Sherlock comes back but who is the first person he tells? not John!
Disclaimer:I own all of it bc i am the great Sherlock Holmes. not really don't own anything. :'(
this is my first fic so reviews would be apprciated!
Chapter 1
Detective Inspector Lestrade had had a rough day at the job. They had a little child abducted and it had taken him and his team three days to find her. He had pulled two all-nighters with only two hours of sleep during the expanse of the case. He thought that had Sherlock been there he would have probably wrapped this case up a lot faster. Sure he would have insulted his team and himself multiple times, called them stupid, and an inept police force, but he still would have saved the girl a lot of pain. He knew he would've gotten mad at Sherlock for insulting everything he did, but now that he was gone… Lestrade thought he could use that snide sociopath to direct him on his way. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but he missed Sherlock, he hated him sometimes, but he still missed him.
He was the last to walk out the doors of New Scotland Yard. He locked them behind himself, and just about five minutes into his walk home he got a txt. The number was blocked. It read:
Come at once to Barts Morgue.
Greg was puzzled. Who would txt him at three AM? It sounded just like something Sherlock would do, but he was dead. Maybe it was the other Holmes. He replied back:
Who is this?
It took less than a minute for the person to respond. The next txt read:
Someone you'll want to meet.
This sounded exactly like the elder Holmes to Greg. He shrugged and changed his course to Barts. He hadn't been there in ages. He walked up to the door and surprisingly found it unlocked. He opened it and walked down the familiar path to the morgue. He couldn't hear anything as he walked down the steps to the dark room. He was starting to get nervous. Greg couldn't see anyone who worked at Barts walking through the halls; it was silent as the dead.
He walked into the morgue, flipped on the light switch, and looked around. Greg didn't see anyone in there, didn't hear anyone breathing waiting to ambush him. The room was empty. He did a couple of circuits just to see if anyone was hiding. No one was there but himself. Cursing under his breath Greg made for the door, but not before something white caught his eye. He looked over and saw it was a piece of paper folded neatly in half lying on one of the tables. He picked it up. It had his name on it. DI Lestrade. The handwriting was not familiar to Greg at all. He thought it was odd that it had his title on it rather than his first name. He pushed that thought away, Mycroft had his reasons. Greg picked up the note and opened it. On the inside was this note in the same unfamiliar script:
I have changed my mind. It was too dull waiting down here. Meet me in the lab.
Greg was defiantly convinced that this was Mycroft's doing. Why would he have called him down to Barts this early in the morning? He guessed he would find out soon enough.
He walked back up the stairs in the direction of the lab, not fully knowing what was waiting for him there. Once in front of the lab door he knocked…no answer. He knocked again…Still no answer. He slowly opened the door and saw a man with blonde hair and a hoodie bent over a microscope. This defiantly was not Mycroft, then who was it? He approached the figure who still had not even acknowledged him. He was soon behind this mysterious person, whom had had his back to Greg the entire time. This man looked to be quite thin and of a fair height. Greg tapped him on the shoulder and tentatively asked,
"Are you the one who texted me?""
The man stood, Greg noticed that he was rather taller than he had initially thought. He turned around and Greg stared openmouthed at the man standing in front of him. It couldn't be. It just couldn't be. He was dead. Greg was now staring at the face of the Reichenbach hero, the great detective, Sherlock Holmes.
please please review. might not be able to upload with finals coming up i have to study! ha yeah right i never study! please review! again first fic i hope to write more!