A/N Okay, this is the final chapter. It's been quite some type since I have wrote so it starts off pretty shaky but hopefully the end makes up for it. Warning, this chapter is dark. Remember to review.
Me...It was me... My body went numb, I could focus only on the mirror. That one simple handheld mirror that changed everything. My new powers gone, all gone. But somewhere, in the back of my mind, I was relieved. I no longer felt so out of character, I felt like myself again. I shook my head, I have plenty of time to think, after my flock and I escape. I once again glanced around the room, noticing the blackened walls, the stale air, the metal bars, when something new caught my eyes. It was a small key. laying on the metal tray in between the mirror and syringe.
Anger rose in me. It was as if they were mocking me, laying the key just out of reach. If only I still had those powers. I need a plan. With any luck the rest of the flock will be somewhat close by, and maybe in the same room. I sat back in my cage, leaning against the bars, and stared at the door. Almost as if on cue, the door clicked open to reveal a couple of whitecoats and an eraser. They walked up to the cage with a key and unlocked the small door. I sat there, dumbfounded, it was like they completely forgot about the other key. The whitecoats jotted down a couple of notes onto their pads and waited for me to come out.
"Is she broken," whispered one to the other.
"I don't know, could reversing the experiment really have done that much harm?" the other wondered aloud.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and crawled out of the cage. The whitecoats looked warily at each other, obviously remembering the last time I was free in the school, turned and walked out the door, the eraser following. Quickly I swiped the key and followed.
I don't know where I am, all I see is darkness. But I didn't feel right either. Not like I was sitting in the dark, no. I felt detached, detached from my body. Surrounded in a numbing darkness. Am I dead? All I remember is hearing a scream and entering the blackness. I could be dead, it'd certainly explain the darkness and numb feeling. But I still felt alive. Was I just unconscious? In a coma? I couldn't be sure, I just felt...numb.
I swept the area with my mind. I heard the thoughts of the flock around me. In my room was also Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy. We were together, thankfully. I found Max's thoughts and it sounds like she is normal again. I couldn't hear Fang though. It's as if he isn't here. Maybe they moved him, or worse, maybe he is dead?
I looked over the remaining flock; Iggy was looking excitedly at everything in the room, Gazzy was hopping up and down out of joy. Yes, you read that correctly, looking. When we woke up Iggy could see again. Ever since he has been doing nothing but taking in the contents of this room; the dark, weathered stone walls, the dirty gray floor, the bunk beds, one on each side of the room, the small wooden desk, the trash can, ect. Im happy for him, I really am, but we need to focus.
"Guys we need a plan," I said.
I was back in my cage when Angel's excited thoughts came into my head, Max you will not BELIEVE what just happened!
What? I thought back.
IGGY can SEE. At that moment a large explosion shook the building. All of the lights flickered off and were replaced by red, flashing warning lights. A loud siren rang out too. I fumbled around for my key, slid it out, and unlocked my cage. When I reached the door I tried the handle, locked. Well I guess that's what they make feet for, I thought as I took a step back and kicked it open. What I saw next shocked me, yes, shocked me. The hall was ablaze with fighting. A whole group of whitecoats cowered in a corner behind some erasers as experiments ran around freely. But what was worse... The usually white hallway was stained blood red, I won't explain further, it was gruesome. Averting my gaze, I bolted out of my room heading for the nearest exit.
After a while of running around in this maze of a building dodging enraged experiments, angry whitecoats, and snarling erasers, back tracking through identical hallways, and coming upon several bolted shut, heavy built doors, I found an exit. It was an old maintenance door, tucked away in a back corner of the School. I kicked it open and found myself outside.
I took a breath of fresh air. A nice cool breeze blew over the ground, rustling the green leaves on a tall oak tree. I heard shouting and found myself immediately dog piled by bird kids.
"Iggy! I heard you can see again?" he nodded, eyes lit up in happiness. As I gazed over them I noticed one missing.
"We can't find Fang," said Angel. I nodded. This chaos was the best chance to get him and get out.
"We need to head back inside and find," I broke off as deep, growling voice interrupted me.
