Disclaimer: Still not mine, just the wild ways and OMG what happened to Bella?

Chapter 2

Jasper sat there for a few minutes unsure if he should follow Bella or return home. He ultimately decided to return home and let them know what he had learned. He also knew there was a Volturi vampire in town and the others needed to be made aware of that too. With Bella being as upset as she was when she left, he worried Demetri might pay them a visit, given what he was told about the situation by Bella.


"What happened?"

"How'd it go?"

The questions bombarded Jasper as he walked through the front door of his home. He waved them into the living room where he sat with a huff on the sofa appearing tired and stressed.

"I have a lot to tell you… and I'm sorry," he said, giving Alice a pointed look, letting her know the apology was specifically for her.

Alice's eyes grew big and then glassy-eyed as she searched their futures but she still couldn't see Jasper. She looked back at him with a sad smile and took her seat, she knew that it was going to be bad, even if she couldn't see it.

"What's going on, son?" Esme asked in a motherly tone as she sat next to Jasper and patted his denim clad leg.

"I spoke to her, of course." He gauged the emotions in the room taking in mostly curiosity and nervousness especially with his preemptive apology.

"I can't hear you anymore," Edward suddenly declared and Jasper gave him a curious look.

"I can't see him anymore, either," added Alice reluctantly when all eyes turned to her.

"Dude, what happened? Did she bewitch ya or something? That's it! Is she a witch?" Emmett asked, rather excited at the prospect of meeting a real witch.

"No, she's not a witch, Emmett," Jasper chuckled and sent some mirth to the group.

"Then what?" barked Rose, who was becoming increasingly impatient for information.

"Well, everyone sit down and I'll tell you everything she told me. I think I might need to hurry. We could have a visitor soon."

"She's coming here?" Edward panicked, still undecided if he was going to be able to control himself if he was around her again.

"No," Jasper answered with a tone of finality, indicating that he was done with interruptions. Everyone took their seats around the room quickly and quietly giving Jasper the floor.

"She's not here alone. She is here with a Volturi guard. Demetri." There were gasps around the room as the emotional climate became increasingly nervous and worried.

"She says she's a chosen one. Chosen by Cauis himself to become a vampire… Carlisle do you have a question?" Jasper asked as he saw the good doctor reluctantly raise his hand like a school kid.

Carlisle unnecessarily cleared his throat. "Yes, you said she's a 'chosen one'. As in probably the first human ever to be chosen for this life because she possesses great power? The Volturi always spoke of finding the 'chosen one' but they never thought they would. If she is as you say… as she says, then she will be the Queen of our world. She is destined to be Queen, the most powerful female vampire in the world and mated to…" Carlisle's eyes went wide as his brain found the solution before his mouth had a chance to explain it.

"What? No!" Edward yelled. Everyone was looking frantically between the three men as they tried to put the unspoken words together.

Alice seemed to be the first to figure it out as she let out a wail and threw herself into Jasper's arms. Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme continued to be confused but now horrified for they didn't know what they were missing but they knew it was big.

Jasper wrapped his arms around Alice and shushed her while rocking her on his lap and looking sadly at the others nodding his head.

"Can someone tell the rest of us, who died?" Emmett asked exasperated at being kept out of the loop.

"Jasper is to be mated with Isabella," Edward spit out.

Esme and Rose both gasped again while Emmett sat there stunned looking at the couple comforting each other.

"But, he's mated to Alice." Emmett was confused and couldn't understand how it was possible for Jasper to be mated to someone he just met, since he's already mated.

Alice shook her head and a muffled "no" escaped into Jasper's chest.

"Shhh Alice, it's okay. I love you, too." Jasper looked firmly at Emmett speaking only to him. "I love her dearly Emmett but we do not have the bond that you and Rose have. We never have. We both knew we weren't mates, but I honestly never thought I'd find anyone else."

"So, do you love this new girl then?" Rose asked, curling into Emmett feeling slightly insecure about their bond.

"Not yet. She said it won't happen until she's been changed. She is actually from Forks and it was just a big coincidence that this is where she had to come to find me. Or actually, Demetri found me, moving here just made it convenient for them. Shhhh, it's okay, Alice. I love you. I do." Jasper sent all his love to Alice who had quieted down to a small dry cry while he continued to explain the situation.

"Yes Carlisle, to answer your question she is the 'chosen one'. Apparently, there is a vampire among them with the gift to sense gifts."

"Eleazar," Carlisle provided the name of his old friend.

"Yes, well he found Bella, or more to the point was drawn to her when she was about six months old and he was in the west or something on vacation. Bella, wasn't too sure of the finer details on that. She has been guarded by Volturi from that day forward. Felix, one of the main guards was assigned to her early on and watched until Bella's mom ran off with her when she was 5, leaving Forks and her dad behind. Bella's mom had caught Felix several times watching them and felt she needed to protect her child so she ran. Of course, she didn't get far.

