Chapter 2
Nina Martin woke from her strange dream, she found herself in an upright position after opening her eyes. She was confused, but not only because of what happened in the dream, but why she got it in the first place. Nina then assumed that it was a chosen one thing, it had to be. She then glanced at Amber, who was muttering about the latest fashion mishaps in her sleep.
After getting ready for breakfast, Nina told Amber to have a Sibuna meeting later that day, for all Sibuna members, even new ones, in other words, Eddie. Nina didn't like having Eddie in Sibuna, even if he was the Osirion, it didn't change his rational nature. "Can you pass the milk?" Nina asked Patricia. Patricia did so but not before asking:
"you all right Nina?" she asked, and then looked at her for one scrutinizing second. "You don't seem completely there, if you know what I mean."
"yes Patricia I'm fine, just tired that's all"
School droned by, one horrible class followed by a worse one. The dream still plagued her mind, making it impossible to focus on anything else. But that wasn't the only thing bothering her, what of she and Eddie were supposed to be together? She visibly shook, that didn't seem right. Nina had absolutely no attraction to Eddie, physical or mental. She wondered how this same thought effected Fabian and Patricia, probably twice the effect it had on her.
Suddenly she heard a familiar voice from behind her, Nina turned around to see a girl with brown hair, a splash of freckles on her nose and cheek area and a zit that hid behind her dark eyebrow. She parted her hair like Patricia, but hers had some visible curls in it, she looked about 13.
"you alright? You kinda had a miny seizure." The girl said, her voice sprang alarms in Nina's brain but she ignored them.
"yeah, sorry. Just having trouble shaking something outa my head" Nina replied, trying to throw off the girl, so she could return to her thoughts.
"Well if you can't get rid of it, it's probably something important." The girl walked over to Nina, plopping herself onto the couch in the student lounge.
"Well, it's nice too meet you Nina Martin. I'm Laura Flemming, but you can call me Laura or Flemming and when necessary Laura Flemming." Laura said the last sentence raising her eyebrows, and then she winked. She smirked at Nina then walked away. Before Nina could even ask how she knew her name, sighing, Nina made her way to her last class, science.
After class she walked to Anubis house. Thinking about the girl, she was certainly assertive, but at the same time their meeting seemed cut short. Nina felt the need to learn more about Laura Flemming. Maybe she did that on purpose, Nina thought, or maybe she simply gave that impression on people. She stalked to the house in a rush, her mind muddled even more than when she left.
AN: This is really a place holder chapter so I don't sell my story short. Anyway, I ship all canon couples except for Amfie, but I'll put it in anyway. But keep in mind about Eddie and Nina, the Osirion and Chosen one relationship is like one between brother and sister. But siblings don't always get along do they?