After everyone had seen their family, Brennan was the only one who didn't see anyone. She watched Booth put his hand up to the glass window and Parker on the other side put his hand up too. She could see the need for the father figure in Parkers life. Brennan sat in her office while her friends saw their family. It was too hard for Brennan to watch over and over again.

Brennan finished the glass of eggnog that she was holding and was looking over some evidence on her office couch. She was okay alone even around the holidays. But Booth always thought people should never be alone. After Booth was done visiting with Parker, he looked for Brennan.

"Hey." Booth said as he entered the room slowly. Brennan barley glanced up to meet Booth's face. He sat down next to Brennan trying to read over her shoulder. He gave up with the scientific mambo jumbo that only Brennan could read.

"I still haven't figured out what the pouch is that you found in his suitcase." Brennan said. Her eyes still glued to the folder.

"I know you will find what it is." There was an awkward silence that filled Brennan's office. Booth wanted to talk about Brennan and her situation with Christmas. And Brennan wanted to talk about the case.


"Booth-." They said at the same time. They looked away from each other trying not to make eye contact. Then Booth slipped his hand under hers and brought his other hand up to her face. He looked at her pale blue eyes and just looked at her face. Brennan brought her lips closer to his and whispered.

"Merry Christmas Seeley Booth." Booth finished by kissing her. Brennan let Booth kiss her. She added a little something of her own to their intimacy.

Hodgins chuckled as he walked away from the window.

"What are you laughing about?" Angela said as she walked up to him.

"How Zach was wrong and needs to pay up."

"About what?" Angela questioned her co-worker. "What were you doing?"

"Let's just say my eggnog hookup worked."

"WHAT!" Angela shouted. Zach joined in the group conversation.

"Dr. Hodgins. Did your alcoholic holiday liquid experiment work with Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth?" Angela realized that Brennan and Booth were the two people they were talking about. Angela ran up to Brennan's office window to see them sucking the lips of each other.

"How much liquor did you give her?" Angela asked worriedly.

"Well I had a bottle of eggnog that was ¼ eggnog and ¾ alcohol."

"There's an empty bottle on her coffee table."

"Whoops, looks like the doctor is going to be fun tomorrow." Hodgins said sarcastically.

"Where did they go?"

"What do you mean?"

"They're gone look." Hodgins looked to see the two heads gone.

"I bet they went to Egyptology."

"Ohh." Angela said quietly.

Brennan had a good idea. She dragged Booth downstairs where they kept the Egyptology department. Booth and Brennan were lip locked the whole time going down stairs. When they reached the determined area, there was a bed. They soon started to undress each other. Booth rushed unbuttoning Brennan shirt still kissing each other all over. Brennan fumbled with Booth's belt. Booth stopped for a moment.

"Are you ready for this?" Booth said as he looked into her pale eyes.

"Yes, of course." Brennan said a little slurred.