A/N Yay! This is the remake of The Renegade and it will be much better I have gained more experience writting and I hope you all like it! I do not own MR. You do not have to have read the original to read this redo on with nĂºmero uno!
I walked through the pure white halls. Or at least they were pure white halls. There was blood splattered everywhere and crumpled lifeless bodies littered the ground. One lay in my path so I kicked it away. I looked in a mirror. My all black clothes were now blood stained. My eyes were jet black with brown spirals off the pupils. My hair had become a jet black also. I walked out of the building and looked back on it one last time. It was the School, where they did the worst things to kids. I turned and faced my flock.
"Lets go." I told them. I peeked into their minds. Their thoughts were a crazed jumble of feelings. Most were scared but one was a mix of being freaked out yet still in love. I opened my wings and everyone gasped. They had become jet black too but had gold, silver, and brown flecks mixed in.
"I said lets go!" I was about to go off on them. I didn't want to but they weren't responding. Besides the last time I went off was about an hour ago and I had slaughtered the School. Rage came over my face as they just stared at me like I was the enemy. I shouted out and drew a knife. They all gasped.
"Lets go!" I hurled it into the sole surviver of my latest rampage in the School, Jeb. He screamed in agony as the weapon pierced his throat. I took off and a stunned flock followed. We were on our way to my mom's house and hopefully she would take us in. Now with the school out of the way maybe we can live in peace. But in the back of my mind I knew we had just scratched the surface on what was to come. And I can't wait.
A/N Short I know but majorly important to begin a remake. More soon. Bye.