"Harry this is the only way." Hermione bit her lip and tried to stay strong and keep the tears at bay, for the sake of Harry.
"I won't let you die for me Hermione, I can't do it!" Harry grasped Hermione forearms tightly and stared into her mocha orbs.
"We don't have a choice Harry. This is bigger than you or me. An exchange must be made-it's the only way." Harry swore underneath his breath, his desperate eyes searching Hermione's looking for another way-any other way. But he only saw the truth.
Harry pulled Hermione tightly into his arms, "Come home safe?"
Hermione let out a half-laugh, half-sob. "Don't I always?" She clutched at the boy she was giving everything up for.
Harry held her closer still and lowered his mouth to her ear, wary of the silver eyes watching their every move and word. "How can we trust him? He could do anything to you...this could be a trap."
Hermione sighed, "He's part of the order now. Snape trusted him." Her eyes flickered to the hooded figure hovering behind her with unease.
"I still don't like it." Hermione stepped away from Harry and didn't reply. She turned to Draco with a heavy heart. She nodded at him and he held out a hand without another word. She shot a last look at Harry, trying to ignore the panic that bubbled underneath the surface, the cold, hard hand gripping hers not at all reassuring.
"Ready?" The words were gravelly, with an undercurrent of something indescribable. Hermione nodded clumsily.
In the last second before they apparated and disappeared, Draco locked eyes with Harry and let a smirk steal over his features. "I won." He mouthed, lifting his sleeve to flash his dark mark before Hermione was wrenched from Harry's sight-for good.