! As a reward you can treat me to a triple Choco-burst Sunday!" Angelica smiles.

"I don't have the kind of money for that!" Angelica protests.

"Oh right, you were too busy watching your Houndours but kicked by the trainers in the woods." Angelica smirks.

"Those Revives are expensive you know." Rex adds in.


"You've got to learn how to approach differently. Remember Ember has a pretty wide area of effect. Even if it is fairly weak, a Beedrill can go down easily due to the type advantage. Once the wings are burnt then they're toast." Angelica states.

"Wow… That's actually pretty knowledgeable. Here I thought that you didn't know a thing about Training." Janine replies.

"Na. Brother specialized in training fire types. So I know the ins and outs of most fire type moves." Angelica says. "Well since we're out of the forest it's only another half-day hike to Stevensville."

"This route is also a popular Trainer spot. After the blitz you subjected your pokemon though today I think it'd be best to set up camp here for the night and just take it easy." Rex suggests.

"I agree. Atrimus has been awake in a total of three battles today. I'd rather not push him any harder." Janine says as she looks for a good campsight.

"I swear someday you'll need to get Dratini straightened out." Rex rolls his eyes. "A good camp site's over here."

"And now we add nutmeg!" Angelica says tapping some spice into a pot over a campfire.

"Wow. Not only are you a good navigator but you're also a talented chef!" Janine says with amazement.

"Unlike a certain SOMEONE." Sam says leering at Rex.

"I'll have you know MRE's are very healthy for you!" Rex says eating his MRE in his tent.

"And taste like a Taurus rear end…" Sam adds.

A small rustle manages to catch Angelica's attention. The hair shaped like fox ears on her head perk up.

Angelica's mind begins to buzz with answers. ("Size large. Humanoid about 86 kilos. Damnit, I think they're on to me.")

"And now the final stage of this requires LOTS of heat!" Angelica says putting the lid back on the pot. "I'm going to head into the forest and get some more firewood."

"But we have quite a bit here." Janine grabs a piece of firewood.

"No! This has to be some wood that burns quickly with high heat! Otherwise the flavor will be all wrong!" Angelica says standing up.

"Fine fine! Anything to make this taste better!" Sam says staring at the pot with her mouth watering.

"I'll be back before you know it!" Angelica smiles as she heads off in the forest.

Angelica continues to make her way through the forest, making sure she's as far away from the campsite as possible. "You can come out now." Angelica bluntly states.

Ephes leaps down from the tree he was in. He's wearing some civilian clothes. "Angelica! Thank god you're alright!"

Angelica goes wide eyed in shock. "Ephes!? What are you doing here!?"

"Angelica! I've come to bring you back to the base!" Ephes tells her.

"Damnit Ephes. I expected them to send someone but you of all people…" Angelica facepalms while rubbing her forehead.

"But Angelica! You've got to come back! You've REALLY made them angry this time!" Ephes pleads.

"I told you, I'm not going back."

"But they're going to send Gamma after you if you don't!" Ephes warns.

"Which will do nothing as they won't find me nor will they attack so long as I'm with Ugiasi." Angelica states.


"Grow a spine Ephes!" Angelica barks back. "I am well aware of my capabilities and the capabilities of the Gamma Team! They're just scare tactic they use to keep us in line and you're falling for it! Open your eyes!"

Ephes is about to say something, but quickly closes his mouth and hangs his head. "Angelica… You've always helped look after me all these years… Doing what was best for me…"

Angelica's face softens up a little upon seeing this. "Ephes… I-"

"Now it time for me return the favor!" Sparks of electricity fly across Ephes's body to match the lightning in his eyes before a bright burst of light covers his body. When the burst clears, a red furred humanoid stands around flaming bits of clothing floating in the air. It has dull orange hair on top of his head while the chest is covered in the same dull orange fur and a dull orange tail comes out the back. Large ears rest on top of its head while the charcoal black eyes burn with passion. "This time I'm going to do what is best for you!"

"Stop this Ephes." Angelica sternly warns him.

"I don't want to do this either! But either way I'm NOT leaving without you!" Ephes tells her.

Angelica hangs her head and sighs, sparks forming around her. "I'm sorry it had to come to this." Angelica is quickly engulfed in a burst of light just like Ephes, but when Ephes regain's his vision he can see that Angelica is no longer standing where she once was.

"That's not going to work Angelica! I know you far too well!" Ephes shouts out around the trees. He quickly spins around, spikes coming out from his tail and flying towards the leaves of nearby tree.

A figure quickly darts out of the tree and darts towards Ephes in a blur, claws aimed directly for the throat. Ephes quickly explodes into his own similar burst of speed. Charging towards the figure and quickly shifting his entire weight into the blow. A shark crack is heard as the blur is hit and rolls to the ground, but by the time Ephes turns around the blur is now no longer on the ground.

"Angelica please! Stop this!" Ephes says yelling into the trees again. "I only want to keep you safe!"

"I don't want to hear that from you!" Angelica shouts back, Ephes unable to pinpoint the voice.

Ephes then hears a sharp crack. He rushes over to the tree he heard it in and gives it a devastating kick, causing the whole thing to topple over. Angelica is one step ahead of him and leaps out of the tree doing a flip in the air. She quickly charges at Ephes again with her figure a blur.

