Joe sat in the doctor's office. It was obvious the cancer was killing him. Meg sat next to him holding his hand.
"Forty-seven years... it seems like it was... I mean-"
"It feels like it isn't enough," Joe said gently, "I know honey. I feel the same way. But they were good years and that should bring you comfort until we see each other again. We have 5 daughters and 12 grand-daughters along with the last 3 grandsons. It's not goodbye, old girl. It's just I'll see you later."
"Maybe the doctor can bring us hope," Meg whispered
The doctor came in. Joe groaned. It was Applegate.
"Mr. Boyd," the doctor said, "It would appear that your cancer is gone."
"It... how? The doctor said that rarely happens."
"Yes and the Washington Senates hardly ever win the playoffs. Miracles happens."
"What do I owe you," Joe asked wearily.
"It's on the house," Applegate said, "Mrs. Boyd might I speak with your husband alone?"
Meg could only heard the last part... the part Applegate addressed to her. She nodded and left the room.
"You are doing this," Joe asked, "Without expecting anything in return?"
"Look Joe I'm playing for the good team now," Applegate said, "I realized that I couldn't win on the side I'm on. So now I'm on the right side. It's that simple."
"I'm not giving you my soul," Joe said.
"You don't have to," Applegate replied.