Summary: When two young human boys wake up to find themselves stranded in a wasteland of another world, they're curiously terrified, but when those young boys are expected to restore that world, they learn what it truly means to stand up for what you believe in as they face each other, the world around them, and growing up.


If you checked to see who the characters are, you're most likely scratching your head right now. Oikawa and Gennai? What a strange combination! Well nothing is strange in an AU fic.

Actually, I've worked out a way for this to be canon, but that won't make sense for quite awhile.

As kids, these two haven't yet grown into the (in)famous characters we know today. This is the story of how they grew up to become who they are.

Ko and Kio

Beeping and bright lights. That was all he remembered.


The smell escaped him at the moment, but he knew it wasn't a good one; it was similar to the stench of his grandfather's nursing home or the tree at the park where his mother assured him the squirrel had only been sleeping.


There were many voices, all intertwining and dancing around each other. If he tried really hard, he could have made a song out of them, but his head was much too congested for that. His mind was already working rapidly to comprehend the bright lights overhead, the shuffling footsteps, the hushed voices, the tugging, the occasional hug that only made him warmer than he already was.


All of his thoughts would dissipate for a moment while the beeping controlled everything. You'd think he'd be used to it by now, but every time it's as though his whole mind blinks.


Recently, it's been beeping more. He wasn't quite sure if its speed had picked up days or seconds ago, but it was quickening.


And the voices got closer and louder and more panicked, but he couldn't make any of them out with the beeping background.

Beep, beep, beep

Someone stood over him, blocking the bright lights, but they still didn't go away; he still saw the lights. They had voices too. They were calling him over.

But he could still hear the intertwining voices that were so familiar.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

Impact. Pressure on his already weak form. It tingled but didn't distract him from the lights that grew brighter and more welcoming with every beep that quietly faded into the background.

As the noise behind faded out, he tried to find security in the still bright lights, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't move.

More pressure came his way, tingle was barely a spark. It felt like nothing compared to the force of the first. Any warmth or pressure he felt waned out of him.

He couldn't hear the beeps, couldn't feel any pressure, and suddenly the bright lights left him alone in total darkness.


A droplet caressed his forehead, rolled down his cheek and off his chin. The cool water was relaxing on his skin that had previously been burning up.

Though conscious, he didn't move and kept his eyes closed for the longest time. After all of the blinding brightness, he wasn't going to deny himself a few more moments of peaceful darkness.

He worked his way down his body, flexing each joint in turn. By the time he got to his toes, he was reenergized. He didn't recall why, but he had been denied the small miracle of stretching for so long.

He finally opened his eyes to meet not a stunning white but a dull, gray sky. Whether it was completely covered in clouds or actually that color he couldn't tell. Looking slightly more upward he caught sight of a giant leaf that had captured water droplets. The leaf, along with the rest of the mismatched trees and shrubs, appeared lifeless despite their upright nature. Maybe it had to do with the sky dulling everything, but all of the spirit had been sucked out of the area.

He pushed himself up and onto his wobbly feet. He fought to gain his balance after lying down for so long and even reached for the leaf for support, not that it would've been a big help.

He brushed the gray-ish dirt off of himself and briefly wondered why he wasn't scared. He had no idea where he was or what was going on yet he was just ready to go with the flow; that was the nature of the boy.

He didn't enjoy conflict, wasn't a big fan of fighting back when you could let everyone else make the call. Besides, he was only a kid, barely twelve years old; he could leave the big decisions to the bigger people.

He stumbled a few yards down the closest thing to a path he could find, where some bushes had been previously flattened. That should've clued him in that he wasn't alone, but he was nothing less than shocked when out of nowhere a figure burst out from behind a tree.

"Hi there!"

"Aaaughh!" He exclaimed stumbling backwards and tripping over a tree root. He looked up to see another boy staggering over him, a cheerful smile on his face.

"Did I scare you? Sorry! I was just so excited to find someone else! I've been alone here for quite awhile." For a brief moment, a frown crossed his face, but he quickly reacquired his upbeat tune. "My name's Yukio Oikawa, but you can call me Kio. I like that better. Yukio is so formal, and it's what they call me, so what's your name?"

"Uh…" He was at a loss for words. This had been so unexpected, and he wasn't very good under pressure… or any social situation really.

He got up to his feet and now at the same level, could tell Kio was about half a head taller with eyes darker in color yet more bright in emotion. His hair was jet black in sharp contrast to his ivory skin. His nose, along with the rest of his body, was narrow.

The difference in personality and looks made the other boy very self-conscious as he thought of his chestnut eyes and sandy hair, his short stature and reserved nature.

"Do you have a name or what?" Kio asked, his attention quickly waning.

"…Kota, Kota Gennai," he spit out.

"Hey, my eyes are up here," he indicated by placing a hand to the top of Kota's head and tilting it upward. The other was shocked by the sudden, unfearful touch.

Kota's eyes met Kio's, and he nodded contently. "Great, now we met! Let's go, Ko!"

"…Ko? But my name…" Kota questioned.

"I know, but I like Ko better. Ko and Kio: it has a nice ring to it!" And with that, Kio went trotting down the path, leaving Kota to stumble after.

Now, I'm not making you guys do anything, but I'd like to point out that I've planned out a decently sized fic, and my attention span isn't that great, so if you did want to see more of this you better let me know!

Thanks for taking the time to read!