Chapter One-

A petite figure leaned heavily against a hallway. Her shadow seemed to be listening, as it bent around the corner. All she could do was listen to her parents. Their shouts filled with tearful anger flooded her ears.

Before she could criticize, she remembered that this whole mess was her fault. Esther had just explained to her parents that she desperately wanted to join the United States Airborne. Her fathers face turned red with astonishing fury, and her mother burst into tears. Their argument was that she was a woman, and her only goal in life should be to raise a family, not go off to war. Their yelling continued as her father began to rant off to no one in particular.

As this disheartening scene played over and over in her overwhelmed mind, and lone tear cascaded down her pale cheek. Out of nowhere, two delicate arms wrapped themselves around Esther's waist. Her first thought was that an animal had decided to kidnap her. But, then a small smile could be felt through her thin sundress. Instantly Esther knew who this 'animal' really was. It was her little sister, Dixie, who was terribly confused. Ma and Pa never fought, and Esther was beginning to realize that this really was herfault. Then another flashback began to plague her thoughts.

The LIFE advertisement was being recited on the crackly radio once more, as her family was sorrowfully listening to the list of casualties. It spoke of men flinging themselves from airplanes into enemy territory. Every time the words pierced her ears a hot flame grew in her chest. This was due to a burning feeling that she had to be apart of it all. This war; this war that could potentially harm her beloved country. When she was young, Esther was taught to respect her beautiful country… and that was why she couldn't understand why they were so mad.

Oh, if only she could explain this all to sweet little Dixie. Dixie- it was a great name. A name that Esther was proud she had given her little sister. Born with an imagination, Esther was allowed to name the newborn. Dixie and Esther had a tight relationship, one that she knew she would miss.

Dixie shook Esther, demanding her attention. She came out of her painful trance, and looked lovingly down at her. When she did, Esther's mass of hair flipped over her shoulder and tickled Dixie's lovable face. Dixie let out a small giggle, causing Esther's long finger to fly up to her lips, as she was worried her parents would hear.

Finally they had stopped their yelling, and all that could be heard was her mother gasping for breath. Had they made some sort of decision?

Esther timidly came out from the shadows to face her parents, with a small girl on her hip. Maybe, she thought, if they see Dixie they will be easier on me. Pa took another loud gulp from his nightly beer, and let out a lengthy sigh.

"Dixie, go to your room."

Dixie looked up at Esther, surprised, as he was never cross with her.

"Now," his loud and powerful voice stung Dixie's innocents. Esther let Dixie down, and she scurried off to her room. Now with her protection gone, she gulped as she looked towards her seething father and her tear-stained mother. Why where they so upset?

"After much discussion and concern for your mental health…" Ma winked at her. "We have come to a decision that you may go-"

Esther began to beam, but then he continued.

"… because we know you are doing is for a reasonable purpose."

Esther squealed and ran into her father's arms, saying thank you over and over. She met with her Ma, and she took in the sweet smell of her blonde hair. The scent that comforted her as a small child would not be there in war. The thought of homesickness had never crossed her mind when that advertisement was on.

Dixie timidly shuffled into the kitchen, with her teddy bear clutched in her arms. Esther motioned her over and she jumped on her hip again. That was where she belonged.

Oh, how hard it would be to explain this all to her admiring sister. Esther decided to place this on the backburner, and instead chose to glance at her beaming parents filled with pride.