I am updating now...
Mua ha ha! I bet you didn't expect an update so soon! Well, guess what? Expect at least one update each day, sometimes two, because it is finally SUMMER VACATION! I am excited to write because I came back last night and had a dream about a scene from this story...so I am trying to bring the story to that scene, and then continue from there!
Once more, I ask you all to please review! It means SO MUCH to me! I didn't continue the Sacred Stone because it only got 6 reviews! I didn't continue Robert Jameson, because some random anonymous person who called themselves Robert Jameson was the only one who reviewed! Reviews mean everything to an AUTHOR during SUMMER VACATION who has an account on FANFICTION!
Here we go with Chapter Two...
Chapter Two, Part One: The House of Life
"What?" I was completely confused. Why on earth would the Cairo Elementary School nurse want to transport me to Seattle? And where was Seattle, anyways? I felt like I was Luke after finding out that Darth Vader was his father...confused, scared, and a little bit angry. "Why do I have to go to Seattle?"
"I'll tell you everything on the way," Nurse Lipslow whispered to me. "Now come! We have to hurry, before the men in black come again!" She was biting her fingernails. I wondered how a finger-biting nurse could safely bring me to some other country, continent, town, whatever. She hardly looked capable of traveling by herself, let alone with some Egyptian child who was wanted by the men in black and their leader, Ashira.
"Where is this Seattle, anyways?" I asked, more loudly than Nurse Lipslow wanted me to ask. "Why me? What did you mean by 'it always has to be sixth grade'?"
Nurse Lipslow stared at me with wide eyes. "You weren't supposed to hear that," she whispered faintly. Then, I heard a BOOM, and Nurse Lipslow toppled over onto the ground. The men in black were back, and they had broken down the door.
I noticed this time that they had left their rifles behind. They were holding strange, wooden crossbows made of twigs and leaves, but the arrows had purple tips. One of the arrows had hit Nurse Lipslow squarely in the stomach. "This will probably hurt," I warned her, and I pulled the arrow out. I noticed that it had a blunt edge, so it wasn't as bad as the pointy arrows. It was a noise arrow, meant to make a lot of noise, not to hurt, so Nurse Lipslow would probably be fine. But why were the men in black using such primitive weapons?
It was then that Nurse Lipslow snatched my hand and placed it to her wound. She muttered an incantation in a language that I did not understand, and the wound sealed up. I could see no blood. It was as if the arrow had never hit her. But I had no time to be stunned. I pulled Nurse Lipslow to her feet, and she called out, "LEAVE THIS SCHOOL AND NEVER COME BACK!" I tried to pull her back, but she broke free of my grasp and stepped right up to Sharut, who was in the front. "Tell your people to go back to Ashira and leave us alone," she hissed. "Maybe then will I spare your life." I had never seen Nurse Lipslow this angry before.
"As if!" Sharut chortled. "What are you going to do, old lady? You are a healer from the 57th Nome! You know nothing about offensive or defensive magic! That is not your specialty! Therefore, there is nothing you can do!"
"You have abandoned the House of Life completely!" Nurse Lipslow screeched. "You have forgotten the old ways and given in to the new! You have forgotten the gods! The ancient ways! You are a traitor to the House!"
"What house?" I asked.
"Ignorant fool!" Sharut sneered. "I told you he was not the one!" he yelled to Thorun, who was at the rear of the crowd. "I told you that he knew nothing! But did you listen? Noooo! You persisted! 'Master says he's the one', you said. 'He has powers unknown to us all', you said. Come on, Mystery Boy! Show us what you've got!"
Sharut fired an arrow at my chest. BOOOM! I knew this was a noise arrow because it went BOOOM before impact, but regardless, I flinched, and it hit me in the forehead and knocked me to the ground. I felt faint. Nurse Lipslow ran to my side and levitated the arrow out of my skull as the men in black were in hysterics on the sidelines, chortling with laughter at my terrible performance. "You have to admit, he has potential!" Thorun cried, but his voice was drowned out by the laughter of the other men in black.
"Bastet, this is a mighty wound!" cried Nurse Lipslow. "Especially for such a blunt-edged weapon!" She began her incantation, but stopped midway through. "That laughter is distracting me! I must focus, or you shall die!" I felt dizzy, and barely managed to sustain consciousness as she carried me away from the men in black. "Now, I know they will pursue us eventually, but the magical borders of this place shall slow them down for enough time for me to save your life." I wearily looked up at the rickety fence around us and the little sign that read: CAIRO ZOO. PLEASE TREAT SCORPIONS WITH RESPECT. "Scorpions," explained Nurse Lipslow, "Make somewhat weak borders, but borders nonetheless."
"We're going inside of the scorpion cages?" I gaped, my breath quickening. I was somewhat frightened of scorpions, to be perfectly frank. Actually, more like terrified.
"Precisely," Nurse Lipslow said gravely. It was then that there was not a chance of staying awake. With the prospect of scorpions at hand, I promptly passed out. When I woke up, I was covered in scorpions. I emitted a squeal of utter horror as I saw there was a 6 foot tall scorpion standing on top of the scorpions that were standing on top of me...
That's not much of a cliffhanger, but that's the end of the chapter. Finally the gods are introduced, and we find out that our boy has been 'chosen' for something, although Sharut's not too happy about it...
Please review!