Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

After much thought I, James Potter, have finally come to the conclusion that Lily Evans just does not appreciate flawless beauty, astounding intelligence, charming wit or unadulterated talent. Because that is the only logical reason for why the aforementioned person would not want to date me, the epitome of perfectness. Its about time we faced the truth, I happen to be pretty much perfect. Anyone will be hard-pressed to find a single fault in me. I mean, what's not to like? Intelligence, strength, beauty, charm, humour all rolled into one delightful package.

There she comes. The one person who single handedly made me doubt my very perfectness. I pick up my books and head towards her. To ask her out, of course. Yesterday, I found this awesome book in Sirius's bag called 'Pick-Up Lines for Dummies'. I am obviously no 'dummy' in these matters but I still thought it's worth a try. Sirius thought so too, after he gave a lame excuse for having such a book in his bag.

"Hey Evans," I say with all my charm as I reach her. "Did you swallow a charms book? Cuz you're just so full of charm." She just has to melt now. No one and I mean no one is immune to the Potter Charm. I smile at her in my oh-so-gorgeous manner while her lips quirk and one eyebrow rises. Uh-oh. Not a very promising reaction.

"Hey Potter, did you swallow a herbology book? Cuz you're just so full of cow dung," she says with that sweet smile that only Lily can manage and turns around walks away.

My desire to maintain my face structure and my contradictory desire to follow her silently battle. Finally, the former is announced victor and I walk back to the common room and back to my blasted book. Oh well, it was worth a try.

Tomorrow I will think about it. Tomorrow I will try again. After all, tomorrow is another day.

I have got to stop reading muggle books!

A/N: Just a random idea that popped into my head when I was doing absolutely nothing. So how was it? Please favourite and review.

If anyone is wondering then the book that James referred to in the end is Gone With The Wind (awesome book). Scarlett O'Hara keeps on saying 'tomorrow is another day'. Don't know why I made James quote Scarlett. Just felt like it.

Anyway, bye.