Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and you know the rest. Marvel owns a lot of stuff you know.
AN: for those who never watch WATXM, the Prof is in a coma and speaks to Wolverine on the astral plane from 20 years in the future.

Rogue sighed as she twisted around in bed; her hand blindly flailing around for the annoying ringing device that had woken her. Finally clutching her cell phone, she brought it up to her ear upon answering.

"Hello?" Rogue grumbled

"Rogue! You like totally told me to call you in case you forgot that you're coming back to the mansion this week for my wedding. Eeeeeeee! I'm like super-duper excited that you're coming home for my wedding! It's going to be the best week ever โ€“" Came the voice of Kitty Pryde through the phone.

Rogue slapped her forehead at her stupidity โ€“ hers not Kitty's โ€“ she couldn't believe that it slipped her mind. Tomorrow she was going to be traveling back to Bayville for the week-long event of Kitty and Piotr's wedding and wedding preparations. In her defense, she had been rather busy at the time she received the invitation, and busy yet again when Kitty called to confirm her spot; she had been rather busy lately.

Rogue groaned and cut Kitty off of her incoherent babbling about how excited she was.

"Ah'm sorry Kitty, it completely slipped mah mind. Good thing Ah told yah ta remind me."

"It's alright Rogue, as long as you're here tomorrow!"

Rogue breathed a sigh of relief as they continued in casual conversation. Rogue was just wrapping things up with her when she felt the arm around her waist pull her closer to the warm and muscular body it was attached to. She felt feather light kisses being pressed into her neck and shoulder when a thought crossed her mind.

"Kitty, did Ah RSVP with a plus one?"

There was the sound of papers being shuffled through followed by a conformation that she had.

"So are you going to tell me who this mystery guy is? All us girls are like buzzing about you and your new hottie!"

"Ya'll will meet mah boyfriend when Ah arrive at tha mansion with him at lunch time tomorrah; end of discussion. Anyway Ah gotta pack today so Ah'll see ya'll tomorrah!"

Rogue hung up and turned back around to face her fantastic boyfriend.

She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have him. She gently pressed her lips against his as he opened his eyes; the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Red on black eyes looked back at her sparkling emeralds as she was drowned in another kiss. She pulled herself tighter to his body and looked deeper into his eyes still.

They laid there for what could have been an eternity just staring into each other's eyes, noses touching, breath mingling, and their love growing.

"Mornin' Chรจre" Remy LeBeau drawled lazily.

"mmmmm monin' sugah"

"Who was on de phone?"

"Oh, just Kitty. She was reminding meh about the wedding"

"Mon Dieu, dats tomorrow? Merde, guess we gotta pack today hein"

Rogue nodded in reply as she moved to kiss him once more.

Remy glanced at the clock and noted that it was still early.

"No need t' rush though."

Remy glued his lips to hers and he rolled on top of her and began the day in his favourite fashion. Resting a kiss on her collar bone he could hear her heart beating and knew that it only beat that way for him. Her heart was his most recent heist and the most precious thing he had ever stolen.

It had been the best five months of his life and the most difficult five months of his life; if he were to describe it he would call it the most emotionally intense five months of his life.

After Rogue left the X-Men he had met her in a bar. Her powers were on the blink and would randomly turn on and off, unfortunately it was never at a convenient time. Gambit had taken an instant liking to the southern belle and helped her to control her powers.

They had been together for two months before she could finally keep her mutation off essentially all the time and turn it back on like a light switch. Originally he was going to move on from her but after one taste of her smooth cream skin he was hooked. Not only that, but sometime that month when he wasn't looking she had stolen his heart.

They had problems like every other couple but things were finally settling down and evening out as they had started down the track of long term commitment. At first Remy was wary of long term relationships because his previous track record, also known as the Bella-Donna incident. In time he realized that his fear of commitment didn't mean a thing to him as long as he was with Rogue, the love of his life, his Anna-Marie.

Rogue was having intimacy issues; she wanted Remy in the worst possible way but didn't want him to leave her. She was as virgin as they got and wanted to share herself with Remy completely but wanted to take things slow. She didn't want to rush into anything and regret the decision late; she wanted to savour each moment, each kiss, and each touch.

They had relieved each other's fears and had fallen helplessly in love. They were nothing without the other and were completely happy that way. Remy wasn't even nervous about meeting the X-Men as a Rogue's family; if anything he was slightly amused to see if they would remember him from the battle field after all this time.

Remy buried his face in Rogue's neck as he came down from high levels of ecstasy. He could feel her, still underneath him, trembling slightly from the tremors of their passionate love. She was his everything and he never wanted to wake up without her.

He slowly rolled off of her and on to his back; pulling her to his side he lovingly kissed her once more.

He ran his hands through her wavy auburn and white streaked hair, remembering why it had been the hardest five months of his life, literally and figuratively. He smirked and ran a single finger down her spine.

"Je t'aime"

Rogue moaned lightly and snuggled even closer to him, remembering the reason she has been so busy and forgetfully lately.

"Ah love yah too".


Reviews Welcome.