A/N: Hey everyone this would be my first fanfic so ill ignore FLAMES! I do love constructive criticism to improve my writing. Any way on with the story! R&R! The story will get better later on. Around chapter 7 it will get better. By better I mean plot and grammatically better! So hang in there!
Ch.1 The beginning
Fang's POV:
How could it end like this I thought as Max pulled out a .44 Magnum and aimed it at my chest. I cussed under my breath as I tried to come up with a plan of escape but failing miserably. My normally composed face had a look of mortal terror on it as Max gripped the trigger firmly.
"Why are you doing this Max, it's not to late to stop you know." I said trying to read her facial expression for any clues of my Max.
"Shut up, your a waste life!" she bellowed out at him. Her finger tightened it's hold on the trigger.
"Walk forward or I blow your brains out" she ordered me.
Oops sorry you guys you have no clue what in hell could be going on right now. Well now that I look back on the past I should have realized what was going on. Anyways it all started 'bout a week ago when the Flock and I were ambushed...
Fang's POV:
"Fang get up quick there something out there." That sounded like Iggy I quickly got up.
"What is it?" I questioned him.
"A couple dozen Erasers and possibly ten or so fly boys." he quickly informed me.
"Go wake up the others," I said, "and hurry!" I ran out to face the enemy so The Flock could have some extra time to get ready. Immediately I was swarmed with Erasers I punched one in its muzzle and was greeted with a powerful roundhouse kick to the chest leaving me on the ground winded. Wow this batch was unusually strong I thought. Angel try to warn the rest of the Flock that these are stronger than normal. "okay" she replied in my head.
"Fang you alright" Max asked me as she ran up nocked an Erasers lights out.
"Yep" I replied poppin' the P.
"Up and away everyone" said Max
"Wait what about the Flyboys?" I asked. "Iggy, Gazzy you guys have any bombs?"
"Not many, 15 max" responded Iggy. That's not good I thought. And when I thought things couldn't get worse I was proved wrong as Jeb walked towards us and right up to Max.
"Good evening Max" he said to her. "It's time."
A/N: duh duh duh. I wanted to try out a cliff hanger. Everyone please review and constructive criticism is welcomed. As I go threw the story pm me if the plot is hard to follow. Thanks for reading will update soon.:)