hey this is my sequel! hope u like. sorry it took so long to get up but my jump drive died, so i couldnt upload. please review!
Chapter 1
Sherlock had been released from the hospital a week ago today. John was glad that he was alive, but that didn't stop him from thinking that Sherlock was still a gigantic prick. The first few days after he was released, he would call for John to bring him tea and science supplies, and at first John was happy to do it. After a while it just got extremely annoying, so John would take to going on walks during the day. During his walks, he would try to figure out his feelings toward to detective. He was extremely surprised that Sherlock didn't notice how John looked at him, when he wasn't being annoying. John had realized his feelings after he had almost lost him, again. He turned around to head back to the flat; he had just gone out on one of his walks when Sherlock had started to mix some chemicals that smelled extremely bad.
He unlocked the door to his flat when he heard someone talking upstairs.
"Sherlock?" John asked as he walked into the flat.
"John, we have and uninvited house guest."
John looked around the flat looking for the someone who had so annoyed Sherlock. He saw the person and instantly went rigid, Mycroft. He had still not completely forgiven him for what he had done to Sherlock. Mycroft was leaning on his umbrella in an obscure corner of the room in his usual three piece suit.
"What do you want?" John snarled.
"Manners, John. Manners. I came to ask Sherlock to look into a case of mine; I hoped he would be able to figure it out."
"I said no Mycroft, how many more times do I have to say it!" Sherlock exclaimed, looking extremely annoyed.
He looked so cute when he was annoyed, no John focus, you can't get distracted now. He might notice.
Mycroft turned to John with an almost pleading look in his eye.
"Sorry, Mycroft, not my decision."
"Goodbye Mycroft!" Sherlock said almost pushing his brother out of the door to their flat. He walked back to his experiment, which was now bubbling over and onto Mrs. Hudson table.
"Mrs. Hudson won't be happy with you." Sherlock made an indiscernible noise in response. John sighed; he couldn't ever get a word out of him when he was conducting an experiment. Sherlock's phone buzzed.
"You gonna get that?" John asked, Sherlock just grunted. John sighed again and walked over to his friend, and got the phone out of his jacket pocket.
"It's from Lestrade, says he has a case."
Sherlock's head shot up, "What are we waiting for! Grab your coat."
John went to go get his coat, and hurried out the door on Sherlock's heels. He told the cabbie the location and they set off.
"What did Lestrade say about the case?" Sherlock asked after a moment of silence.
"Uhh, he said… two bodies, no physical signs of damage." He turned to look at Sherlock who had his fingers steepled under his chin. God he looked adorable when he was lost in thought.
"Sorry, what?"
"You were just staring at me."
Damn, he was caught, "Was I?"
"Yes, you were. Is something bothering you?" Sherlock looked at least a little concerned.
"No, Sherlock, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong." He turned away and looked out of the window.
What was that he had seen on John's face? It was the same as the look he had seen on his face when Sherlock had just come back. He filed away the look right next to the other one. Why was he avoiding his questions and his gaze? He was obviously hiding something, he had gathered that much, but what would he have to hide from Sherlock? He groaned aloud, this was going to eat at him until he figured it out.
At his groan John whirled about and gave Sherlock a look of confusion. When Sherlock didn't turn, he figured he was thinking about the case and turned back to the window. He had almost let it slip; it would've been disastrous if Sherlock were to find out. He had no idea how he would react if he figured it out before John was ready. He knew Sherlock couldn't return his sentiments, he had told him already that he didn't have emotions. Oh well, he would have to tell him eventually, but, just not now.
They pulled up outside of the crime scene and climbed out of their cab. As always Sally was waiting by the tape to let them in.
"Donovan." Sherlock said as he walked by.
"Freak." Sally said, before holding up the tape for them to go under.
John turned to Sally, "D'you think you could, not call him that?"
"D'you think he could stop being a freak?" Sally replied. John gave up and turned back to follow Sherlock, but ended up running right into him.
"Sherlock! What are you doing?"
"Why did you do that?"
"Do what?" John asked extremely annoyed.
"You just defended me. You told her not to call me a freak."
"Yeah, so what?"
"Why should it bother you, she's calling me a freak, not you."
"I-I just don't like it, it's not particularly…kind." John was blushing, so he turned and walked over to where Greg was leaning over two bodies.
Sherlock stood puzzled at what John had said to him. What did he mean by that, no one had ever stuck up for him like that. Not even his own brother.
"Ahh, Sherlock. Thanks for coming; I can give you… five minutes."
Sherlock began to look over the two bodies, both male. He bent over to examine the two bodies. They had no visible signs of what had happened, so he bent closer to examine them.
John watched as Sherlock bent over the body and started examining the legs and feet of the bodies and then moved over to their heads, he seemed to have found something, because he shot up off of the floor with a sample of something in his hands.
"John, we have to go visit Molly." Sherlock was already out the door.
"Sherlock!" Greg yelled after the detective.
"Sorry, Greg, I'll text you what we find." John said.
"Ok, John, good luck." Greg turned back to his other officers as John raced over to catch up with Sherlock. He loved it when Sherlock had the glint in his eye that he had when on a case.
"Sherlock, what are we doing?"
"Going to visit Molly? Didn't you hear he the first time?"
"Yes, I heard you, I just didn't understand. Would you care to explain?"
"I need to analyze a compound that I found." Sherlock turned back to look out of the window, again lost in thought. John turned back to look out of his own window.
hey ill try to get two up tomorrow! please review! thanks for all of my friends for suporting me. and the one person whom i didnt know who reviewed my last story thank you!