You guys have a habit of blowing me away don't you(grins happily).I can't believe the amount of review this story has got. Now only if I can maintain it.
Now I won't beat around the bush, here's the fourth chapter. Hope you like it and please let me know what you think(smiles).
Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything of Harry Potter, that's ALL J.K Rowling.
"I think they're in these boxes," said Lily as she rummaged through a set of large cardboard boxes littering the corners of the room.
"Hey I found mine and James clothes," declared Albus with a grin and he walked around a corner of highly stacked boxes, holding another box.
"You know you have a lot of boxes in here," stated Ginny as she and Harry wondered around the room, still in their oversized shirts.
Albus and Lily were currently in the attic, looking for some of their old clothes that could fit little Harry and Ginny. Their young parents were both exploring the large attic with open curiosity and interest.
They tried to stay away from the tall stacks of boxes scattering the room, in case they might end up falling on them with the slightest nudge and they both didn't want to get into trouble. The clothes they were currently wearing were no help either; they kept on making them trip and stumble.
Ginny had complained openly about it, to which Lily had laughed and offered to carry her up to the attic. The suddenly turned five years old agreed happily and Lily quickly scooped her up, marvelling at how light their mother was and started up for the attic. Albus –without waiting for an answer or well… asking– did the same with little Harry, he quickly swooped and gathered his young father into his arms, earning a startled yelp and with a smile followed his sister and mother upstairs.
"Oh here I found another box," Lily grinned triumphantly. She placed the box next to the other one and looked to her wondering parents.
"Mu- err Ginny," it felt so weird calling her parents by their first names, "can you come here please. I think I found you some clothes to try on."
Ginny smiled brightly and quickly and carefully trotted over to the older girl. Lily opened up both of the boxes and was happy to find some of her old clothes. Both were filled with colourful and nicely preserved clothes and shoes, she wondered if her parents had put a preservation charm on them. "What would you like to wear, Mu- Ginny?"
Little Ginny tip-toed and looked into the box, the box's had lovely little dresses, shoes, shirts and pants with pretty flowers and patterns on them packed neatly in. She reached in; shuffling some dresses aside, Ginny even took some out and looked at them for a second before shaking her head and placing them back in.
Lily watched with amusement as her young mother practically disregarded all the dresses and shuffled through all her old shirts, leggings and pants. "Don't you like dresses, Ginny?"
Ginny stopped her searching and looked up at the older redhead, "I do, but Mummy makes me wear them a lot, but I like wearing shirts too. My brothers wear them all the time."
Lily grinned, being the only girl with six older brothers in their days; Grandma Molly must have really wanted to spoil Ginny with all the girly stuff. But it didn't seem like it worked, her young mum seemed to be a little of a tomboy.
"My brothers wear them too," she said looking at Albus who was grinning at them, listening as he continued to search for any more boxes with either his or James clothes in. Little Harry was sitting next to the box Albus had found earlier, watching them intently.
Lily turned her gaze back to Ginny and winked, "but I think I look much better in them than they do."
Ginny giggled and nodded, "me too," and turned back to her searching. After a minute she gave out a little triumphant sound and pulled out a little purple and white short sleeved, striped t-shirt with dark purple flowers blooming on the bottom. "Can I wear this one?"
"Sure," smiled Lily and she looked into the box and took out a dark blue jeggings, "why don't you try this with it. I used to wear these together." She handed the pants to Ginny who took them; she looked at them for a second before smiling at Lily.
"Okay," Ginny turned around and hide behind the stack of boxes in the corner to get dressed.
"Do you need any help?" asked Lily, she got up and followed Ginny, standing just around the boxes and waited.
"No I can do it." Lily grinned, even at five years old, their mum was pretty independent.
Lily turned her gaze to her father, who was watching them quietly. She smiled at him and Harry gave a small shy smile back and looked down. Was their father always so quiet and shy? Lily never imaged her big and strong Auror father to be so timid at a young age.
"I found another one," cheered Albus and he came forward with another box, "you know I think Mu- Ginny's right, we have a lot of boxes in here."