With speed Ephes quickly closes the distance to her again and weaves out of the way from one claw swipe from Angelica. Before she can recover, Ephes quickly grabs the back of her head with his hands and slams his knee directly into her face, full force. Angelica reacts by quickly moving her forehead into his knee before it can build up power then launches herself back in the air. Leaves from the tree begin to spin around Ephes blocking his view, and by the time he can make a minor heat wave to burn them all, Angelica is gone yet again.

"We can do this all day Angelica! But we already know the outcome! I'm going to win! I'm going to bring to back to base and from now I'll be the one protecting you!" Ephes yells out of the trees again.

Angelica bites her lips gently. Ephes has a point. He was trained for full on direct combat. Normally Angelica would be able to hold her own ground with sneak attacks, but Ephes knows her far too well. She needs to end this in one shot, and she knows just the technique for it.

A bright flash lights up the area, forcing Ephes to close and cover his eyes. Angelica then drops down from the tree, splitting into multiple copies which all begin to rush towards Ephes. A Giga Impact should be able to one shot him. She brings her hand back to her momentum to add to the attack.

Just as the attack is about to land Ephes seems to effortlessly weave to the side. Angelica has all of a half a second to realize she has missed before the massive blow impacts her upper body. A searing pain flows through her body just as the tears flow from Ephes's eyes.

Angelica is sent flying and slams into a tree. She slowly begins to slump down. ("Damnit! My arm and shoulder blade is shattered! How did he see through that technique!?") She curses to herself in pain.

"I'm so sorry Angelica… That hurt me a lot more than it hurt you…" Ephes says walking towards Angelica. "Now come on. Let's head home. Alex and Orson both miss you as well."

Angelica sighs as she hangs her head. ("I guess it's my fate to live in chains. But that's alright… As long as Ephes can live up to his promise I'm sure I'll be alright…")

"Ahem." A voice behind Ephes coughs.

Ephes freezes in shock. He slowly begins to turn around. What meets his gaze are Janine, Rex with his Flygon, and Sam. All of them looking fairly ticked off.

"NO! NO YOU'RE NOT TAKING AWAY ANGELICA!" Ephes says as he charges towards Janine.

"EPHES DON'T!" Angelica barks out in warning.

Ephes's advance is sluggish, still forcing his body to move after channeling that powerful technique. Janine quickly spin kicks in place, her foot connecting to Ephes's head. The force is so powerful that Ephes is sent sprawling along the ground. He slams into a tree quite a distance away.

Janine is about to move in for the final before Rex puts his hand in front to stop Janine. Janine sees this and steps back.

"Sandy. Hyper beam." Rex snaps his fingers directly towards the injured Ephes.

The Flygon rears her head back, an orange ball of energy collecting in her mouth.

"STOP IT!" Angelica begs with her eyes filled with tears, but it's in vein as Rex can't understand her in her current form.

"Fire." Rex coldly orders.

The beam flies from the Flygon's mouth towards Ephes. As it impacts the tree a large explosion rocks the forest. Splinters and dirt are sent flying everywhere, Janine and Sam cover their eyes, but Rex just continues to stare at the blast area.

As the smoke from the area clears, the only thing left in area is a smoking crater. Leaves fall from the forest gently as Angelica watches the area where Ephes once stood with utter horror.

"…Holy crap…" Sam mutters in amazement.

"YOU!" Angelica says stumbling towards Rex. "YOU MONSTER!" Even though she's barely managing to stand, she throws a punch at Rex.

Rex has more than enough time to easily catch the fist that Angelica throws. She's so weak than even he can block her punches.

"YOU KILLED HIM! YOU ACTUALLY WENT OFF AND KILLED HIM!" Angelica screams in rage, blinded by both rage and the tears in her eyes. She takes back her fist and once again throws another punch.

Rex calmly blocks her punch and throws it back at Angelica before pointing upwards to a nearby tree. "He's still alive."

Angelica quickly spins around. Out of the corner of her eye she can see some figure carrying off an unconscious Ephes.

Angelica is too overcome with joy to pursue after the figure. She merely just falls down to her knees staring slack jawed at the figure's last location.

"Sandy's Hyper beam isn't strong enough to vaporize one of your kind." Rex says putting jacket over Angelica's shoulders.

"Where did he take him?" Angelica asks.

"We don't know. All we know is that twice he appeared so far and stops us from killing your kind like that." Janine replies.

Angelica hangs her head down in thought. She was the peak of battle awareness back there and so was Ephes, yet neither of them detected this guy. This guy had to be good, very good to pull something like that off. As much as she wants to chase after him right now, she knows that her condition makes it impossible.

"I want to join you." Angelica says out loud. "If I stick around you, then there is no doubt that guy will come back so long as they keep sending Zanomorphs."

"She said that she wants to join us because that ninja guy will come back for the other Zanomorphs." Janine translates for the rest of the group.

"Zanomorph?" Sam asks in a confused tone.

"They're those freaks that Rocket keeps sending after us." Rex states. "I had a little chat with Angelica about this a few days ago. She's cast off her old ties and wants to escape."

"I don't have any problem letting us join you under the condition that we have a little chat once your arm has healed up." Janine squats in front of Angelica and offers her a hand.

"I can't leave you guys alone. Otherwise you'll be eating MRE's and getting lost for years a time." Angelica smiles as she accepts her hand, Janine quickly helps her to her feet.

"Now since that's settled, let's head back to camp and eat!" Sam rubs her hands together.

"Uh oh… It wasn't supposed to sit that long…" Angelica realizes.

"What did she say?" Sam asks Janine.

"Nothing." Janine as she helps Angelica walk.