A/N-I don't own the Hunger Games.

He regretted killing her he thought as he ran, she was...mean sure she was a cold hearted killer, but there was something between them, hands held under tables, glance from across the room, they both new that if it was between them, what would happen, they'd kill each other with ought a thought.
Yet he still cherished the moments they had spent in hidden rooms, talking, holding hands, being normal.
She'd once said that if she wasn't a career, she'd have no chance, that it was all down to Cato how well she could fight, he'd taught her everything, you'd been surprised, and she was obviously embarrassed, the fact that she had, had help as she'd ran out, and hadn't said goodbye.
You had both spoken just before the games, and the last thing she had said was 'stay out of my way, I can't kill you, but if you come near us, I'll leave you to Cato.'
You realised that she had done just that, she had left you too him, you had weaved in and out of the fields, when you found an enclosed archway, just big enough for you to fit in, you hid and opened your satchel, it was two daggers, you looked at Cato's, inside was armour, to protect him,.
You freeze when you here rustling, clutching the daggers in your hands, you doubt they will hold of Cato for long, but there a start, you stand and leave the archway.
Cato's there, you can see the tears in his eyes, and it's because of Clove, everything was because of Clove, Cato had been insanely in love with her, and to be honest she had liked him too, she had played them both, they were, practically protection...until of course you killed her.
You and Cato both lunge at another, slashing and hitting, there's blood everywhere and you know you're giving the Capitol a good show, you slash the daggers across Cato's arms and legs, and he stabs at you, catching your arms with his sword, you drop the daggers.
You fall on your back, and you know that you are dead, Cato will kill you, probably very painfully, he looks at you, "Why, why did you kill her?"
You look at him and the tears are running down his face you shake your head "It's the Hunger Games Cato, that's what you do; besides she killed a little girl, a girl who was like my sister." Cato shakes his head "She didn't, Marvel killed her, Clove had nothing to do with it!" and you freeze, you open your mouth to speak but Cato's on you in a second ".anything." and the sharp metals enters you and the darkness overcomes you, then you're gone, but not before you can whisper one last word "Clove..."

You're on the Cornucopia, and the district 12 tributes are with you, the girl aims arrows at the mutts, and all you can do is stare at one, with her eyes, brown, dark, dark brown, which always softened when she saw him, and before anyone can stop him, not like they would, he drops, and lands in the mutts, letting them take him.
It goes on longer than you expected the armour does not help, only makes it worse but you never let your eyes waver from hers, though your sure that it's an illusion, that there not really hers but it's all you have so you hang onto it, you notice Glimmer and Marvels eyes in the pack as well.
All this makes you hurt even more, you remember meeting up in rooms, talking about strategies, laughing being normal the word seems to have no meaning anymore, not for a boy being torn to pieces, not for you.
You look at the girl, and mouth a word "Help" then it's over, and you can finallybe with Clove, because that's all you really wanted.

A/N:meh, this didn't really turned out as I wanted but oh well, if you read leave a review please .