Lily laughed and Harry looked up as Albus sat the box down next to the other one and opened them both up.
"Alright, Da- Harry, choose you pick. What would you like to wear?" asked Albus, encouraging the now six years old to look in the boxes.
Harry got up, stumbled a little as the green shirt got caught under his feet, but quickly righted himself and looked into the boxes. They were equally filled with little shirts, trousers, jeans and shoes, packed neatly. He had never seen so many clean and new looking clothes before, well except in Dudley's wardrobe in his bedroom, but never for him.
Harry looked up at Albus who was smiling at him, "I can pick whatever I want?" he asked cautiously.
Albus nodded, slightly bewildered by the look his young dad was giving him, "yes you can, whatever you like."
Harry looked at him for a few more seconds before a small smile spread on his face and he looked back into the boxes. It didn't take long for him to choose what he wanted to wear, he took out a small blue long sleeve t-shirt with a red racing car on it and dark blue small jeans. He didn't know if these were okay, but he decided he liked them. He never got to pick out his own clothes, Aunt Petunia always gave him Dudley's old clothes and he never liked them, but had no choice but to wear them.
Harry showed the clothes to Albus to get his approval and the older black haired boy nodded at him, smiling.
"Why don't you go try those on, Harry?" Harry nodded and hurried as carefully as he could behind the stack of boxes Albus had come out from earlier. The shirt and jean were his and Albus was happy to know he and his father had the same taste in clothes when they were young.
"Harry, do you need any help?" Albus asked quickly as he took out a pair of white trainers.
There was silence for minute before a small "no" was heard.
Albus looked at Lily and she shrugged, but he could see the concern in her brown eyes. Before he could say anything, Ginny came out and fully dressed with a smile on her face.
"How do I look?" she gave a little twirl and giggled. The clothes fit her perfectly the two oldest noted and smiled as Ginny pulled out a pair of white shoes.
"You look really pretty, Mu- Ginny," smiled Lily and she helped her put the shoes on. "They're not too tight are they?"
"No," and she got up and jumped up and down, apparently testing the shoes.
"Come here," Lily gently fixed the clothes, smoothing them down and tucked her mother's hair behind her ears. She smiled and Ginny smiled back fiddling with the flowers. "There, you're all ready for a picnic."
"Is Harry ready?" Ginny asked and she looked around the attic for him.
Albus chuckled a little, "nearly." He turned around and peaked around the corner of the boxes, "you ready, Harry?"
Harry had just pulled down his shirt and twisted round to look up at Albus, before nodding hurriedly and quickly came round the corner to join them. Albus smiled at him, he thought he saw something red and purple on his little father's stomach before the t-shirt went down, but then his own stomach gave a rumble and decided to investigate it later.
The clothes fit Harry nicely, the blue shirt was slightly wider and the jeans appeared slightly longer, but overall it fit him much better than his older self's green shirt. Albus kneeled down and gently fixed Harry's clothes. He smoothed down his shirt, folded the sleeves a little and the bottom of the jeans. The whole time Harry stayed still, tense even.
Aunt Petunia usually yanked at his clothes forcibly if he didn't put them on properly, taunting him and calling him useless. But not the older teen in front of him, the older boy's hands were gentle and careful; he was smiling as he helped him. It was… weird.
Albus gave his dad a one over and nodded approvingly, he didn't notice the confused and curious looks his father was giving him and straightened up.
Ginny smiled at Harry and walked up to him as Lily and Albus quickly checked the boxes and closed them up, "that looks a lot better than the other shirt you had on."
Harry looked down and fiddled with his sleeves, "thanks." Girls didn't usually talk to him, so he didn't know what to say. But he knew it was a good thing to be polite and he looked up at her, "you're clothes look nice too."
Ginny smiled brightly and Harry shyly smiled back, his fidgeting increasing, "thanks, I don't always like to wear dresses."
Harry nodded, remembering what she had told the older girl – Lily, "Your mummy makes you wear them too much."