"Where do you think you guys are going," snarled an eraser.
All of us stared in shock. Slowly, eraser after eraser filed out the door and surrounded us. The Schools sirens faded off and I saw the normal lights come back on through the door. I nodded toward the rest of the flock as they fell into their fighting stances. A thought struck me, where is Nudge? As if on cue she bolted out through the maintenance door followed by a hoard of angry experiments. The previously peaceful clearing broke into chaos.
An eraser lept at me plowing me off my feet and onto the ground, his large canines snapping at my throat, hard fists pounding into my stomach over and over again. I caught his head in my hands, tensed my muscles and threw him off of me, making him hurtle into the sea of angry experiments, his gaze toward me flickered from pure hatred to terror as he was engulfed by them. I shook my head and rose shakily to my feet, spitting out blood that had welled up into my mouth.
I glanced around myself, a lot of the erasers lay crumpled on the ground, unmoving. For a second I was hopeful that we could win and escape. I ran back into the School and searched door to door looking for the missing flock member. After checking what had to be more than twenty rooms I found the right one. My voice caught in my throat and I fell to my knees. Inside the room was Fang, laying on an operating table, bloody and unmoving, eyes closed, and body unnaturally still. A tear ran down my cheek and fell to the floor.
I didn't even hear the eraser behind me as he held his gun to my head and forced me outside. I felt nothing as he shoved me through the doors into the outside world. I heard nothing as he spoke angry words telling everyone to stop or he would shoot me. I stared blankly as the entire clearing froze, the erasers once again surrounding us. Angel gazed sadly at me, obviously reading my thoughts. My knees wobbled and collapsed from under me and I sank to the ground. The eraser lowered the gun to me and ordered all the experiments to give up.
~3rd Person POV~
In the clearing, many experiments stood, stunned. The flock was huddled in a separate grouping surrounded by most of the erasers. The rest of the experiments surrounded by only a few. One eraser held his gun to Max's head. Those reinforcements better come soon, he thought to himself. Max sat on her knees staring blankly to the ground, tears welled up in her eyes. Fang remained trapped in the numbing darkness, calling out.
I won't give up, Max decided to herself, Fang wouldn't have wanted us to. Max gave a small nod to the flock and the all nodded back. Max sprang up to her feet, grabbed the barrel of the pistol in her palms, and swung it into the eraser's chest. The eraser had meant to shoot but she was too fast and by the time he pulled the trigger, the barrel was pointed at him. His eyes rolled into his head as he collapsed to the ground. The flock sprang into action as did the rest of the experiments. For a short time it seemed that they would win. But it was a foolish impossibility. Shortly after, more erasers poured into the clearing and suddenly the flock and their allies were on the defensive.
"Take them down with minimal casualties!" shouted a whitecoat.
After only a couple moments most of the rouge experiments had been detained and the flock, plus Max. were cornered by the big oak tree, fighting a hopeless, losing battle.
"Don't give up guys!" Max called out, but it didn't matter. Gazzy was buried under erasers, Nudge was laying on the ground knocked out. Iggy was scrambling up the tree and Max was following, trying desperately to carry Nudge up too. Gazzy freed himself and half lept half flew up into the tree. They exchanged glances.
"Get down here little birdies!" yelled an eraser as the rest howled in laughter.
Max nodded, they want us down there, so be it. I'm not going down without a fight. As one the flock lept out of the top most branches, wings outstretched, and dive bombed the erasers.
"Don't go down without bringing a couple with you," Max ordered. The rest of the flock nodded, even Nudge who had just woken up. As they made their final assault on the erasers back in the school, the numbing darkness began to fade. Fang could make out the sounds of fighting. Light flooded into his head as his eyes snapped open.
End A/N and done. The story is now over and there is a nice final paragraph. Okay so all throughout this story I had no idea how to end it. Really, I had no idea where the story was going until I asked some friends for some ideas. So I promptly used the idea to have Max be once again normal. I added in Fang and Iggy regaining his eyesight. So yeah... Thats is pretty much it. Make sure to review and I hope you enjoyed the story.