"Felix caught up with them and brought them both to Aro. Bella's mom was less than understanding of the situation and therefore killed. Bella is rather cynical about becoming a vampire and Aro knows she will have retribution for them killing her mom but he did it anyhow. Bella was returned to the U.S. and given to a family, they were compensated well for raising her and allowing Felix to live with them.

"Caius was the one that named Bella as the chosen one, he is the one who identified that she was the girl in the prophecies. They knew they couldn't change her at such a young age so they wanted her to have a fairly normal life, hence the family. She wasn't sure how they chose the family. Charlie, Bella's dad, knows nothing of any of this. He still thinks that Bella has been living with her mom this whole time and that Renee, her mom, married a wealthy business man hence the live in bodyguard for Bella even now. Only this year they decided they needed to find me.

"Marcus swapped Demetri for Felix and here they are. When they found we were in Forks where Bella was from, they just had her tell her father she was coming to live with him for a while because her step-dad is being threatened and they are trying to protect her. The story is well crafted.

"Bella has known about vampires since she was able to understand how to keep a secret and Felix let her in on the prophecy of her life. Since then, she spends her summers in Italy with the Volturi, learning their laws and ways as they try to make some amends for killing her mother. But that's not working. The reason that none of your gifts work on her, is because her power is that of a shield, she naturally blocks you out."

"Wait, our gifts don't work on her? Are you saying yours does?" Edward asked.

Alice took this pause in the story to remove herself reluctantly from Jasper's lap. It wasn't hers anymore and she knew that, no matter how much it pained her. She knew this day would come, she just didn't think it'd be so soon.

"Yes, mine works on her just fine. She says it's because we're mates." Jasper turned towards Edward who could already hear what he was about to say but stayed silent while Jasper told everyone, "There's more."

Their eyes widened as they all stayed silent waiting to hear what else could possibly happen.

"There is a plan on having her turned. It's already begun." Jasper looked horrified and they couldn't fathom what that meant.

"What do you mean, son?" Carlisle asked as Edward stared in shock.

"Well, I'm not sure why her blood is so potent to Edward since it's not even pure. She has trace amounts of venom running through her veins even now. Her vision and hearing are enhanced beyond that of a human as is her shield, which is why you guys can't hear or see her. She thinks she might be a little stronger than a human and she's certainly toned, she is also fast. She ran out of there at a very high human speed. Since her 10th birthday they've been injecting her with a quarter of a cc of venom every year. She says she has a constant feeling of heat in her veins that is uncomfortable but she's learned to live with it over the years."

Jasper again gauged the emotional climate to find that everyone was on the same level of angry, appalled, outraged, and horrified.

"So they're torturing her?" Esme asked as she hiccupped a small cry.

"What do you mean, 'she ran out of there'?" Alice asked, trying to focus on the conversation and not the fact that life as she knew her relationship was now over.

"I couldn't even detect venom," Edward stated more to himself, but still aloud.

"They're killing her," Rose gulped and curled more into Emmett who held her tightly knowing she was reliving her past abuse, her lost future, thinking of the choices that were taken from her, and now they are being taken from this girl. A growl rose in his throat as he tried to calm his mate by soothing her with his touch, but his anger and outrage was growing with every thought that crossed his mind.

"Why?" Carlisle finally got his own question out, knowing he was just as horrified as the rest of his family.

"Aro wants to reduce the pain of the change, he thought a little uncomfortable for a few years was better than a lot of pain for a short time with the full change. He's hoping by the time she's changed, it'll ultimately be a quick and easy transition for her. They aren't completely experimenting on her, apparently they tried it on someone else for a few years first, so they knew starting her so young she wouldn't change without continuing to mature."

"So what you're saying is she's like some sort of hybrid, right now?" Emmett asked

"Yes, I suppose so. She wants me to be her sire. I haven't changed anyone in over 60 years and I haven't had human blood in over 30. But she does smell off, when you get up close and personal."

"How personal did you get?" Emmett wiggled his eyebrows trying to cut the tension but it only succeeded in pulling new wails from Alice.

"Nice, Em." Jasper strode to Alice and cuddled her into him returning to his original seat with her small frame curled up on him again. Emmett was truly sorry and Jasper nodded in acceptance of his emotions.

"Sorry," Emmett mumbled as Rosalie took time from her memories to glare at her husband for his insensitive comment. He didn't mean it in a bad way, but right now was not a time for jokes.

"She had me smell her hand," Jasper responded while stroking Alice's back. "And you can smell the venom in her veins, it's small but it's there. I'm guessing she just smells so good to you, you didn't notice the vampire scent." Jasper looked at Edward who nodded in agreement.

