Sorry for the slight wait, work is busy! This is just a small chapter to get things going. Please review.

The TARDIS landed with a slight bump. The Doctor jumped up from where he had fallen, and stumbled towards the door, putting his ear against the closed door, he listened very carefully. It sounded silent. He took out his sonic screwdriver and held it in front of him as he opened the door. He wasn't going to risk it, they were obviously trying to get his attention by kidnapping Amy and Rory.

The door opened to reveal he had arrived in what appeared to be a supply closet, "Well, this isn't the first time this has happened." He muttered to himself, before placing his ear against the new door in front of him.

Once again, everything was silent. Holding the door handle and his sonic screwdriver, he opened the door slowly, and peeped through the gap. He let the door swing open and looked around the new room, which happened to be completely identical to the closet he was currently standing in. He stepped forward and pointed his sonic at it, just as the door behind him swung shut and disappeared, "Ah, a trap."


"Why do you know my name?" Donna repeated, stepping towards Martha, who looking terrified, stepped backwards a few steps, "Tell me now. How do you know who I am?"

Amy watched as Martha hit the wall, where she looked up, and she grimaced at the sight, the small grey blobs sliming up the glass ceiling didn't exactly look terrifying, but they didn't look in the slightest bit attractive.

"I-I'm a doctor, I've seen you at hospital," Martha offered, questioning her own answer.

"Okay, and now give me an answer that's actually true." Donna huffed, her hands on her hips, looking angry, "Besides, I haven't been to the hospital in years." She growled.

"I don't know what to say, I can't..."

Martha glanced at Rose, who walked towards her and spoke, "Donna, we can't tell you. If we tell you, something bad will happen. Please trust me?"

"Uh, guys," Amy cut in, pointing towards the ceiling.

Everyone looked up. Donna looked back down at the blonde woman that had previously told her to trust her and nodded. They watched as her eyes seemed to cloud over with gold mist, before she collapsed.


The Doctor, realising he had now lost the TARDIS, started pointing his sonic to find any way of escape, and it wasn't exactly doing anything helpful. At all.

He leaned towards the door again, listening out for any sounds.

"You can come out now Doctor."