Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Duh.
This is it. I can feel it in my guts. The day when she finally says yes. Evans will most certainly discover her undying love for me today. You see, she already is head over heels in love with me; the only problem is that she doesn't know it. All its going to take to make her realize that she loves me is this one awesome pick-up line I discovered. Yesterday, I was just flipping through the book, trying to find a good pick-up line and I came across this one line that just blew my mind. Trust me, I know a winner when I see one. As amazing as the previous two lines were, none of them had the promise that this one does.
I stared at my better half and walked up to her with my usual charm.
"Hey Evan, don't the stars look very angry? Apparently, its because you have stolen their shine," I said with a dashing smile.
"Potter, I hate to break this to you but it is 2 p.m.," she said in an exasperated tone, "so as expected, us normal people cant see the 'angry' stars."
Oops. So maybe I hadn't thought this through properly.
"But I can see stars at any time of the day. I just need to look into your eyes," I said.
"That would have probably been a decent enough save had you not called the stars angry just a second ago."
"Oh, but Evans, its perfect. Your eyes are angry all the time," I said with a renewed gusto.
"I mean… you're not… I did not…" I fumbled as the much-discussed eyes narrow and turn threatening.
"And here I was Potter, under the impression that you wanted to live to see another day," said the bearer of the angry eyes.
"I do Evans, I really do," I said and took off before I could ruin the situation any further.
So maybe it did not work out to well for me today. All thanks to the blasted stars for not coming out in the afternoon. Whatever, I'll think about it later; I have more pressing matters to take care of right now. Apparently Sirius somehow managed to transform Peter into a tiara-wearing bunny. God knows what goes on his head.
A/N: Tadaa…another chapter done. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to review.