Direct continuation of the first chapter

Virus, vaccine, or data will be very important in this fic. I apologize if I ever get any wrong, but I kind of doubt people know which one every digimon is. Stereotypically, virus is bad and the other two are good.

"Slowpoke!" Kio taunted once Kota caught up to him. The latter was panting and had his hands to his knees. "That's what you get for being such a twig; you're outta shape!"

Kota would've taken offense if it weren't for the good natured pat on the back that followed the statement and his added, "But I'm not really one to talk."

Kio finally took the time to look around at the area surrounding them, a vast meadow that was just as dull as the woods they had come from, but unlike the woods, the meadow wasn't exactly lifeless.

"Get out of my way!" A gruff voice ordered from behind. Something plowed past the two and they were shocked to come face to face with:

"A talking dog!" Kio exclaimed and back pedaled a few steps. He tried to duck down behind Kota, but his height ruined that.

The owner of the gruff voice, a red dog-like creature with pointed ears, stood on two feet with its front claws resting on its hips. "Whatever a dog is, it probably don't hang around here. I'm an Elecmon if you hadn't noticed." The creature talked as if it were obvious, but only received a curious gaze from Kota and a frightened stare from Kio.

"What are you?" The self-proclaimed Elecmon asked while circling the two boys down on all fours. It sniffed at Kio's tennis shoes, and he yelped.

"Don't eat them!" he pleaded.

"You think I'd want to eat your stinky feet?" Elecmon wrinkled its nose and circled back to stand in front of them. "Now tell me who you are before I have to kick you out!"

Kota received a sharp poke in the back and an encouraging nod from Kio to talk. He found it amusing that the loud, outgoing child he'd just met was rendered speechless.

The sandy-haired boy took a deep breath. He was always bad with first impressions. He shakily introduced, "My name's Kota, and this is Kio."

Elecmon leaned in towards Kota who in turn leaned back causing Kio to lean with him. "You aren't virus digimon by any chance?"

"What's a digimon?" Kio piped having seemingly found his voice, but he instantly regretted it once Elecmon faced him.

"What's a digimon?" The creature repeated incredulously getting back up on two legs. "Me, you, everything that talks and walks is a digital monster!"

"Digital…" Kota muttered to himself.

"M-monster?" Kio stuttered.

"Yessiree, now come on, spit it out: Data, virus, or vaccine? I'm a data myself," he finished with perhaps a little too much pride.

Kio inched his way out from behind Kota and answered, "We're, uh, human."

Elecmon cocked his head then put all four paws on the ground and again sniffed the two. "Human? You can't be human. Only the Creator is… is human, but I ain't ever seen a human before so maybe…"

As Elecmon continued to sniff, an anguished cry was heard in the woods the boys had come from. At the noise, Kota took off running leaving the others to lag behind.

"Hey, Ko, slow down!" called Kio, but Kota was much too focused to comply.

He ran several meters into the woods before stopping in a small clearing filled with shrubs and fallen branches. The trees in this area looked especially weak and just standing under them would've made Kota nervous if he wasn't so intent on finding the source of the cry.

Kio finally caught up to him and panted, "Why did you run?"

"I thought someone needed help," he defended while still scanning the area.

"Up here!" A high-pitched, somewhat scratchy voice called causing the boys' attention to go to the trees above. Sure enough, hanging on a limb was the source, a small, pink mouse with a black spot encircling his left eye.

"It's another one!" Kio pointed out with evident fear.

"Are you alright?" Kota called urgently.

"Yes, I'm dangling by choice, to build upper body strength," the creature answered sarcastically while his grip slipped on the branch until he was hanging by only a finger.

Just then, Elecmon strolled into the clearing uninterested by the commotion. "What's going on here?" he asked casually before catching sight of the mouse. His gaze instantly sharpened accompanied by a lower and more hostile tone. "What is Chuumon doing here?"

"Just hanging around!" Chuumon exclaimed as his fingers slipped. His small form went plummeting to the ground and a wave of pure panic swept over him. He felt the wind rush around him while his eyes squeezed tight. He braced himself.

But he never made it to the ground. Snatched from the air, gentle hands cradled him. After a moment, he let out a breath he hadn't known he was ever holding in.

Chuumon sprang to the ground and looked back up at Kota. "Y-you saved me," he stated shakily.

Kota was just as awestruck. "I only did what was right."

"Shoulda let him fall." They all turned to face the owner of the harsh words, Elecmon.

"What'd he ever do to you?" Kio reasoned. No matter how much he feared these creatures, he knew letting one fall to his doom wasn't fair.

"His kind has done plenty." He approached Chuumon. "You rotten virus! What're you doing on our land?"

Still cradled in Kota's arms and appearing very weak, Chuumon spoke with as much snarkiness as he could muster. "Today was just so nice that I wasn't in the mood to starve. Too bad there's no food in our area."

"That's not my problem," Elecmon growled, "We're got enough mouths to feed."

Kio interrupted, "But the only, uh, digimon I've seen are you two."

Elecmon faced Kio. The human felt a momentary wave of fear but calmed himself quickly. Elecmon explained, "There are plenty of data digimon just like me who live on this land. Why, I've been hosting a whole herd of baby digimon that can't take care of themselves! Unfortunately, there's a lot of virus digimon too who should-" a pointed look to Chuumon- "be on their side of the woods."

"These woods separate everyone?" Kota frowned slightly.

Elecmon nodded. "Yep they do their job well as does everyone else. I care for baby data digimon well and viruses fend for themselves and steal from us and the vaccines well."

"I'm sorry, alright?" Chuumon pleaded, "I'll never steal anything ever again if you just feed me this one time?"

The other digimon's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "…Fine, one meal courtesy of me and the babies for the three of ya but after that, you're on your own."

"Great! I'm starving!" Kio exclaimed.

"No kidding," Chuumon grumbled as Kota studied his poor, weak form. Every rib was visible, and his short, pink fur was ruffled and torn. Whatever was going on with the viruses, it couldn't be good.

When Elecmon met them, I was so close to making a Takato-mon style joke…

There was a lot of info in this chapter, so I thought this would be a good place to stop.

Thanks for reading!