Ginny nodded, pouting slightly and Harry had to grin a little at that, he knew he didn't like the clothes Aunt Petunia made him wear all the time, so in some ways he could relate. Suddenly Harry's tummy rumbled and he quickly circled his arms around his stomach.
Ginny noticed and giggled, "I'm hungry too."
"Me too, let's head down. I'm sure James is all set outside," added Albus with a grin, he was holding the two boxes with his and James clothes in it, as was Lily with hers and they were both ready to go downstairs.
"Are all those mine?" asked Ginny to Lily as they made their way down the attic stairs.
Lily nodded, "yep they sure are. I got some PJ's you can try on when we go to bed and tomorrow you can pick whatever you want again."
Ginny grinned broadly and 'yay-ed'. Albus chuckled at his mother and turned to Harry who was walking silently with them.
"These are all yours, Da- Harry, so the same goes for you. Whatever you like to wear," he smiled as Harry gave him a surprised look. The two boxes were big and were filled with lots and lots of clothes; he had a hard time believing they were going to be his.
"R-really?" he asked gingerly, tilting his head to the side a little.
Albus nodded, "sure, you wouldn't want to wear the same clothes all the time now would you?" Albus chuckled, but Harry didn't see what was funny in that. He usually had to wear the same clothes for a long time before his aunt gave him another set to wear. Was it wrong to wear the same clothes for too long?
He didn't dare ask; Harry didn't want to get into trouble.
Albus and Lily sat the boxes down in the second floor hall and guided Harry and Ginny to their back garden. They both had to keep reminding themselves that their parents didn't remember anything about their house and who they were and the thought saddened them a little, but at least they knew it wasn't going to last forever.
They walked through the living room, into the kitchen and out the kitchen door. Harry and Ginny looked around them, taking in the huge garden. The picnic table was just a few meters in front of them with James pulling out plastic plates and cups from the basket.
Harry thought the garden was enormous, much bigger than Aunt Petunia's garden. The grass was a fresh green, covering the whole place, flower beds and trees were scattered around the edges of the garden. A shed stood on the right side near the house and he could make out what looked like six big poles with circles on top –they looked like big lollipops– just past the few trees littering the back.
Overall Harry thought it was huge and wondered how long it would take him to weed the flower beds and mow the lawn. But he hoped he got to play, he never did because his aunt and uncle never let him, especially when Dudley's friends were over.
Ginny smiled as she looked around, the garden was huge and reminded her of the Burrow. It was like a big playground for her and she noticed the Quidditch Pitch and broom shed. She wondered if she could play, none of her brothers let her and especially not her mummy. Just because she was a girl and little, didn't mean she couldn't play.
"Come on, let's get something to eat," grinned Albus and he made his way to his older brother. Lily smiled and guided her young parents to the picnic table. They were really curious, their eyes kept sweeping through the garden, taking everything in and she noticed her mother eyeing the Quidditch pitch they had hidden behind the trees and she had to suppress the grin from showing.
James looked up when he finished and smiled. Their parents looked much better in clothes that actually fit them and he noticed they looked a bit happier than before. "You look great, Harry, Ginny."
They both smiled shyly up at him and he raised an eyebrow, amused. Albus and Lily looked at the spread of food and smiled broadly. Everything looked delicious and they eagerly sat down on the benches, Albus helped Ginny onto the bench and sat her between him and Lily and James helped Harry up, seating his little father next to him and opposite Albus. Harry had stiffened slightly at the touch, but not enough for James to notice.
"This all looks great, Mum and Dad really outdid themselves," commented Albus, his mouth watering at the food. He knew their dad had made the home-made pizza slices and garlic bread and their mum made the pasta salad and the potato salad. There were fruits as well, corn on the cob with butter, lemonade, pumpkin juice –ironically– and Grandma Molly's oat cookies.
"It all looks so yummy," commented Ginny and she reached out for one of the oat cookies.
"Nah ah," reprimanded Lily, stopping her and she picked up Ginny's plate and placed a pizza slice with some pasta and potato salad on the side, "you can't have the cookies until you have this," and she placed it in front of the little girl.
