Okay. I have decided to change this story up a tiny bit. Instead of one full story, it will turn into a series of related oneshots that follow through the school year. I'm going to start this little change at Thanksgiving, (chapter 4) which is what this chapter is about. Thank you guys, and sorry that I haven't updated this in a while, I have a lot of other stories to work on. Please review, follow, and favorite if you have the time. I luv you guys! And now I present to you…..Chapter 4!

Piper POV

Jason and I had a problem.

My chef, Dave was sick and our maid was with her own family. So Jason and I were left alone on Thanksgiving with bags of food, and we had to make dinner before my dad and his co-stars got home-which was in two hours.

I looked over the mountains of food, knowing that we had a lot of work to do.

We assigned each other jobs. I was assigned the mashed potatoes, stuffing, and the pies. Jason chose the turkeys, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and everything else. For the next two hours, it was madness. Turkeys were being thrown into the oven, mashed potatoes were being whisked so fast they were flying everywhere, and plates were being tossed onto the table.

We didn't know time had passed so fast until we heard my dad coming inside. Everything was almost done, but we had no silverware out.

"Go distract them!" Jason whispered. I nodded and walked out of the kitchen to find my dad and about thirty other people walking through the door. When my dad caught my eye, he grinned.

"Pipes!" he exclaimed, and walked in my direction. When he approached me, I gave him a hug.

"Hi dad, long time no see. How was the movie?" I asked.

"Oh, it was fantastic. Hey, maybe I'll bring you to the premiere." He suggested.

"I might just do that." I said, and he smiled.

"Did George prepare us some dinner?" he asked.

"Well, George is sick, so Jason and I made dinner." I said, a sheepish smile playing on my face.

He looked at me with questioning eyes. "Pipes, I didn't know you could cook." He said.

"Well, I just did the easy stuff-Jason did most of the work." I admitted.

"I like that boy. He'll be joining us for dinner, I hope?" he asked.

"Yeah. In fact, he's staying with us for a while. His mother was…um…injured." I said. I didn't actually know what happened to his mom. I don't know if Jason knew either.

"Oh, that's too bad. Let him know that he's welcome to stay here as long as he wants." He said.

Suddenly, Jason appeared in the doorway. "Dinner's ready." He said, and people started filing into the dining room.

I heard some ooh's and ahh' as I followed behind the crowd. When I entered the room, I almost gasped myself. Everything was perfectly laid out, with plates of food piled up on the table. It looked like a scene from a movie. I saw Jason sitting down towards the end of the table, and I sat down next to him.

"How'd you do this so quickly?" I asked him, my voice full of amazement.

"Well, I figured out that I can fly, which makes it so much easier to bring things from the kitchen to the dining room." He responded with a grin.

I grinned back. "Just don't let my dad see you do that, he might faint." I joked.

He laughed. He was about to say something, but my dad stood up. "Hears to this great dinner, and that we could all be here together on this special day." He said, and raised his glass. People cheered and raised their glasses as well.

"Thanks, I've never really had a Thanksgiving like this before." Jason said as he and I clinked glasses.

"Oh, just wait for Christmas, Sparky."

He raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me we have to cook for that as well." He said.

"Let's hope not." I responded, and we laughed, enjoying the food and company.

It's fairly short, but I gave a hint of what the next chapter will be about! I don't think demigods actually celebrate Christmas, but it makes a good story. Anyway, I'll try to put chapter five up as soon as I can! See you soon!