"That's also how I knew Demetri was with her. To answer your question Alice, she ran out of there quickly because I didn't know what to say to everything she told me. I was just as stunned about being her mate as I was horrified at the venom in her blood that all I could say in response was 'do you think you could come tell the rest of the family this?'

"I wanted her to come meet y'all, tell you her story, and I just was shocked." Jasper hung his head in shame.

"She ran out of there feeling rejected. It was the worst feeling I've ever felt from anyone. It was so strong, so hurtful. I figure Demetri might be paying us a visit for my faux pas. After all it's not a regular occurrence that someone makes a Volturi Princess cry." Jasper was thinking about the feelings coming from the beautiful brown-eyed girl as he held his wife. She was upset but already starting to accept their fate and he had already hurt his mate. He knew Bella wasn't lying, he could feel it in her emotions, the honesty and trust and love. She said she knew everything about him and he was accepting of that.

"What do we do?" Esme asked, looking around the room hoping someone would make this whole fiasco better. She too was now in Carlisle's arms seeking solace and protection for herself while she worried for the girl destined to become Jasper's mate, her new daughter, if she accepted her as a mother at all. She needed a mom; after all, hers was stolen from her, poor thing.

Jasper's phone began ringing and they all stared at each other not many people called them especially if it wasn't one of them calling. Jasper fished his phone from his pocket and stared at the number, a number he recognized as having called earlier that day. He pressed the button and tried not to sound nervous as he answered, "Hello?"

"Jasper?" A man's voice came over the speaker; a voice Jasper knew and had hoped wouldn't be on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Demetri. What can I do for you?" Jasper managed to sound a lot calmer than he was. Jasper knew who he was, what his reputation was, but he hadn't been that person in a very long time. It wasn't a person he wanted to be, at all. He felt like he was being recruited into Maria's army all over again, even though he knew she was dead. She got reckless and the Volturi took her out about 20 years after he had left her.

"Jasper, he's been keeping tabs on you… Aro," Carlisle whispered, hoping Demetri wouldn't hear. Carlisle had suddenly realized Aro's interest in Jasper was not so much because of his past but because of his future. Jasper pursed his lips and nodded.

"I have a very distraught young lady over here, can you tell me why that is? I let her go to you by herself and she comes back crying and looking like you killed her puppy. She's so upset she won't tell me what happened. I can see she's not physically hurt, but I want to know and I want to know now, what happened?" Demetri growled out his request, taking his duty to protect his Princess very seriously.

"Can I speak to her? Nothing happened. I just didn't respond the way she was hoping, I guess. She ran out on me." Jasper could hear Bella crying in the background and it hurt him more than he thought it would. He knew he was sorry for what he said or didn't say, but he didn't think her feelings would matter that much to him; after all she was a human girl he just met. Her heartbreak as she left though, well… he still felt echoes of it and it was crushing.

"You will speak to her in person, where I can hear. Be here in 5 minutes," Demetri rattled off the address and hung up the phone.

"I'll go with you," Emmett said standing up and placing Rose back in the chair he just vacated.

"No, sorry Em, but you're too angry. You're going for the wrong reason."

"I'll go with you, you shouldn't go alone, he was obviously angry." Carlisle walked forward and put a hand on Jasper's shoulder leaving his wife behind to deal with her nerves alone, but choosing to stand by the son that needed him most in the moment.

"I think I should go alone, Carlisle. He won't hurt me. I don't think he will anyway. The Volturi sound pretty invested in this prophecy and they've already invested 17 years into Isabella. If they kill her mate, they can kiss the whole thing goodbye. Honestly, I think she's barely sane as it is. One more thing and they are going to have a powerful vampire decimate their entire world the day she wakes up. And they're just stupid enough to continue with her change as planned, despite it."

"What is the plan for her change? They have those twins that were changed when they were like 12, why does she get to age further?" Edward was curious and convinced there was more to the story than they were saying.

"She wants to be the same age as I am. So the plan is to change her when she's 20. She'll have 10 years worth the venom running through her veins at that point so they're hoping she'll be mostly changed by the time… I change her," he ended the sentence with a gulp of his own venom at the thought of tasting human blood again and Edward shared a knowing nod with him.

"I should go, but I will say she does present herself as snobbish and spoiled. They have given her everything she has ever asked for. Though I don't understand the crappy truck she's driving. Even though she was raised by 'normal' parents, she has the unlimited funds of the Volturi and she has their power at her fingertips. She grew up in the U.S. but she is very much a bratty Princess. Just be forewarned." And with that Jasper was out the door running across the lush forest in the heavy mist in search of the address Demetri gave him, Chief Swan's house.

Not much for ANs this time around...review and be happy we made it 24 hrs so far! LOL