(A.N. Thanks, everyone, who reviewed! This chapter is dedicated to MeiMeiAru8 and will feature Wales (Gwydion Kirkland). I've always imagined the UK being siblings, so they will all have the same last name. Remember to keep reviewing so I'll keep writing! There will be a new set of countries at the bottom AN to vote on, and remember, the first one who reviews with a new country gets the next chapter dedicated to them and the country they pick will be in their chapter!)
Standard Disclaimers Apply
October 31st. Halloween. Traditionally known as the one day where the barriers of the human world and the spirit world are thin and all sorts of magical beings travel to the human world to pick on the living. It was a time of mischief, for both the humans and countries. This Halloween was no exception. The party was held at America's house, since his was the biggest one where the weather wasn't atrociously cold. (*cough*Russia*cough*) The Italy brothers had done their work (decorating) well. America's house in Virginia was decked out in all sorts of seasonal awesome. Of course, the basement of Alfred's house was the "haunted" part where they would tell their stories was decorated as well. Feliciano and Lovino had strewn dead leaves on the stairway going down, so that the sound of rustling leaves would be the first unsettling thing they experienced. The second was some damp seaweed that they had strung up at the bottom of the stairs. When the unsuspecting countries came downstairs, they would be creeped out by the sound of leaves where no leaves should normally be, and feel cold, wet "fingers" reaching from the ceiling. This was going to be good...
Before the party, the world had decided that since Halloween started in the UK, one of them would start off. So, the Kirkland siblings were arguing about who would tell their stories first. Ireland wanted to go first, because Halloween originated in Ireland. England wanted to go first because London was the most haunted capital city in the world. Scotland wanted to go first because with all the bloodshed in his past, there was no wonder why his house was haunted. And Wales wanted to go first because his ghost stories were the creepiest (in his opinion). After a shouting match and a whispered conversation, Ireland agreed that Wales was pretty creepy, and nobody really wanted to invoke some weird Gaelic curse against them, so it was decided. Wales would go first. As the sun fell in the sky, Alfred started to get more and more jumpy, Ivan's smile got wider and wider, and Gwydion was getting more and more excited. He was going to totally freak out the others, and he would be telling the ghost stories next year.
When it was around 8:00, the sun had almost set and there was a bloody color in the sky, everyone started to head in the direction of the stairs heading down to the basement. Alfred jumped ahead, saying "The hero will go first to protect the others!" Identical mischievous grins erupted onto the Italy brothers faces as the "hero" let out a girly scream when he got to the bottom and came racing back up again. "AAAAHHH! There's some kind of finger-y slimy icky thingy down there!" Alfred's face was white as a sheet. Feliciano and Lovino's faces were the shade of a freshly picked tomato from suppressed laughter. As Alfred babbled on about creepiness and why the hell hadn't he noticed his basement was haunted before Lovino couldn't help it anymore. He burst out laughing and soon both he and his brother were rolling on the floor. "You should've seen your face! You looked like a ghost yourself!" they managed to choke out in between laughter. After they calmed Alfred down from wanting to punch the Italy brothers, Feliciano explained about the wet seaweed, which brought a smile to many a country's face. "Well, shall we brave the unknown, Alfred?" Arthur teased. With a grin, Alfred pushed Arthur down first. When he didn't come back up like Alfred did, the other nations headed downstairs. Once Alfred had calmed down a bit, they started to tell the ghost stories.
"Well, in 1100 the Princess Nest of Carew Castle was married to Gerald of Windsor, who was one of the bigwigs of Wales at the time. She was faithful to her husband and bore him five children, but that's not the point. In 1109, Gerald won a few great battles and to celebrate, he had a giant party at Carew Castle. Now, at that party, there was Nest's cousin, Owain. During the course of the feast, Owain became infatuated with Nest, and vicey versey. By the end of the night, Owain decided to get Nest for himself. Late one night, Owain entered the castle with a few friends, planning to take Nest away with them. To cause a diversion, the troublemakers set fire to another part of the castle, and sent off toward the sleeping chambers. Gerald and Nest had woken up after hearing the commotion downstairs, and they thought it was an attempt to kill Gerald, for he was very powerful. Nest helped her husband and children escape. When Owain came into the bedroom, Nest was alone. They took her away.
