Hey guys!

SO sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has a LOT of homework. Luckily, it's summer now! Woohoo!

Now, on with the story! (P.S I love exclamation points!)

Piper POV.

I woke up, not knowing if I was feeling happy or sad.

I mean, Jason didn't remember me, but it seems he still likes me.

One thing I did know is that if I didn't start moving, we'd be late for school.

I walked over to Jason's room. I slowly opened the door. He was fast asleep. "Perfect." I thought. I ran back to my room and grabbed my cymbals.

I put them right next to his face and slammed them together. He shot a foot in the air and fell off his bed. I was laughing so hard tears were on the verge of falling from my eyes. He opened his eyes and glared at me.

"I think you just broke my eardrums." He stated.

I smirked. "Glad you're awake Sparky. Want some breakfast?"

"Sure. Whatcha got?"

I looked at him. "Name every food item on Earth. I guarantee we have it."

He smiled at me. "Pancakes?" He asked, although he knew what my answer would be.

"George! Make us some pancakes, will ya?" I hollered down the stairs. "Coming right up, Miss Piper!" George, my chef, shouted back up.

We walked down the stairs nicely to the dining room. Okay, I lied. We ran and slid down the railing. Hey, it's a lot faster. Give me a break!

Anyway, when we got down there, the pancakes were steaming hot on the table.

Jason and I each ate six pancakes, 2 slices of bacon, and toast. We then packed up our things and walked out.

"So, do you play any sports?" Jason asked me as we got out our bikes.

"Yeah". I responded. "I play catcher in softball and goalie in hockey and soccer."

"Wow." Jason said. "You play a lot of sports."

I laughed. "It's only three, but whatever." He smiled at me and laughed as well. It was silent after that. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I was trying to figure out how to save our relationship. I mean, he lost his memory. He basically had no idea who I was, and we were going to college after this year. I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize we had arrived at school.

At school, we parted ways and I went to my homeroom. As soon as I walked through the door, I heard all my classmates talking about the Fall Talent Show. I know what you're thinking: don't most schools have a winter or spring talent show? Yes, they do. Our school happens to have a fall one, for some weird reason.

Anyway, it was the talk of the school. After all, it was only two weeks away. I saw two girls talking about it in the front.

"Hey, what are you doing for the talent show?" I heard one girl ask. "Oh, Emily and I are dancing to Starships." The other replied. It's crazy that people already know what they're doing on the second day of school, but the show is pretty soon, so it's pretty logical if you want to start rehearsing.

That got me thinking. I didn't know what I was doing yet.

I texted Thalia, Hazel, and Annabeth.

Hey guys, r we doing anything 4 the talent show?

I got their replies almost immediately.

Thalia- ya, I dont have any ideas tho. Ask Annabeth, shes the smart 1

Hazel- Ask Annabeth, she'll think of something, I know it!

Annabeth- Let me guess, the group wants you to ask me. Well, I was thinking we could perform Where Have You Been by Rihanna. It's a big hit this year, and I like that song :-)

Alright, she said we should do where have u been by Rihanna. Meet at my house after skool and we can rehearse. I texted Thalia and Hazel. Oh, I forgot to introduce them.

Thalia is a don't-mess-with-me-or-I'll-punch-you kind of girl. She's punk and kind of emo, but don't tell her I said that. She has a huge crush on Nico diAngelo but won't admit it. She's also Jason's sister.

Hazel is really caring and sweet, but also extremely hyper. (A.N Yeah, Hazel's OOC, I know) She's dating Frank, and has a weird obsession for horses and dancing.

Annabeth is really smart. She gets straight A+'s every term. She's single, but dated Luke Castellan. Percy Jackson has crush on her. She says she doesn't like him, but it's obvious that she does.

The three of us have been best friends since kindergarten. We were always in at least one class all together. This year, we got lucky. All of them are in my Latin, chemistry, Greek Mythology, P.E, and English classes, Hazel is in my drama class, and Thalia is in my geometry class. Annabeth would be in our math class, but she decided to take advanced algebra instead.

As soon as I finished texting my friends, the bell rang for my next class. I survived the morning, after four long classes. When the bell rang in my 4th period class, I bolted out the door to get to lunch. I stopped by Jason's locker. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey, Sparky. You ready for lunch?" I asked, as we started to walk to the lunchroom.

"How'd you come up with Sparky, anyway?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows. "You're a son of Zeus." I answered.

"Oh, um… right." He stammered his face red.

I laughed. We walked into the lunchroom and sat at our usual table.

After lunch, I went to my usual classes. At the end of the day, I met up with Jason again, and we rode our bikes home.

I then remembered that I invited Thalia, Hazel, and Annabeth over.

"Hey, Jason, I'm having Thalia, Hazel, and Annabeth over to rehearse for the talent show." I said.

He looked puzzled. "Thalia…Thalia…why does that name sound familiar?"

