Hi Hungary!

How's you? Listen/Read, I got me some Yaoi pics I took with my camera! Who knew that Little Italy's curl made him go all Yaoi...well Germany knows now ;D Sweet Italy all grown up...

From Azerbajin

P.S: Got a spare frying pan? I need to beat up France again.

P.P.S: See you at the next meeting!

Hey Azerbajin!

I'm good, though annoyed at Gil since he broke into my house... Again! He's passes out now since I seem to have hit him to hard with my frying pan... Oh well he deserved it~

Send me the pictures! That way I can add them to my "GerIta" file, with all the other pictures/videos I've managed to get of them.

Little Italy has grown up so fast... I remember when he used to be here, and Roderich though he was a girl making him wear some of my old dresses. Maybe I should convince to wear one again, I'm sure Germany would like that!

Nice to hear from you,


P.S. I put one of my extra ones in the letter, hope it turns out to be useful!

P.P.S. See you then!