Hello once again audience. i am soooo srry for the wait! i hate it myself when an author doesnt upload i hope u like.
Chapter 10
"John! JOHN! JOHN! WAKE UP!" Sherlock was jumping on John's bed like a little kid on Christmas, "Joooooohn," Sherlock whined, "John, wake up!"
John just grumbled and turned over. He put his pillow over his face, trying to drown out his boyfriend's whines.
"John, I hope you realized that I am just going to keep bugging you until you get up."
"I know, I know" John said, his voice muffled by the pillow, "What do you want? And what time is it?"
"You should know what I want, and its five thirty."
"I hope you mean at night." John grumbled.
"You know I don't."
"And what is this crap about me knowing what the crap you could possibly want at five thirty in the morning?" John said taking the pillow off of his face and sitting up in the bed but seeing Sherlock still semi-wrapped up in blankets drove most of the other thoughts from his mind. Did Sherlock sleep in his bed last night? He did vaguely remember someone holding him in the night.
"Sherlock? D-did you sleep here last night?"
"Well yes, but you didn't give me much choice. I kind of gave up trying to get away from you."
"I never thought you would give up so easily."
"I have never been so happy to give up in my life."
John blushed at the thought of Sherlock climbing into John's bed.
"Anyway, back to the main issue, you were going to tell me what the passcode on your computer is." Sherlock said slightly miffed that John had forgotten his promise.
"Oh- you woke me up for that!"
"Yes, what else would I wake you up for at five thirty?"
"Oh- I can think of many things, but I'll tell you after we eat."
"John, I don't wanna eat! I want you to show me nooooow!"
"If you don't eat, I won't tell you."
"Now John, that's not fair! You promised."
"I promised that I would tell you today I didn't specify a time. Now let's go eat."
Sherlock trudged down to the kitchen and started to make them breakfast while John hovered behind him, watching.
"John, why do you insist on watching me like a stalker?"
"Wh-I'm not a stalker! And I just can't help that I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world!"
"John I'm flattered, but I already knew that."
"And the most modest too!" John said laying the sarcasm down thick, as he went into their living room and plopped onto the couch, waiting for Sherlock to finish breakfast. He really was an amazing cook.
Sherlock was nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he scarfed his breakfast and waited for John to finish. How could he bear to eat so slowly? He was such a tease, it was infuriating!
John finished and started to wash the dishes at an infuriatingly slow pace that drove Sherlock up the wall, until he bumped him out of the way and started to wash the dishes as fast as humanly possible. When he finished he swept John off of his feet and carried him over to where his laptop lay on the floor. Sherlock sat down and forced John to sit on his lap.
John bent over to grab the laptop from the floor.
"C'mon John! I can't wait any longer!"
"Ok Sherlock!" John said before he started to type characters, while Sherlock looked on eagerly following his fingers as they slowly went across the key board in his infuriatingly slow two finger typing style.
There was an I-l-o, John kept typing, s-h-e. When he finished Sherlock was left to look at the screen where John had left the passcode, it read:
I love you Sherlock.
Sherlock was stunned, he knew a little bit about this relationship thing and he knew that saying I love you was a pretty big step. At least he thought it was, Sherlock didn't understand why that would be a very big step. He already knew that he loved John, but what was so important about saying it.
John looked to the detective looking for any sign of rejection. Finding none John relaxed somewhat.
Sherlock turned to John and kissed him deeply. John was taken by surprise by Sherlock's sudden burst of emotion, he was still a sociopath after all, but was very eager to return the kiss. They were interrupted by Mycroft standing at the door making not so subtle clearing his throat noises.
Sherlock flipped John over onto the chair and stalked over to his brother.
"I-"Mycroft started.
"No, no, no, NO! I don't care what you want, just get out of my house!" Sherlock yelled at his brother as he forced him out of the door, god he was glad Mycroft had gone on that diet. He retreated and slammed the door in his brother's face. He turned back to John who was trying to hold back his laughter. He would wipe that smile off of John's face.
John stopped laughing when he saw the evil looking glint in his boyfriend's eyes. Sherlock lunged forward and tackled John who was still sitting in the chair. The force of Sherlock flying caused the chair to topple over backwards throwing both of them into a near somersault. The two men untangled themselves laughing. Sherlock stooped his head down and kissed John again. He flipped John onto his lap so they could continue kissing in a more comfortable position.
"Why all the affection?" John asked when they broke apart.
"Because John," Sherlock said taking the doctors face in his hands, "John, I-I," Sherlock lowered his voice to a whisper, "Because I love you too."
i hope u liked it! there will most likely be more in the next few days! plz review!