Hey everyone, K-Angel here (pls donut hate me)

Yes, I know it's been many years since I've uploaded, and to those who have remained (or not, I'm not actually sure who's still around), unfortunately it's not a new chapter. My apologies to my dedicated readers, I truly did not want to let anyone down. I was just in a very bad place at the time and then school got extremely busy, which ended up killing my creative outlet for awhile.

I'm actually a year away from graduating university! It's been that long lolol, but my grammar/writing skills have improved vastly. I was honestly cringing hardcore reading my old fics, which weren't bad, just not the writing way I'd approach now. I was only in like, late middle school/early high school after all.

ANYWAYS. I forced myself to sit and read all 900+ chapters of One Piece to catch up, and wow the latest arc was so good, ugh. Either way, as I was reading, I realized ZoTash seems like quite a dead ship now, much to my disappoint, so I'm unsure as to whether to continue this fic or not. I know I definitely want to revise and reupload everything, but maybe with a different ship? I was thinking maybe LuNa or ZoSan but ehh, maybe it depends on the crowd. I haven't read OP fanfics in such a long time, being extremely busy with classes and whatnot Dx

In any case, to those who are still out there, or have just discovered this, please give me your input as to whether I should continue with ZoTash, or perhaps approach with a different ship. If not I'll probably just delete and move on with other fandoms, maybe.

Again, I appreciate each and every one of you, and thank you for everything :]