Hello once again audience. i am so srry by the delay! i have been quite busy. i hope u enjoy and thanks all of you who reviewed. if you haven't plz do.
Chapter 5
John awoke to a very bright light, he opened one of his eyes but shut it again. So this was what being dead was like. It's not so bad, but uggg, his arm felt like it had been squeezed extremely hard. If he was dead, how could he feel pain? It all came rushing back to him. The building he couldn't do it, but what happened after that? Oh- Sherlock! He was there, but he was dead, how was that possible? Unless…maybe he wasn't dead after all, he would just have to wait to see. He slowly opened his eyes to the sight of white walls and bed sheets. He turned to his left and was greeted by the sight of Greg looking anxiously at him.
"John?" he said cautiously.
"Yeah? What happened? I feel like someone tried to squeeze the life out of me."
Greg chuckled, "Yeah I guess it would feel like that."
"What would?"
"Well, if you didn't know, you were about to kill yourself."
John looked down to ashamed to look at the DI any longer, "Yeah, I-I know that part," he replied quietly.
"Well, Sherlock, somehow, knew what you were going to do so we raced there and Sherlock ran up to the building. I have no idea what took him so long, but you had stepped up onto the ledge and stepped back down. I didn't catch what happened in between when you stepped back down, but when I turned you were falling backwards off of the roof-"
John interrupted, "Wait- I-I actually jumped?"
"Well, I don't think you jumped, but I'm not sure what made you fall, but after you did Sherlock came diving off of the balcony after you-"John gasped interrupting the DI again.
"Jesus John, let me finish! As I was saying he dove off after you, which I think was highly unnecessary wince we did have a trampoline set up, he caught up with you and wrapped his arm around you while he flung the other out behind him before you hit the net. When I came over you were both unconscious."
"He-he did that for me?"
"Do you really think I would make up a story like that?"
"Well, I guess not, where is he?" John asked his head spinning around, looking for his friend.
"Ahh-"Greg started, but he didn't finish till he was cut off by a strangled yell coming from behind the curtain.
John whipped around looking at the curtain, "Was that?" John asked his voice lowering.
"Ahh, yeah. Most likely."
"What happened to him?" John asked his voice cracking.
"Just a broken arm," he replied brushing the matter off.
"Then why?"
"It had to be reset, and he wasn't allowed pain medication."
"Who said he couldn't have the medication?"
"That would be- his brother."
John's whole body tensed, at the mention of Mycroft, he had still not forgiven him for what he did to Sherlock, and he didn't plan to start now.
"He was an addict you know," Greg added.
Oh, that made much more sense, "I need to see him," John begged, "Please!"
"I'm sorry John, it's not really my decision, but I think they're done with him for now."
John looked over to where they were pulling back the curtain that hid the adjoining bed. There Sherlock laid sweating and gritting his teeth. They were putting a cast on his left arm. They were just about to put the last wrap on when they asked what colour John cut in:
Sherlock whipped his head around at the sound of John's voice. The doctor was alright, his arm was worth it, and it was all worth it to see John grin at him like that. All the tension left his body.
"John," Sherlock said his voice still strained, "You're ok,"
"Yeah, I am thanks to you," John got up off of his bed and headed towards Sherlock, "But you're not."
"John, it wasn't bad, its fine."
"Yes, because you're ideal 'bad' would be almost dieing, but it obviously wasn't fine, I heard you yell."
"Ahh, you heard that."
"How could I not, we were only separated by a curtain. Is your arm ok now?"
"Yeah, it is. We are getting released once they finish."
Lestrade gave them a lift home, once they were outside their flat they were met by one problem. Mrs. Hudson.
"How about we just sneak up there and put this off till tomorrow," John proposed as they stood out in the cold, trying to think of a solution.
"Won't work, she'll have heard about your- episode."
John blushed at the subject being brought up, "Do you have a better idea then?"
"Yes, I think I do," Sherlock replied as he unlocked the door to the flat and went over to Mrs. Hudson's door.
"Sherlock, I'm warning you, you might not wanna just barge in there," John was holding his fist back to stop him from just walking into the flat. Sherlock broke his grip and opened the door to her flat.
"See John, what were you worried about, no one here. We might as well have a cuppa." Sherlock walked over to, amazingly, the cupboard that had the tea in it and began making three cups of tea. Why was he making three? There were only two of them.
"Hey, Sherlock, why are you making three cups of tea, there are only two of us here?"
Sherlock sighed, "John, one is for you, one is for me, and one is for Mrs. Hudson when she returns."
"And what makes you so sure that she'll be back so soon?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Not obvious to me," John replied grinning at the memory of the first time they had said this, it looked as though Sherlock remembered this also because he grinned back.
"She's just gone out to do her shopping."
"How do you know that?"
"Good lord John, even you could have noticed that," Sherlock paused, John couldn't see where he was going with this, so he waited for Sherlock to continue,"It's on her 'To-Do-List for the day, I saw it while I was getting the tea."
John looked over to the table and sure enough there was a tablet of paper, but it was opposite where Sherlock had gotten the tea. Leave it to him to be able to read a sheet of paper in passing and from across the room.
Mrs. Hudson went to unlock the door to her flat when she saw that it was open a crack. She was sure she had closed, and locked it before she left. Mrs. Hudson set down her shopping and went to the hall closet where she kept a bat for just such an occasion. She swung the door open, bat at the ready when she saw an astounding sight.
thank you for reading do leave your thoughts in the form of a review. i hope to have the next one up in at least the next week. srry i get lazy. plz review