Ginny pouted slightly, those cookies looked just like the ones her mummy made and she only wanted to see if they tasted the same too. But her mummy always said she had to finish her meal before having something sweet, so she guessed she had to follow that rule here too.
James and Albus laughed as they watched their little mother and sister. It was funny seeing Lily tell their mother off; it reminded them of all the time they got reprimanded for having sweets before dinner.
"You sound just like Mum, Lily," laughed James and Lily grinned as she watched Ginny take a bite of the pizza. She made a sound of delight and she took another bite. It didn't matter what age their mother was, it seemed she would always like their father's cooking.
Soon they all started digging into the food, enjoying the wonderful taste and leaving their worries for later. They were all together, even if their parents were suddenly much younger and didn't know a thing about them. They were safe, they were all together and that's what mattered.
Little Harry watched as everyone ate, his and Ginny's babysitters were laughing and talking as they ate and little Ginny was munching on the pizza slice happily. Everything smelt and looked delicious and he wondered if he was allowed to eat any of it.
Well they hadn't told him to leave yet, the older boy did seat Harry next to him and there was a plate for him. So he hesitantly stretched his hand out and grabbed one of the sweet corns, he picked it up, placed it on his plate and looked around. Everybody's plates were full, but that was usually the same at the Dursleys too. His aunt usually gave him cheese, bread and a glass of water while she filled Uncle Vernon and Dudley's plates full with yummy food, but so far no one minded he was picking up the food for himself.
The butter was running down the corn and onto his fingers, it was warm and Harry licked it off. He smiled, it tasted really yummy and he gingerly took a bite of it. The taste was great, it was so sweet and Harry happily savoured it.
"Is that all you're having, Da- Harry?" asked James after he swallowed a mouthful of potato salad.
He had turned to watch his father and was surprised to find him contently eating just the corn. There was plenty of food on the table, didn't he want anything else?
Harry looked up at James cautiously, was he mad? He didn't look mad, just curious and to Harry's surprise, concerned. "Um… can I have more?" he asked.
James blinked in surprise, "of course you can." What sort of question was that? His father didn't need to ask if he wanted more, he could have whatever he wanted off the table. Maybe he was just shy; it seemed to be Harry's thing at the moment. It was quite… different seeing his father being a total contrast to his older self.
Harry smiled up at him and looked at the table, so he could have whatever he wanted? But what should he have first? He looked at the corn still in his hands and decided he should finish that first before having anything else.
"Here, do you want me to help?" asked James with a warm smile and he took Harry's plate and started loading it with everything on the table. Little Harry blinked up at James as he piled the pizza slices, pasta and potato salad, another corn and a garlic bread. James placed it back in front of Harry and gave an encouraging smile, "here you go, best eat all of it."
Harry looked at his plate piled with food in surprise. He never got so much to eat before and it all looked so good. Not forgetting his manners, he looked back up at James and gave his small smile, "thank you."
James nodded and waited for his young father to dig in before proceeding with his own plate full. He looked at his brother, sister and young mother and was happy to note they were completely enjoying the food.
Their current situation wasn't what he expected; he couldn't believe that an hour ago his parents were perfectly fine, fully grown adults, but now they were suddenly turned into children. It wasn't really something he pictured, but no one ever said being a Potter or a Weasley was ever boring. They would work everything out together.
"James, don't eat it all," scowled Albus, "that was my last slice."
James scoffed with a grin, "I don't see your name on it, bro. First comes, first serves."
"How the hel—," Albus received a glare from Lily and two innocent, curious looks from his parents, "—heck were you first?"
Albus and James both grabbed for the last pizza slice and it quickly developed into a tug of war for the plate. "I eyed it first," declared James and he tugged.
"Well I said it first, that counts more," countered Albus and he tugged back.
"Who said?"
"I did. Did you suddenly go deaf?"
"What did you say!"
"You heard me?"
"Oh come on, Al, I didn't get to eat much."