Well, my people were scandalized by this. Rumors abounded that the Princess had been kidnapped and raped by her horrible cousin and the country was thrown into turmoil. However, Nest was a willing prisoner. She was not raped by her cousin, but she did give him two children in the two years the young lovers were together. Of course, Gerald wasn't happy about this turn of events, and he had to get his honor back. In the next year and a half, Owain's father was killed, along with many of his clansmen. Nest was returned to her husband and family, and resumed her life at Carew Castle as if nothing had happened. Gerald never let it pass, and he felt deep regret for fleeing the castle to save his own life. He felt like everyone was making fun of him. He bided his time until he could get his revenge on Owain. There was an uprising in 1116 in the South that brought both Gerald and Owain together as unwilling allies. When Owain went out riding alone one day, Gerald summoned a group of his men and left the camp after him. Owain was off-guard and unsuspecting when he was stopped by a guard on the beach. He was shot dead with an arrow. Gerald had his revenge.
Nest outlived her husband, but her true love was always Owain. Locals believe that she still looks out of a window in the castle, looking for her young lover. She isn't alone, however. Other ghosts plague the castle. Heavy, thudding footsteps can be heard at night, people see the face of Satan in the window, and unearthly cries and a shrill whistle fill the castle at night. A few years ago, I visited the castle and saw the image of Satan in a fireplace, lips pulled back in a snarl.
In the early 1600's, the castle was owned by a former pirate named Sir Roland Reece. He was known to be short-tempered having zealous religious views, and foul language. He nearly exploded with rage when his son Ewan fell in love with the daughter of his tennant. Ewan told his father that he would never give up his love for the girl, and in his fury Sir Roland told Ewan that he never wanted to see his son's face again. Ewan left Carew Castle that night, and honestly, I don't blame him. Sir Roland fell into deep depression. At times, he would call out for his beloved son; at other times, he would curse Ewain to Hell. Sir Roland often arranged banquets for old captains and officers. There was always a disturbing presence at the dinner table, however: Satan. Satan was the name of Sir Roland's pet baboon, brought back from a sea voyage. The monkey became his closest companion. At the banquets, Sir Roland mocked his guests, the only reason for them being there, while his monkey mimicked its master. Soon, nobody would come to the castle, knowing that they would become the night's entertainment.
On a bitterly cold night in March, Sir Roland's tennant came to the castle to pay his rent. He knew Sir Roland's feelings towards him, and because trade was bad that winter he only had half the money, but he reasoned that half was better than none, as he went to Carew. When he was admitted to the dining hall, where Sir Roland was, the tenant explained his situation. Sir Roland was seething. The tenant turned down Sir Roland's offer of wine, saying that he didn't drink and Sir Roland cursed the tenant and his daughter for bewitching his son. Not wanting to hear his daughter abused, the tenant raised his hand to strike, and that was it. This was the final straw for the insane Sir Roland, who ordered his monkey to tear out the terrified tenant's eyes. He blew on a silver whistle and the monkey attacked! The tenant fought the creature, wounded it, threw it to the floor, and ran. He wanted to leave straightaway, but the weather was horrible, and a kind servant offered to let the tenant sleep in the service area for the night. After a warm meal, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Sir Roland's whistle, followed by a long, drawn-out scream of pain and terror mixed with the demonic sound of the baboon laughing and then screeching. The horrible sound was coming from the dining hall! Reluctantly, the tenant and Sir Roland's servant went to see what had happened. What they would see there would haunt them for the rest of their days. Sir Roland Ryce lay dead on the floor, next to the corpse of his monkey, whose head was in the fire. Sir Roland's throat had been gouged out by his faithful companion. Had the monkey gone mad from pain and by Sir Roland's whistle and turned on its master? Or had Sir Roland attempted a kind of suicide? We will never know.
Ever since that day, stomping footsteps can be heard in the castle (the ghostly pacing of Sir Roland, waiting for his son to come back?) and the monkey's head can be seen in the dining room fireplace. Whatever the circumstances of their death, the ghosts of Carew will definitely make you look twice. America definately did.
(A.N. If you were wondering about what Alfred's house looks like, here is the link to what I had in mind. Just take out the spaces and stuff. article-new/ ehow/ images/ a05/ ot/ p7/ victorian-house-painting-ideas-1.
The next set of countries will be Canada (America's Hat), America (Canada's Pants), or Mexico (who seems to be bottoming both). As usual, the first one who reviews gets their pick in the next chapter! If you think this story is the scariest, let me know, but wait for other stories to come up before voting!)