Thanks everyone for the amazing reviews! They make my day. Next up is the lovely Caroline, in the scene from 3x20 when she and Elena are setting up for the dance.
'I'm sorry,' Caroline pursed her lips and she folded out a sweep of hideous blue drapery Rebekah had chosen, 'but Stefan is your epic love.'
It was true, of course. Sure, the benefits of Damon were plentiful, and obvious. But Stefan, Caroline knew, was exactly what Elena needed. Warm, safe, secure, and majorly cute to boot. Not arrogant, not a jerk, and not… Damon.
She was just not quite so sure that Stefan was everything Elena wanted.
Okay, so she knew that Stefan wasn't all Elena wanted, but whatever lusty feelings Elena had for Damon were nothing compared to the sweet, pure love she shared with Stefan.
Occasionally, a small voice in her mind would tell her that there was a possibility that Elena's feelings for Damon would end up running a whole lot deeper than lust, and might not be easy to let go of. Caroline, however, did not even bother entertaining the thought. Why not? Because it implied that Elena would not, in fact, end up with her dream man, despite Caroline having specifically told her on all possible occasions that he was the one for her.
And Caroline was never, ever, wrong… and especially not ever wrong when it came to match making her two best friends.
The idea that Elena would totally ignore her faultless advice was ridiculous.
It wasn't that she hated Damon – she didn't – and she hadn't ever really hated him, to be honest. She sure as heck didn't like him, however, and why should she? He'd saved her life, that was true – but then he'd tried to kill her father, so they were quits on that. And no matter how many times he saved her life, (and she knew he only saved her for Elena's sake, she wasn't dumb) no matter how much he'd changed for the better, it didn't alter what he had been.
What he'd been, and what he'd done… to her.
It was going to take a long, long time before Caroline would be ready to totally reconcile herself with that. She was so grateful that her friend accepted that she was uncomfortable with the idea of Elena dating a man who'd treated her like that, no matter how nice he might be to her.
'And I'm not going down without a fight,' she added.
Oh, Caroline would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to hell and back before she'd ever give up on a couple she knew were meant for each other, when the alternative was…well. Damon.
She'd rather die. Again. Properly, this time.
Elena sighed and then shrugged with a smile, running her hands up and down the drapery absentmindedly.
Caroline knew what that face was – she'd convinced her. Elena was going to ask Stefan to the dance.
Mission Take Back Stefan phase one was a success!
Caroline smiled back at her friend, satisfied.
Hoped you liked it, please review!
I have another coming up soon, so hang in there…there'll be some more Rick, and a whole lot of Sheriff!