"You had five slices, how is that not much."
"I'm a growing boy."
"Yeah well so am I."
The little battle carried on as Lily, Harry and Ginny watched form the side-lines. Ginny was watching with amusement, the arguing reminded her of her brothers, especially Fred, George and Ron. Harry was frowning; he didn't like it when people argued, especially not over something so silly. James and Albus were brothers, weren't they supposed to get a long?
Lily sighed at her brothers' antics and smiled, she knew they were just doing it to lighten their moods, but really, over the last pizza slice? She could easily pick it up from the plate her brothers were pulling towards each other and just take it for herself. But just before she could say something, a small voice spoke up.
"Can't you share?" four heads turned his way and Harry looked at the two older black haired boys with a little frown, his green eyes bright and disapproving, but still showing hints of his shyness.
James and Albus blinked at Harry before his words finally registered in their minds and they looked at each other. Their currently situation reminded them of countless previous ones and they both couldn't help the grins to appear on their faces. It was one thing to get scowled by their fully grown adult dad, but by their six years old dad? Guess some things never changed.
Before both brothers could say anything else, a hand shot out and swiped the last pizza slice from the plate. James and Albus gaped at their sister, who grinned and pushed the whole slice into her mouth.
"Wha...?" Lily asked innocently, her cheeks puffed up as she munched on the pizza. "Dad said you have to share."
"But..." they attempted, but only watched in dismay as their young sister, chewed and swallowed the last pizza.
Lily hummed in delight, the last ones were always the tasty ones after all and turned to the gaping boys, "and besides ladies first remember. You two are far from being perfect gentlemen," she tsked, but smirked at her older brothers and reached for the garlic bread.
James and Albus pouted at her.
"That's what Mummy always says to my brothers. Mummy wants them to be perfect genti- geni-" Ginny struggled with the word, scrunching up her nose cutely as she tried to pronounce it the way she heard it. "Genit-"
"Gentlemen," supplied Harry gently as he watched Ginny. He kind of found her attempts quite funny with the faces she was making.
Ginny smiled thankfully at Harry, "yeah genti- um that."
James an Albus turned their pouts to their parents, but they only looked up at them innocently. This was ridiculous; it didn't matter if their parents were giving them their grown up stern stares or their young childlike innocent looks, they could never win either way.
The Potter brothers sighed simultaneously and dejectedly turned their heads back to the table. After a few seconds James reached out for a corn on the cob and satisfied himself with that, but Albus still looked dejectedly at the empty pizza plate.
Harry watched the older boy – Albus as he chewed on his garlic bread, he savoured the taste and couldn't help think how tasty it was. He had already finished the pasta and potato salad, the corn on the cob and one of the two pizza slices on his plate. He never got to eat food that had so much flavours bursting in it. He had to say the pizza slices were his favourite from the food he's tasted so far, maybe it was Albus favourite too.
Their mummy and daddy made all the food; they must have put a lot of effort into making it taste so yummy. He guessed if he had a Mummy and Daddy who made food for him, he would have definitely eaten and finished it all.
Harry looked down at his plate; he had his last slice and then looked back at Albus. The older boy had sighed and was pouring himself some juice, but he still looked sad.
Making up his mind Harry picked up his slice, still munching on the garlic bread and extended the pizza to Albus. Surprised, Albus looked at his young father.
Harry swallowed the piece he was eating and gave a small shy smile. "You can have mine, I don't want it."
Albus blinked and put the glass down, he smiled and shook his head, "no it's okay, Da- Harry, you have it."
Harry frowned; his small hand was still raised, offering the slice, "I don't want it and I don't want to waste it."
James, Lily and Ginny were watching them discreetly as they continued to finish their plates. James and Lily had smiles on their faces as they watched their young dad.
Albus didn't take the slice, he knew his dad loved it, he could tell by how fast he ate the last one. That was so typical Dad, giving something away even though he still wanted it for himself.
"Your daddy made it, don't you want it?"
