this is the end of this story. sadface! thanks for everyone who supported me through this!

Chapter 10

"Sherlock!" John yelled his friends name as he rushed over to catch him before he hit the floor, he was frantic, Sherlock was losing blood much too quickly,"Greg! Call an ambulance! NOW!"

"Ok, I'm on it." Greg turned and was frantically yelling into his phone. John turned back to Sherlock, if they didn't stop the bleeding soon, he would bleed to death. John ripped part of his hoody into a long strip and tied it above the large gash in Sherlock's arm. It ran horizontally across his upper arm, the cut was jagged and extremely deep. The bullet seemed to have hit a blood vessel, which was now bleeding profusely.

John ripped another part of his hoody and pressed it to Sherlock's wound trying to stop the flow. The paramedics arrived two minutes later to take Sherlock away. John refused to leave him so he rode in the ambulance with Sherlock, the entire ride he held the detectives hand. Sherlock couldn't die; he wouldn't let him, not again.

When they got to the hospital, John was told to wait outside while they stitched him up. John was left to his thoughts. Sure he liked Sherlock, as a friend right? No Sherlock was more than a friend, though not in that way. God, what was wrong with him! He wasn't gay, but he was having some second thoughts about his sexuality. Sure, he felt protective of Sherlock, but that was understandable, right? Oh, god, John put his head in his hands. He couldn't even figure out his own feelings. All he knew was that whatever he felt for Sherlock, it was extremely powerful.

A doctor in came out of the room Sherlock was currently in, and walked up to John.

"John Watson?" the doctor asked.

John stood up, "Yes, it he alright?"

"Well, he has lost a lot of blood but we believe he will be alright."

"Thank, god. Thank you. Can I see him?"

"Yes, you may, but please don't wake him, he's sleeping."

John made his way over to Sherlock's bed and sat down next to him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. They had hooked him up so many machines, bags, and IVs it broke John's heart. He reached up and grabbed Sherlock's hand and held it in his own. Sherlock's hand was so soft, while John's had been caliced and hardened by the war.

Sherlock had a few visitors during the day, Mycroft who gave John a knowing look that he did not understand, Molly who looked slightly sad, and left Sherlock flowers, Mrs. Hudson, who was glad he was ok and sat with John by his bedside for some time, and Greg and Sally, Greg stayed for a while, while sally just stood in the corner waiting for her boss to finish visiting the unconscious man.

"Well, John, I'm afraid I'll have to go, we have a pretty trying case at the moment, two boys found dead in an alley five blocks away from their home, their skulls bashed in. stepmother said they didn't hear anything the night of and the husband was out with some buddies at a bar"

"It was the stepmother." Said a quiet voice from behind them, they turned and realized that it was Sherlock, who was only semi-conscious. He opened his eyes and John dropped his hand.

"Honestly Lestrade, if I can get it in a drug addled state surely you and your whole team could figure it out." After this short speech he dropped unconscious again.

Greg sighed, "He's even arrogant when injured, honestly. Well I better go take the stepmother into questioning. See you later John."

John sat back down and took Sherlock's hand again. The look he got from Mycroft, the way molly looked. He had fallen in love with Sherlock Holmes, and he was the last one to know about it. Sherlock probably did not return his sentiments, but he was alive, and that was all that mattered at the moment. He could live with just being friends, for now.

hey there will be a sequel! called this twisted fate! might be up tomorrow... i dunno thanks everyone!