Hello everybody!
First, I want to thank everyone for reviewing. I got 14 reviews for my first chapter! It really means a lot to me, especially since that was my most number of reviews for any chapter I've done so far. Again, thank you guys for your continued support. On another note, I am in the process of writing the next chapter of Demigod Idol, which I am very excited for. Ok, that's it.
I don't own Percy Jackson…but I sure as heck wish I did.
Jason POV.
It was Tuesday. A boring Tuesday, I might add. Well, at least the morning was.
I woke up at eight and put on the outfit that my designer laid out for me. I had a normal breakfast, just some pancakes, bacon, sausage, home fries, and toast. For the next two hours I rehearsed my lines for the new episode of my T.V show, The Mean Teens. I had lunch, did some more rehearsing, relaxed, recorded some songs, etc. At 7:30, I was exhausted.
"Hey Jase, I'm going home early, my daughter has a play that starts at eight." Boomer called from upstairs, as I sat on the couch, Keeping Up With The Kardashians blaring on the T.V.
"Got it Boom. I'm heading upstairs, to maybe take a nap." I called back up.
Boomer walked down the stairs. "Okay, Jay's here if you need anything." He said. He opened the front door, and he shut it behind him.
I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and glanced at my bedside table. I saw a folded piece of paper sticking out of my drawer. I pulled it out and examined it. It was the fake number that Piper had given me yesterday.
I stared long and hard at it. Is this some random number? Or maybe someone she knows? I thought. Finally, I couldn't stand the pressure and pulled out my phone. I took a deep breath, and dialed.
The phone rang once, and suddenly I heard a man's voice.
"Hi, this is Queens Pizzeria. Can I help you?" He asked.
I was puzzled. She gave me a pizzeria's number? It was called Queens Pizzeria, so it must be near here.
"Hello? May I help you?" He asked again.
"Oh, um...yeah. I'll get a large cheese pizza." I said, without really thinking.
"Okay, sir. Is that it?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Okay, would you like it delivered?"
I said yes and gave him my address. He said that it would arrive in twenty minutes, and then I hung up.
I sighed and went back down to the couch. I watched Pretty Little Liars until I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and walked to the door. I swung it open to reveal…
"Piper?" I asked in shock. She stood there wearing a Queens Pizzeria sweatshirt and skinny jeans. She was holding a pizza. She smirked at me. "One large cheese pizza." She said as she handed me the pizza.
I was speechless. I managed to choke out "Don't you work at the airport?"
She laughed. "Hell no. I was filling in for my half-brother, Mitchell." She replied.
"Okay, let me get this straight. You were filling in for your half-brother at an airport bookstore but you really work at a pizzeria?"
"Pretty much." She said, leaning against the doorpost.
"Um, okay. How's it like, you know, delivering pizzas?" I asked, trying to make conversation.
"It's great, but I'm sure it's better than being a famous superstar." She said, her words dripping with sarcasm.
I chuckled. "It's pretty stressful, I'll tell you that."
We talked for a little while, and I learned a lot about her. She may have made some of her usual smartass comments here and there, but she was actually really nice once I got to know her.
I glanced at my watch. It was 8:20; we'd been talking for a half an hour.
"It's getting kind of late. I should head back." She said.
"Hey, maybe we can meet up for lunch or something tomorrow?" I asked.
"My lunch break's from eleven to twelve. You can stop by the pizzeria if you want. She said, as she handed me the check.
"Sure, that sounds good." I said as I signed it. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
She smiled at me. It was a real smile, not a sarcastic one, or a smirk. "Seeya." She said, and she was gone, walking down to the pizzeria car, her beautiful hair blowing in the wind.
************************************************************************************* (A.N Because I feel like being nice I'll include the next part in this chapter)
The next morning, I actually woke up feeling happy.
Yeah, it was a normal day, rehearsing galore, but I knew that day would be different, I could feel it. I ate my breakfast extra quickly, and flew through my T.V rehearsing. When I finished, it was 10:45. I raced out to my car, a yellow Lamborghini, and started the engine.
It didn't take me long to find the pizzeria. It turned out to be less than a mile from my house. When I pulled up, all the people in the area were gaping at me. I just smiled at them, signed some autographs along the way. My normal public routine. I knew that Boomer was out there somewhere, watching me. He would be here in a millisecond if something happened.
I walked into the pizzeria at 10:55. I looked around. The tables were black and white checkered, and the seats were red leather .The walls were white. It wasn't lunchtime yet, so only a few of the tables were occupied. I could see things being prepared, like the pizza dough being rolled, and the veggies being washed.
I spotted Piper serving a table their food. She caught my eye and pointed to a table in the far corner of the room. I walked over there, knowing the whole place's eyes were on me, their mouths open. I just sat down and looked at the menu. A few minutes later Piper came over and sat across from me.
"Hey." She said her eyes boring into mine.
"Hey." I responded, not knowing what else to say.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. I was looking at my menu, but I could tell she was looking at me. A waiter came over to us and started talking to Piper. A few minutes later, he took our order.
"I'll have the quarter pounder burger with fries." I told the waiter.
"I'll have the usual, Liam." said Piper.
He scribbled down our orders and went to the kitchen.
"So, who's that?" I asked Piper, a touch of jealousy in my voice.
"Oh, that's Liam, he's a…friend." she said.
"Is he like, your boyfriend or something?" I asked her.
She laughed. "No, we dated for about a week, but we decided we were better off as friends."
"Why'd you hesitate when you said friend?" I asked.
She paused, as if trying to put it into words. "Well, he's currently dating my best friend, Emily, and I'm kind of like the third wheel. I've sort of drifted apart from both of them." she said, her eyes turning darker.
"Wow. That sounds like something that would happen in The Mean Teens." I said.
She started cracking up, and I joined her. We were still laughing when Liam came and gave us our food.
Piper got a salad. It was pretty plain, with some lettuce, croutons, and ranch dressing.
"That's your usual? No wonder you're skinny." I joked.
"Yeah, well, I like it, and there aren't many vegetarian choices besides pizza." she responded.
"You're vegetarian? That's cool. I tried being one once, but it didn't really work out…" I said.
She chuckled. "I became one when I passed this awful slaughterhouse once. I could never look at meat the same way again, so I gave up on eating it." she said.
I nodded. We talked about random things a little more, until we were both finished.
"It's only 11:40, you have twenty minutes left. Do you want to, I don't know, get some ice cream?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure. There's a place called Jimmy's right down the street." she said.
Sure enough, a block away there was a little ice cream shop on the corner.
We walked up to the counter. A man was behind there and he looked about fifty or so.
"Hi, how may I help you?" he asked.
"I'll have a small mint chocolate chip please." said Piper.
"I'll get the same thing." I said.
He handed us our ice cream, and before Piper could even reach for her wallet, I had money out and gave it to the man. He rung us up and we walked outside, licking our ice cream.
"Thanks, you didn't have to do that though." she said when we sat down on a bench.
"It's okay." I said. We finished our ice cream and I walked her back to the pizzeria.
When she was about to go in she stopped, and turned around.
"Thanks. Today was fun." she said. With no warning, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and then she was inside the pizzeria, the door shut behind her.
Of course, I just stood there like an idiot, wondering what the heck just happened.
Wahoo, kinda longish chapter. Anyway, please review! Smash the button til it breaks! So yeah, more chappies coming soon. Bye peeps!