Egypt: ok for those of u how have read my other stories (especially Bloods Melody) sorry for the wait but iv hit writters block and a lots being going wrong with me lately and so i just NEEDED to write this!
Yugi sat on the sofa crying his eyes out, burying his face into the cushions to muffle the sounds of his weeping so his Grandfather, who was manning the shop down stairs, wouldn't hear him. Confused yet? Allow me to fill you in.
Yugi had been enjoying collage, his classes were going well though it was a lot of work to keep on top of, and he even found his first relationship and a serious one at that.
Now Yugi had heard of the new boy, a tall thin teen who had taken a liking to his old friend Sarah and asked her out a few times but was always turned down, but Yugi never really talked to him. Sarah would tell Yugi how weird he seemed and how he wasn't her type. Then Yugi, childish looking with a goody-goody mind set, had just been sitting in the library with his best friend Joey working away at a school computer when the tall blond with greenish blue eyes had taken the seat next to him. The mature looking teen introduced himself as Danny, chatting with him and messing about with the keyboard, typing silly words like pancakes to make Yugi giggle.
The next day, Yugi was in the library again with Joey sitting opposite him and his other best friend Sarah, a girl only slightly bigger then himself who would die her hair and loved fake tan. Sarah, best friend since year 8 when Yugi stuck up for the girl whenever others would have a go at her, sat next to Joey, reading and working away while Yugi and Joey chatted lightly as well as writing notes... That was until Danny made a surprise appearance.
The tall lanky teen sat on the table next to the group, on the seat closest to Yugi. The two smiled at each other and started chatting, but the teacher called for silence as the lesson started. Pouting at the interruption, Yugi pulled out his note pad and carried on the conversation. About half way down the page, Danny asked him what he was doing that weekend.
Nothing :/ what about u?
Me neither, want to go to the cinemas?
Yugi was taken aback. No one besides his friends ever asked him to hang out, but he smiled.
Yeah sure I'd like that
Wanna make it a date?
Now Yugi was flabbergasted. NO ONE had EVER SERIOUSLY asked him out before! Sure popular people did for a joke but Danny was been serious.
Yugi said yes. Why not? I mean, he's funny, sweet, kind, a great guy. Yugi thought at the time.
That night, Sarah text Yugi saying that Danny had been asking her out for that Saturday when they were supposed to be going out. Needless to say, Yugi was depressed. Was he just trying to get Sarah jealous?
So are you still going to go out with him? Sarah then text.
I don't know, I'll see what happens tomorrow.
And Danny was fine with Yugi, he came to see him at lunch and chatted with him normally. Confused, Yugi asked to see these texts that Danny had sent Sarah, but the girl got defensive.
"Why would you want to see them? They'll only make you upset! Don't you trust me?"
The next day was Friday, an open day for Yugi's school, staying open all day so parents could come in and see their kid's progress and future students could see what it was like. Yugi had been working away in art when he got a text from Danny saying that he had tried to come in and see him but the teacher had turned him away, then when Yugi's Grandfather came to pick him up, Danny came running out to see him off and gave him a hug right in front of the elder.
So that Saturday he met with Danny and the two hit it off! Danny was sweet and funny, always making Yugi laugh. Eventually Danny changed the subject.
"So did you ask Sarah to test me or is she just protective of you?" He asked, taking a sip of his coke.
"What do you mean?"
"I got a text from Sarah the other day asking me out for today."
Yugi was stunned. "She told me that you asked her!"
"I didn't. I can even show you the texts if you want?"
Danny is actually willing so show the texts when Sarah wasn't...
The two caught a late movie, and over half way through, Danny suddenly leaned closer to Yugi. Innocent little Yugi thought Jack wanted to say something, but instead pressed their lips together. The sweet kiss only lasted a second before Danny started to move his lips, and little Yugi simply moved his own to match the taller. Then Danny pushed his tongue into the smaller's mouth. Yugi pulled away blushing, saying it wasn't nice for others near them to see them kiss like that, looking beside him pointedly to a married couple who had been stealing glances in their direction.
So the two were boyfriends, and Yugi was ecstatic! Immediately he text Sarah to let her know how it went who then rang him for details. The girl honestly sounded thrilled for her younger friend, and Yugi couldn't have been happier.
After that night the two spent as much time together as possible, after school for a few minutes, having tea at each other's homes, going out on dates. Danny really made him feel special.
But Sarah kept staring at Danny, talking and giggling with him, texting him, even going to his house to study without even telling Yugi, then when Danny told him about it, said that Sarah had been getting a little "touchy-feely" with him.
Then all of a sudden, Sarah had just ignored them both. Yugi didn't really care, and Danny didn't seem to either. But then today, Yugi was ill.
Danny had text Yugi to see where he was to reply that he was at home sick.
Ok. Was the simple reply.
That upset Yugi a little. Whenever he's ill I keep texting him and talking, wishing him well, but Danny today...
Then Sarah suddenly text him after a month. Now, Sarah had been asking her soft friend if she could go to his every Wednesday for tea and to hang out before her football, and despite his grandfather not been happy with it and not liking Sarah, said yes... All Sarah put was...
Hey babe, hope you're feeling better soon, am I ok to come to yours tomorrow before footy? Thanks! Xxxxxxxxx
Yugi was furious, on top of in pain with a headache and feeling sick. Is that all she cares about? That she can come to mine tomorrow?
Thanks Sarah but honestly that's the last thing on my mind right now cause I really feel awful Yugi replied honestly.
Ok so shall we say not for tomorrow...sorry xx
I didn't say that I'll hopefully be in school tomorrow so you can come over I'm just really tired and in a lot of pain right now Yugi replied.
Next thing he knew, Danny was texting him.
What's up with you? Yugi flinched, sensing the bad tone from the text. Yugi frowned in anger. What the hell has Sarah told him I said?
Like I just told Sarah I'm in a lot of pain and really tired.
Don't take it out on us I am already annoyed with you don't make me even more annoyed.
That did it. Yugi burst into tears. WHAT THE HELL! The boy knew that he was talking about how Danny wasn't getting his car because he went to see Yugi's Grandfather with him at lunch, even though Yugi said he didn't have to, but Danny insisted.
Not talking to me now? Danny asked. Furious, Yugi turned off his phone, only just resisting the urge to throw it at the wall to break it.
How dare he? I told him he didn't have to come! I told him it was ok! He was the one who insisted on coming with me! And just what did Sarah say to him to make him so mad at me anyway? And why the hell is he defending her? He's supposed to be on my side...isn't he?
So there Yugi sat, balling his eyes out until his eyes hurt, but he couldn't stop. Yugi and Danny had told each other they loved each other all the time, Yugi tried to show it to Danny by trying to meet with him whenever he could! But it just doesn't seem enough for him. Yugi though sorrowfully to himself. What do I do?
Egypt: so review and tell me what you think! its my first comfort/romance/angst story so please be hinest! i'll update soon...i hope!