This is my first Fanfiction so please be nice with the comments thanks :)

This is Chapter 1 of Scorpius and Rose: Their Dads flat.

"I can't believe we are leaving" Rose was crying on her boyfriend Scorpius's shoulder. It was the day before they would be leaving Hogwarts for the last time.

"It's ok love, we are not leaving forever, our children will come here and when they get in trouble we will be coming here to sort them out, and there is remembrance day that's held here every year" Scorpius told her

They looked up at the school for a little while from where they were sitting beside the lake for a while then Rose asked "What do you mean our children?"

"Well if all goes to plan then i will ask you to marry me, you will say yes and then we will have 4 wonderful children" Scorpius answered

"Perfect" was all Rose said after that they shared a sweet kiss and then carried on staring at the castle beside the lake enjoying the comfort of each other.

After a couple of minutes Lily and Hugo came up and sat next to them.

"What do you two want?" Rose asked, she was irritated with them for ruining the moment

"Why sister dear, Do I really need to sit next to you without needing to ask a question?" Hugo asked in mock horror

"You always do"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do TOO"

"Ok before this gets into a hands on fight we have a question for you two" Lily interrupted

"Ha! See you all ways have a question for me when you sit next to me"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah so here's the question how did you tell mum, dad, Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Malfoy" Hugo asked

Rose and Scorpius looked at each other in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Well..." Rose started

"Ha! You haven't told them this is going to be good" Lily said in a gleeful voice she knew there was going to be a good show.

"No we've told them just not in a specific way" Scorpius almost yelled trying to get Lily and Hugo attention who were laughing at their idea of what was going to happen but unfortunately he also got the attention of the people around us.

"Go to Hagrid's, get Albus, Roxanne and Fred there then we will tell you the plan" Rose whispered to Lily and Hugo she then stood up and dragging Scorpius behind her headed for Hagrid's House

"You find Albus I'll find Roxanne and Fred" Lily said standing up "And hurry" She said over her shoulder as she ran to the castle shaking his head Hugo also got up and went to search for Albus.