The next morning Joe dropped me at the bonds office bright and early.
"Call if you need a ride home Cupcake!" He waved and drove off. It was 8am and Connie was just opening the office.
"Hey girl!" She said by way of greeting as I flopped onto the brown leather sofa. "You sleeping with Morelli this week?" She laughed at my glare and handed me a bag of donuts.
"You are a savior!" I pulled out a boston cream and began to stuff my face. Vinnie arrived as Connie and I finished off the last of the donuts.
"Shouldn't you be trying to find a skip." He snarled on his way to his personal office. "I could always hire Joyce Barnhardt back if you don't think you can handle the work load." Ugh, just the mention of Joyce makes me want to puke.
"I only have 2 outstanding skips and one of them is Mooner. Don't get your panties in a bunch." I yelled as he slammed and locked his door. Connie and I both stuck out tongues out at the closed door and then laughed. "I have to wait for Lula... my car exploded yesterday."
"You can take my car if you want to go get Mooner." Connie held the keys to her Toyota Camry out to me.
"Sure. Thanks!" I grabbed the keys and took off for Mooners. Typical of Mooner he was in the middle of a Scooby Doo marathon and it took an hour to convince him that his DVR was working and he wouldn't miss any episodes. When I got Mooner processed and fielded dozens of congratulations from the officers I knew it was close to noon and I headed back to the office. Lula was there and in full Rhino mode.
"How come my best friend gets engaged and I have to hear it from one of the girls down on Stark street?" Today Lula was wearing pink zebra spandex skirt and a two sizes too small just as pink t-shirt. I looked to Connie for help but she only nodded her agreement and went back to filing her nails.
I shrugged, "I haven't even told my mom yet" was my response quickly followed by a sinking suspicion that if the girls down on Stark street know then my mom knows. She's probably having a fit not being able to reach me since my phone exploded with the car yesterday.
Lula and Connie gaped at me "You haven't told your mom!" Connie yelled.
"I don't have a cell phone! It blew up in my car yesterday. I was going to use the money from Mooner and Luis to get a new one today." I slumped down onto the sofa and began to contemplate the disaster my life was once again when I felt the familiar tingle indicating Ranger's presence.
I looked up as Vinnie's office door opened and out walked Ranger. My mouth dropped open as I looked out the front windows to see how I missed Ranger's car. Nope, no batmobile parked on the street. Glancing back towards Vinnie's office I tried to figure out where Ranger came from. He probably just appeared out of thin air. I thought to myself. God I hope he hadn't heard what we were just talking about. This was not the way I wanted Ranger to find out I had agreed to marry Morelli.
He nodded to Lula and Connie and leaned over Connie's desk to pull out the bug Vinnie had planted. Great. He had heard.
Connie turned red, "You little rat Vinnie!"
"Can I see you outside Steph?" I followed him out the door and around to our favorite spot in the alley where a shiny new black truck was parked. Ah, so he can't just materialize wherever he wants. He must have gone in through the alley door without anyone noticing.
I was prepared for his usual poaching but today he stood a few feet away from me with his blank face. I decided it was best to pretend he hadn't heard about my recent engagement. "What's up Ranger?" Denial is my best friend.
"Got a job for you, if your interested. Distraction, tonight, 9pm" So I guess he wasn't going to talk about it either.
"Sure. Is this a slutty distraction or classy distraction?" I saw the crinkles around Rangers eyes letting me know he was probably smiling on the inside.
"Wear the black dress. I'll pick you up at 8:30" He answered as he nodded a dismissal and climbed into his truck. I started back to the office when he called out "Babe, here."
He was holding a new black coach purse out the window. "I thought you might need a few things since your purse was in your car yesterday." The bag was heavy and before I could say thanks he was gone.
I debated on going through the contents of the purse in the alley but knew Lula and Connie would make me tell them what was in it anyway so I headed back into the office.
"Why you would marry Morelli when you have the fine piece of ass lusting after you is beyond me." Connie said as her and Lula fanned themselves.
"Mmmhmmm." Lula agreed. "Batman get you a new purse?"
I nodded as I dumped the contents onto Connie's desk. I couldn't help but smile at the box of bullets for my Smith and Wesson with a sticky note on them reading 'Babe'. He had also included a new cell phone, credit card, and keys. Lula reached for the keys as Connie grabbed the credit card.
"Black Amex! Damn Steph I hope you are sleeping with that man." I took the card from Connie and noticed it was Rangeman credit card with my name embedded to it. No way was I using this. Ranger already spends too much money on me. Not to mention my new fiancé probably wouldn't be too thrilled about me spending another man's money.
I reached for the keys next and smiled as I recognized the batman logo on the key chain. Glancing outside I saw the Black Audi A8 parked at the curb. A black explorer was driving in the opposite direction. All I could think was; Morelli's gonna be pissed.