He really didn't understand it, these pangs of desire. He just knew they defined him. He had to stop them, and then he could be satisfied. He tried everything. Money, Status, Honor, Power, Women, Everything he could think of. But nothing would fill it, that gaping hole in his chest. It drove him away from his family. They couldn't fill it. They just widened it, which frustrated him even more. Sometimes he could feel it closing up, when he was close to reaching it, his ragtag team of Chimeras behind him. But then it got ripped open again. There had to be something out there. Something that could fill this gaping hole in his soul.
If you have everything you value nothing
My teacher said that recently and I was struck by it, and how well it fit Greed. He wants everything, but then what? He'd have nothing to want and he'd still feel empty. He doesn't want everything, he just wants something. Greed's character really fascinates me; I salute thee, Holy Cow for creating such a wonderfully complex character out of such a vague concept. Heck For Creating Seven Characters out of Such Vague concepts. If you catch any typos, grammar errors and the like Please Tell Me c:
Fullmetal Alchemist Belongs to The Amazing Hiromu Arakawa.
(Side note: This Drabble Is Born out of Not Only My fascination with The Homunculi but the need for more substantial and in Character Stories for them :P)