"She's your sister." I replied. "She lives with your uncle."

"Oh." He said. "You mentioned the other two yesterday." He said.

"Yeah. Are you doing the talent show, by the way?" I asked him.

"Well, this guy named Percy came over and said that "The Olympians" were doing Boyfriend and What Makes You Beautiful at the show." He said, although his face made it obvious that he was confused.

"Oh, The Olympians is the school boy bank kind of thing. It has you, Percy, Frank, Leo, Travis, and Nico in it. You guys perform together every year." I explained.

"Oh, okay." He said, but I knew that I hadn't answered all his questions. I decided to just leave it alone. When we got home, Jason and I did homework. After we finished, the doorbell rang. Thalia, Hazel, and Annabeth came in. "Oh my gods Piper! I missed you! Oh, hi Jason!" Hazel said. I told you she was hyper.

The five of us went into the basement. We all sat in a circle.

"Okay." I said, looking at each person. "Thalia-you're in charge of costumes. Hazel-you're in charge of the dancing. Annabeth-you're in charge of choreographing. Jason-…I guess you can direct." I said. "Alright everyone-get to work!" I called. I smiled. No one complained, because I might have charm spoke them. Maybe.

We worked for a solid two weeks until the talent show. I'll admit, we were awesome. Thalia designed awesome costumes that, of course, were black. Hazel came up with an amazing dance, but I think she took it from a music video or something. And Annabeth put everything together nicely. Oh, don't forget Jason. He directed the thing, and rehearsed his own songs with Percy and the guys.

This was the first talent show where I wasn't nervous.

When the day finally arrived, it was madness. People in various costumes were buzzing around the building. The bathrooms were stocked with girls putting on makeup. People were singing, dancing, and doing what they needed to prepare for the show.

Finally, the principal got everyone into the auditorium. The show started out with freshman, then sophomores, then juniors, then, finally, seniors. So basically, we had to sit through three grades worth of performances until it was time for the seniors.

I was watching Connor Stoll epically fail at escaping from handcuffs when Annabeth tapped me on the shoulder. We were next. We hurried on backstage and finished getting ready. We saw Connor exit the stage and heard our principal call "Please welcome Thalia Grace, Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase, and Piper McLean, who are performing Where Have You Been by Rihanna!"

The crowd started to clap and cheer as we walked out onstage. The music started to play.






I've been everywhere, man

Looking for someone

Someone who can please me

Love me all night long

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for you babe

Looking for you babe

Searching for you babe

Where have you been

Cause I never see you out

Are you hiding from me, yeah?

Somewhere in the crowd

Where have you been,

All my life, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

We all did the dance Hazel had us do, and the whole crowd started cheering. They were standing up and dancing with the music. I saw Jason in the midst of all the people. He was smiling at me and dancing like everyone else. I was staring at him the whole time I was singing, I should know.

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for someone

Someone who can please me

Love me all night long

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for you babe

Looking for you babe

Searching for you babe

Where have you been

Cause I never see you out

Are you hiding from me, yeah?

Somewhere in the crowd

Where have you been,

All my life, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

Where have you been, all my life

We were the hit of the show so far, as the crowd was cheering so loudly I could barely hear myself think.

You can have me all you want

Anyway, any day

To show me where you are tonight

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for someone

Someone who can please me

Love me all night long

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for you babe

Looking for you babe

Searching for you babe

As soon as we finished, the crowd erupted into cheers and screaming "Take the PATH! Take the PATH!

Oh, I forgot to mention, we call ourselves PATH. Piper, Annabeth, Thalia, Hazel. Can you guess who came up with it? That's right. Annabeth did.

Anyway, we exited the stage, and we heard the principal call "Here's Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, Travis Stoll, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, and Nico diAngelo!

The entered and I stifled a laugh. They wore purple leather jackets and backwards baseball caps. They all looked like Justin Bieber. They sang, but all I could focus on was Jason. I didn't like Boyfriend anyway. What was funny was the fact that Jason looked like a deer in the headlights. He looked really nervous. He looked at me, and I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back. After that, he seemed more confident. He was an amazing singer, better than anyone in the group.

Percy was good too, and he jumped off stage, still singing, and walked over to Annabeth, who was sitting next to me. He started singing to her, but he looked serious. She noticed that too, because she blushed and looked at her shoes.

After that, they sang What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. All the girls were screaming, it was a madhouse. That was the last performance, thankfully. I glanced up at the stage. The principal came out.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for attending or performing in this year's annual October Talent Show! I will now announce the winner of the show. That person of group will perform one more act to close the show. The winner is…"

Ooh, a cliffy! Who will win? Suggestions are helpful, as is constructive criticism and praises to boost my spirit. Thanks guys! There are many chapters to go, even though this one was long. And took a while to write. Anyway, keep reading my stories! Bye!
