Ciao to all you bastards reading this,

My Boss and that bastart Spagna have decided I should try to learn how to "control my temper" and "reach out, and get along with people". So yea whatever they decided it was a good idea for me to receive letters and answer them on here, maybe even help people with their problems and stuff. Not like i give a shit about any of your problems. So send your letters, questions, or whatever you idiots want and ill consider answering them.

Romano, S. Italy


AN: decided to jump on the bandwagon for these "Letters to..." thing. I'm doing one for Spain too, cause i want to practice my rp skills as him... but i also wanted to do one for Romano, since i want to get more into his character for an RP i started, and for my future cosplay plans as him... so bear with me.

I know theres a few of these out there... i've only read the "Letters to Norway" and "Letters to a Scotsman" (they are so damn long), but please send in letters and bear with me.

ALL CHARACTERS OPEN. OC Nations, Capitals, States, etc... available.