(A.N. Thank you to PunkIggy for reviewing! As promised, the Great Dessert Raid of World War One. I first heard about this in a History of Hetalia panel on YouTube, but I can't find it on Google. It really happened, I just can't find it at the moment. Anyway...)
Standard Disclaimers ApplySince the Christmas Truces of the previous year, all contact had been prohibited between the two opposing lines except fighting the English/Germans, of course. However, tension was building in the trenches. Almost a year after the infamous truces, Ludwig saw that his brother was acting up more than usual. "Vat is it, bruder?" he asked after a while. "I don't really know, Vest. I suppose that...vell...you promise you von't laugh?" "I promise. Vat is the matter?" "It's these verdamntdesserts. Ve have the same one every day and it's starting to get really annoying!" Ludwig laughed. He couldn't help it, even though he agreed. And so, a plan was formed. Ludwig, Feliciano, and Gilbert would sneak over to enemy lines and steal their desserts. And try to get information, just to make it official. But mainly, they would get the desserts. (1)
The Great Dessert Raid, as it was later called, was largely a success. Ludwig, Gilbert, and Feliciano woke up before the enemies started firing at each other. They met a trusted soldier who wouldn't rat them out at the left side of the German trenches and started to sneak over to the English side.
Under the cover of darkness, the English Captain James Joyce (2) and a group of his men started to come back from no-man's land. They had gone out to recover the bodies of their dead colleagues without too much fear of being shot at. Luck was not on their side tonight, however. They stumbled across a group of Axis soldiers attempting to get over to the English side. They were outnumbered and before they knew it, the English were surrounded and held at gunpoint. "Give us all your desserts and nobody will get hurt!" Cpt. Joyce's jaw nearly hit the ground. Was that reallyall they wanted? There must be more to it. "E-excuse me?" "Your desserts! Hand them over!" Half nervous half trying not to laugh out loud, Cpt. Joyce and the men that had come with him took out their mess kits, removed the desserts, and gave them to the strange Germans, who then grabbed the desserts, yelled "Get down and don't look up for five minutes!", jumped into the English truck, and drove off towards the German lines."I can't believe we pulled this off!" "I can't wait to try their desserts!" "They are English desserts. I wonder if they're any good..." Inside the stolen English truck, Ludwig, Gilbert, Feliciano, and the soldier were excited by the prospect of something-anything-breaking the dreaded monotony. Morale was high until they heard a rather loud BANG from outside and the soldier stopped the truck. "Gentlemen, we have acquired a 'flat'." "WHAT?" (3)"Sir! Sir! There are Germans in no-man's land! They took our food!" "And yet, you still have your mess tins." The Englishmen looked at each other rather sheepishly, turned towards each other, and had a frantic game of rock, paper, scissors. The loser stepped forward. "Well, ...they just took the desserts, sir." "They what?"The German soldier was having a bit of a rough time. Here he was, just trying to do his job, and his commander and a random Italian count or something were trying to tell him what to do. Eventually, he had had enough. "If you will just let me do my job, then maybe we'll get out of here alive! We arein no-man's land, after all! The English could be coming for us at any minute!" "We have to find those damn Nazis! come on, men! Let's look for them!""Oh mein gott, there they are! Hurry up! The English are coming!" "Got it, sir!" "Thank god...""What's this English truck doing here in the middle of no-man's land? Meh. Who cares? If they're in an English truck, they must be on our side!" "Right you are, commander!" "Onwards, men!"The English never caught on to the fact that there were Axis soldiersinside the English truck.
So, they just ignored it. (4)
Historical Notes:
1. This actually happened. According to the panel, this is pretty much exactly what happened.
2. I'm not sure who exactly was the English commander who went out into no-man's land, but they did end up basically being a victim of armed robbery there. O.o
3. Yep, they got a flat. You know the saying that 'everything that can go wrong will go wrong'?
4. People can be so oblivious sometimes, can't they...
(A.N. The Great Dessert Raid! Tomorrow is my last day of school, and because I do 100% of my typing at school, the updates will be coming much slower for the next two/three months. I will be updating, it might be a while between them, though... Have a great summer, everyone!)