Albus chest clenched at the innocent question, if only Harry knew what those words meant to them. Identical big green eyes gazed up at him unwavering and he had a hard time keeping the 'no' in. He knew that wasn't the answer his dad wanted.
His eyes flickered to his brother and sister and they both hid their grins behind the glasses they were drinking. He inwardly stuck his tongue out at them and gazed back at Harry. He gave a grateful smile and took the pizza slice, "thank you, Harry."
Harry nodded and quickly looked down, finishing off his garlic bread. Albus chuckled, took a large bite of the pizza and savoured the taste; his dad's cooking was the best, coming a close second to his mum's and grandma's cooking.
Lunch continued on and everyone had finished their meal. Ginny bounced on the seat, waiting for Lily to give her the oat cookie and she exclaimed happily when the older girl passed her two. She gladly took them with a 'thank you' and quickly took a bite.
Ginny hummed at the taste, "these taste just like my mummy's cookies."
Lily, James and Albus laughed and nodded. "Our grandma made them," said James.
"Your grandma makes them just like my mummy," said Ginny happily munching on the cookie.
James laughed, "Well there's no difference between your mum and our grandma."
Ginny looked at James confused, "what do you mean?"
Albus and Lily gaped at James and they both swiftly kicked him under the table, how the heck were they supposed to explain that Ginny's mum was their grandma and they were their children. It would probably freak them out or make them think they were crazy.
"OW," he glared at his young siblings, but he realised his mistake and quickly answered his young mum, "um I mean they could have the same recipes, maybe that's why they taste the same."
Ginny raised her eyebrows at him, but shrugged, accepting the answer. She really liked the cookies and she hoped she could get more.
"Okay," the three older kids sighed in relief. They quickly got up before anything else could be said and started to clear up the table.
"Why don't both of you play in the garden while we clear this up," suggested Albus as he started to put the plates into the basket.
Ginny and Harry looked at each other for a minute before nodding at Albus. Albus grinned and exchanged amused smirks with his brother and sister. Lily took two more cookies from the plate and gave them to Harry as he and Ginny got off the benches. She was surprised her father didn't ask for any, normally any little kid would be itching to having anything sweet, which was already proved by Ginny. "Here you go."
Harry's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the cookies and then at Lily. He got to have two too?
Lily frowned slightly when Harry didn't take them, "come on, Harry, these are yours. Don't you want them?"
Harry quickly shook his head, of course he wanted the cookies, but he didn't think he was allowed them. He never got them before, so why should he think he could now. Usually he sneaked and got some when the Dursleys were asleep and he thought he would have to do the same here, but apparently he didn't need to.
Harry hesitantly reached out and took the cookies, her hand didn't withdraw back quickly and she didn't taunt or tease him, which he took as a good sign. He gave a small thank you and Lily smiled happily at him.
"Go on," she gently nudged him in Ginny's direction and turned back to help her brothers.
Harry looked at the three older teens as they worked and then back at the cookies. This was so weird, they didn't tell him to clear everything up and the girl gave him some cookies. A smile spread across his lips as he slowly made his way to Ginny, who was chewing her last cookie happily. Maybe he might like it here instead.
Ginny smiled at him as he came to a stop near her, Harry blinked at her and gave a shy smile back, "these cookies are really yummy. Try it," said Ginny as she took another bite of her biscuit.
Harry looked at the smile on Ginny's face and the delight in her eyes, they must be good. He took a bite of one of the cookies and chewed. He hummed after a few seconds in delight and smiled at Ginny, who giggled.
"It's really good, Aunt Petunia can't make it taste as good as this," commented Harry and he took another bite. It really did taste delicious, chewy and sweet, it was the first time he felt full from a meal.
"My mummy makes them all the time and I help too," said Ginny, puffing out her chest a little and eating the last bit of her cookie.
Harry nodded silently and continued to eat his cookie, pocketing the other one.
"Does your mummy make them too?" asked Ginny as they started to walk around the garden, trying to find something fun to play with. Everything was all new to the two young adults turned children, so they weren't sure what they could play with and what they couldn't.
