Hey you readers :D Kurono-Angel here, and I finally got off my lazy butt to write this story, which has been bothering me for soo long. This will also give me a break from my Rune Factory story, since most of the readers care if I update or not. Most of them left the story as well xD which sucks...

But yeah, I'm on spring break now :) So hopefully I can type these chapters ahead of time :D

I don't own One Piece, Mulan, or any of the quotes (that don't really make sense with the story) in the future! This disclaimer goes for the entire story, so that way I don't have to continuously type the disclaimer in every chapter.


"You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time."

~Albert Einstein

On the Red Line...

Penguin shivered as a cold wind blew, nearly causing his hat to fall off. The flags representing the great country of Paradise whipped around, flashing their red and blue colors as the wind grew harsher.

"Man, why did Commander Law put me on night guard position?" He muttered to himself, rubbing his shoulders in an attempt to warm himself up. Penguin had been forced to do night guard at the Red Line, a great and significant structure made of red mountains.

Over millions of years, the red mountains began to form and clump together, eventually creating a red line that separated the entire continent of Grand Line, causing two countries; Paradise, and their enemy, the New World. While Paradise was a place where people got along fairly well, ruled by Emperor Shanks, New World was a dangerous country where dangerous and horribly strong people lurked. There had once been a war between the two sides long ago, fighting over the Red Line, seeing as it had many uses for both sides. But, Paradise had won, gaining the Red Line as a part of their territory. Paradise soldiers could walk on the top of the Red Line, doing their job by keeping a careful eye on any bandits from the New World who decided to attack.

"Lucky bastards who get to go home, and sit by a fire..."

Penguin began to daydream (or in this case, night-dream) about coming home to his awaiting family, sitting by a warm fire with beer in his hands, wearing thick and warm clothes...

He was in the middle of the idea of eating hot soup, when he heard a flapping noise.

Immediately, his eyes shot open, as he looked around wildly, on an edge.

"What was that?" Penguin questioned, looking around cautiously. From the corner of his eye, he saw something white flash by.

Before he could act, something wet went 'splat' on his head. A white bird landed before him, on the artificial railing built on the sides of the Red Line.

"Oh no, you did NOT just crap on my hat!" Penguin scowled, lunging forward at the pigeon. "You, MY FRIEND, are going to be a nice dinner for me when I am through with you!" Penguin shouted.

Wait, a pigeon? They weren't native to Paradise, only...

"Oh no..." Penguin said, forgetting his anger towards the pigeon, as he took a step backwards.

"Hmph. Don't tell me you were the one threatening my pet here..." A deep voice could be heard behind him.

Oh, Penguin was in some deep shit.


Somehow, on instinct, Penguin sidestepped, slamming his fist into the unknown person's face.


His fist throbbed painfully, for it felt like punching a brick wall.

A brick wall made of metal bricks.

So Penguin did something they never taught him to do at training camp.

He ran like hell.

All he had to do was reach for the manmade towers, climb the ladder, and light the signal so that Paradise would know they were under attack. Other soldiers were placed around the same towers, and if they say a fire burning from the towers, they would reply by lighting them as well.

"Don't you think we should chase him down?" A curvy blonde woman appeared from the shadows next to Penguin's attacker.

"Let's give him a couple seconds before I rip his heart out."

Penguin panted heavily, finally reaching the top as he snatched a nearby torch.

"Why aren't they chasing after me?" He thought, pausing to catch his breath. "Doesn't matter, I need to-"


"Ah shit." Penguin cursed. Quickly, he threw the torch into the wood pilings, the flames igniting as a large fire was created.

As soon as the wood was ignited, other towers began to glow, a signal that Paradise was under attack.

"Now, all of Paradise will know you are here, the infamous Lucci and Cipher Pol 9 of the New World." Penguin said bravely, standing his ground, his hands curled into tight fists.

The flames reflected off Lucci's smirking face, as the pigeon flew and landed on his shoulder.