Harry shook his head and quietly stated, "I don't have a Mummy."
Ginny stopped and blinked at him. A frown appeared on her face, "how about your daddy?" she had a Mummy and Daddy, but Harry didn't have a Mummy, so he should have a Daddy.
Harry shook his head again, eating the last piece of his biscuit, "I don't have a Daddy either."
"Oh," said Ginny quietly, "what happened?"
Harry shrugged, he didn't like the frown on the little red heads face and he knew she wouldn't like his answer. No one ever did when he said it, "Aunt Petunia said they died in a car crash when I was a baby."
"Oh," little Ginny didn't really know what to say, she didn't know anyone else who didn't have a Mummy or Daddy, so she was a little lost for words.
Not wanting her to be sad, Harry gave her a small smile, "but I have an Aunt, Uncle and Cousin."
Ginny frown turned into a smile, "good," at least Harry wasn't alone. She looked around the garden, deciding to get off the topic that didn't make neither her and Harry happy. She suddenly grinned, a small giggle escaping her lips and she tapped Harry on the shoulder before shooting away, "tag, you're it."
Harry blinked at her, confused before he realised what she was doing. Ginny was bouncing on her feet, ready to flee when needed and she had a big grin on her face, excitement and anticipation in her eyes. She actually wanted to play with him?
Not sure if he understood the game or not, Ginny gave another try, she quickly darted towards him, patted his arm before darting away again, "tag, you're it."
He didn't move and continued to stare at her oddly. Ginny pouted, "Come on, Harry, don't you want to play with me?"
She did want to play with him, Harry grinned, "yeah."
"Then come and catch me," Ginny grinned mischievously before running off and Harry quickly followed her.
They ran around the garden, jumping and skipping as Harry chased Ginny. Ginny shrieked and laughed each time Harry got close and she would quickly dodge him. Harry ran as fast as he could whenever he tagged her, she would laugh as she chased him, calling out to him. It wasn't like the way Dudley and his friends chased him, taunting and threatening him, making him feel scared when they would finally catch up to him. Ginny would catch up to him; tag him happily, before darting in the opposite direction, encouraging him to get her. He flinched at the touch, but it would quickly diminish when he chased after her.
Both children loved the big garden, they ran and hid behind the trees, circled the shed and benches –Harry would easily jump on the bench, making a shortcut to catch her, before Ginny would shriek and exclaim loudly 'no fair' before chasing after him. Both of them were definitely having fun.
Meanwhile James, Albus and Lily had finished clearing up in the kitchen, they quickly washed up and put everything away.
"AHA!" Albus exclaimed loudly, he was standing in front of the open fridge and had just put the drinks away. He took a step back and smiled widely. He was holding a large plate with a treacle tart on it. "Look what I found."
James and Lily grinned, "Mum made her treacle tart."
They loved treacle tart, just as much as their dad. "That's great; we don't need to worry about dessert for tonight," said James happily.
"But we still got to make something for supper," said Lily as she placed the empty picnic basket in the kitchen storeroom.
"Well," Albus turned back to the fridge and searched inside. "We still got some leftovers from yesterday and Mum has made plenty of her pasta dishes." There were two food containers filled with pasta and potato salad and a bigger one holding the chicken lasagne they ate yesterday night. He placed the treacle tart back in the fridge, closed the door and turned to his brother and sister, "do you think that'll be enough?"
James sighed, he really wasn't in the mood to eat lasagne, but for today it would do. He wouldn't have minded for some more of his dad's pizza slices though. "As long as it's enough to feed five mouths I think we'll be good for tonight."
Lily and Albus nodded and sat at the table, James leaned against the open kitchen door, keeping an eye on their young parents. They could hear their parents laughing, shouting and running around the garden happily. James smiled, happy to see them at least enjoying themselves. It felt so weird watching them play together, not a bad weird, but just something he never thought he'd ever see.
His eyes trailed after his little dad as he darted across the garden. Harry was pretty fast that was for sure and it didn't look like he was even getting tired. He smiled as his young mum sped up, but was finding it difficult to catch him. It was a good thing she wasn't wearing a dress, not with the way Ginny tumbled, quickly recovered and continued with her pursuit. She didn't even cry when she fell down observed James, their mum was sure a tough kid.
"This must be so weird for them, don't you think?" asked Lily thoughtfully.
James and Albus looked at her, "what so you mean?"
Lily shrugged, her hands fidgeting on top of the table, "they think we're their babysitters, they don't even know us anymore and we're complete strangers to them now and they have to live with us. I wonder if they find this whole situation weird."
Both brothers nodded solemnly, contemplating her words, "they don't really trust us," said Albus quietly. "You saw what Dad was like when we were eating."
James frowned at that, he did notice, he saw the hesitation and the nervousness and he didn't like it. It didn't suit their dad, "yeah."
Lily frowned as well and shook her head, "he doesn't even talk that much does he, he's so... quiet."
"It's might be like you said Lily," said Albus, "he doesn't know us; it'll probably be a while for both Dad and Mum to feel comfortable around us." Albus smile at his sister reassuringly, "we just have to be patient and wait."
"In the meantime I think we should reintroduce Dad and Mum to the house," smiled James, he was upset just like his brother and sister. Their parents no longer knew them, even though it wouldn't be for forever, it still gave them an unsettling feeling in their chests. But he didn't want them to worry about it; there was no good in brooding about it now.
"Yeah, we'll give them a grand tour," grinned Lily as Albus chuckled. Lily always got excited pretty quickly, "we should get our old toys out too. I think I still got mine in my closet."
"Yeah I still got mine in my room," smiled Albus, "I bet Dad's going to love the small flying broom models I still got." He loved that set, Harry had gotten it for his seventh birthday and he'd been taking good care of it ever since. He knew his dad loved it too, he remembered how they both played and watched the brooms fly together when he was young. It would be a nice twist this time around.
James nodded, agreeing and then laughed, "We'll let them play outside for a while and then we'll show them around. They don't look like they'll want to come in yet."
Lily and Albus looked out the kitchen window and smiles grew on their faces. Harry and Ginny now seemed to be playing hide and seek. Harry stood facing a tree, his little face buried in his arms against the tree as they heard him count and Ginny was wildly running around the garden trying to find a hiding spot.
The three teenagers laughed as Harry peeked out from his arms and then quickly duck his head back when Ginny caught him and loudly exclaimed 'no cheating' before resuming her search for a good hiding place.
They continued to watch their parents play, enjoying their childishness and happy sound of glee. It had definitely been a while since they've all been together like this.
Lily turned to her eldest brother, "When do you think Teddy will be back, James?"
"I don't know. He should be back next week. Uncle George said he'll be finishing up soon."
"I wonder how he'll react to all this," said Albus with a grin.
James and Lily grinned as well, they might not like the situation they were in, but no one said they couldn't have any fun with it.
(A/N) And chapter four is done(grins)thank you everyone for your patients and for the encouraging and wonderful reviews. I only hope this chapter earns as much reviews as the last.
Sorry for taking so long with the update, there is one computer and four people use it(smiles sheepishly)it's like a first come first serve deal here. Job hunting has finally turned fruitful for me(grins), I got an interview coming up soon, so Insha'Allah (If God Will) that'll go well and plus I got braces put in last week, so that's a new chapter opened in my life(laughs). Any advice for a beginner, guys?
Now Harry is going to get along with Ginny before he gets along with the Potter siblings, there will be times he won't say anything to them and just be the obedient, quiet little child he was forced to be. Remember he wasn't allowed to ask any questions and thinks that still applies in the Potter household, so he's going to be a little reluctant to trust any adult figures.
Next chapter is going to be the tour of the house, sleeping arrangement and a visit(grins).
Sorry if there were any grammar/spelling mistakes, if you have any questions about the story please feel free to ask and to everyone who celebrated Eid-ul-Adha, I hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends(smiles). Also hope everyone had a great Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Now(grins happily and points down to the review box)you know what to do, please review.