With inhuman strength, Lucci ripped off a nearby metal flag pole, holding it over the fire, causing the flag to burn black. Smoke rose into the air, as the flag began to turn into ashes.

"I won't kill you, today. But for now, the acknowledgment of our arrival in Paradise...is simply perfect."

The doors to Emperor Shanks' castle slammed open, as a group of three barged in, looks of concern on each of their faces.

"Hey! Mihawk! Haven't seen you in awhile!" Shanks said, grinning from ear-to-ear from his old sparring friend. The emperor was currently sitting in a very laid-back position, legs draped over the throne's armrest as he held a large bottle of wine. "C'mon! Have a drink with me and Buggy! Dahahahaha!" Shanks burst into laughter as he took another swig of his wine straight from the bottle.

Mihawk groaned, rolling his golden-hawk eyes at the cheerful man. Why on Earth was this man chosen as emperor, Mihawk would never know.

"I do not have time to drink or spar." He said flatly, bending down on a knee and bowing reluctantly. His two soldiers behind him mimicked his actions. "The Ciphers have crossed over the Red Line."

"WHAT?" Buggy, who was Shank's assistant, screeched, dropping his clipboard and ink brush. "T-That's impossible! N-no one can cross over the Red Line!" His legs began to shake uncontrollably.

"Dahaha, Buggy shut up!" Shanks said, still grinning even after hearing bad news. "Let General Mihawk finish his story." He nodded towards Mihawk indicating he could continue.

"Obviously, Rob Lucci is leading them. We shall defend and protect your palace as soon as possible."

At this, Shanks stood up abruptly, his smile gone and replaced with a deep, almost angry frown. The empty wine bottle rolled away, Buggy scurrying to pick it up, only to trip over it with a crash.

Mihawk's solders snickered, trying to hide their laughter as Buggy looked at them, murderous.

"FLASHY BASTARDS. GO DIE FLASHILY!" He roared, lunging forward with the wine bottle in his hands. A small scuffle began between the three, but Shanks and Mihawk simply ignored it.

"No." Shanks said flatly. "Your troops must protect the people of Paradise, not the emperor. The Emperor is nothing without his people and friends." He turned towards the fighting trio. "BUGGY!" He shouted.

Immediately, the clown man zipped forward, his brightly-colored clothing dirtied and ripped.

"Yeah?" Buggy questioned, shooting death glares at the soldiers, who were limping away with injuries themselves.

"Buggy, post up notices, send letters to both reserves and recruits in Paradise." Shanks ordered.

Buggy nodded, scrambling to pick up his fallen board and brush as he scribbled away.

"Shanks, you do not need to do that. My troops are reliable. They can stop the Ciphers." Mihawk began, but was silenced by Shanks as he held a hand up.

"I won't take chances, Mihawk." He paused, as in deep thought. "Someone very wise once told me that a single drop of booze could tip the scale. One person may be the difference between victory and defeat."

"Who said that?" Mihawk questioned, scoffing at Shanks.


Changes made:
-Originally was supposed to be LuNa, instead of ZoTash. But then I realized, Luffy isn't really that serious, and Nami isn't that...well, let's just say she isn't too much like Mulan.

-Since it was supposed to be LuNa, the general was supposed to be Ace, Emperor was to be Whitebeard, and the role Buggy is playing was supposed to be Marco.

-Instead of the Ciphers, I was going to use Marine characters. But there are a lot of Marine characters that fulfill roles that are needed on the Paradise side of the Grand Line...

I suppose it would've been much more popular if it was LuNa, but there's a lack of ZoTash, one of my favorite pairings :'( So I thought Mulan would be a perfect idea for them ^^ or maybe that's just me...

Remember, R/R, and give me some feedback ^^ I would greatly appreciate it (:
Also, in your reviews, tell me what you think what characters of OP should be better suited for the roles of Mulan! I would love your opinion. Sorry if I used characters that you didn't want or something D":

Next chapter will be out...sometime later...Luckily I'm on spring break, so I can write a lot more.
