The last thing she remembered was a shove from behind her and the sidewalk coming towards her all too quickly.

"Are you alright?" a deep, concerned voice said from above her. She opened her eyes to see worried hazel eyes gazing down at her. "Erm... I... think so... Uh, where am I?" She tried to push herself up with her arms but they collapsed underneath her as her vision blurred and her head spun. "Woah... What happened?" She said in total confusion. The gentleman who had been looking over her helped her to slowly sit up. "I'm not too sure what was going on but I heard yelling and then saw this guy push you and you fell unconscious... I don't know who the guy was but he ran off before I could stop him. Here, drink this." He handed her a bottle of water and she thirstily drank from it. "Thanks... er..." "Jim." He said. "Jim Povolo." A shadow of recognition flashed across her face for a split second and then it was gone. "Nice to meet you," she held out her hand and he shook it.

Now that her head had stopped spinning she took in her surroundings. There was a theatre across the street and she was sitting on a bench in front of a pet store. It looked about midday and it was late summer. The man next to her, Jim, was quite good looking. He had dark short hair and lovely hazel eyes that changed from brown to green in the sunlight. He looked quite tall, even though he was sitting down. He was dressed in just a plain T-shirt and jeans, nothing fancy, but still good looking. She blushed as he caught he staring at him. He had an air of familiarity that she couldn't shake. She couldn't know him... She didn't even know herself...

She looked up at him with a confused look in her hazel eyes, "Who am I?" Jim cocked his head, "Isn't that what I should be asking you?" She put her face in her hands thinking hard... Nope. She had no clue who she was... "I don't remember who I am." She looked back up as the seriousness of the situation hit her like a blow to the face. "I don't know who I am." Her eyes widened in fear. "Are you... serious?" he asked. She slowly nodded. From the look on her face he could tell that she was being truthful. "What do we do?" She asked him. "Um... Well... Do you remember anything? Anything at all? What's your name?" He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "I have no clue!" she gave him an awkward half-smile. "How about a wallet? You've got this purse here. Maybe you carry identification..." She smiled a full smile this time, "Jim, you're a genius! I hope that whoever I was-er-am was smart enough to carry something along those lines." Jim smiled back and the girl reached for the black and white satchel that supposedly belonged to her. She opened it and looked inside. She pulled out a tube of superglue... "Not much identification on this, huh?" He smiled. Then Jim reached in and pulled out a pair of pink sunglasses that said STARKID on the arms. "Starkid fan eh" She took the sunglasses and examined them. "Dunno... Who are they?" Jim raise his eyebrows in an amused way... "I'll explain later." She shrugged and reached in the bag again. She came up with a sharpie and two pens. Jim reached in next and pulled out a Hershey's chocolate bar. "Mmmmmm chocolate!" The girl reached out and grabbed it, instantly opening it and eating as much chocolate as she could get in her mouth. "Well there's something from your personality... You like chocolate." Jim smiled at her and she blushed wiping the remnants of her snack from her face. "Aha! Jackpot!" Jim pulled a small, brown, leather wallet from the bag and handed it to her.

"Please let me have some sort of license or something..." she murmured as she opened the coin purse. She poured out all the contents and found $2.51 in change, a button, a few receipts, a Dairy Queen gift card, a movie theatre ticket stub from The Hunger Games, an iTunes gift card, and a drivers license. "Yes!" she cried out. "I know how to drive!" Jim chuckled, "Well, who are you?" "Calypso Louise Revure. And there's a J in my signature..." Calypso stared intently at the card, as if trying to figure out more and remember. Jim put a hand on her shoulder. "It's nice to meet you Calypso." She looked up into his eyes. "Thanks." "So what else have we got here?" Jim leaned towards the card to have a closer look. "You're from Missouri and you can't have been here long since you still have a Missouri license. So either you're visiting or just new in town. You're twenty years old so maybe you're going to university here? Any of this ringing a bell?" Calypso shook her head. "I still don't know where I am now..." "Welcome to Ann Arbor, Michigan." "Michigan..." she murmured, "Okay... But why am I here? How did I get here? Do you know me?" Jim ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "I don't know you... Hmmmm... We should probably take you to Doc Wingate... He might know what to do." Calypso bit her lip. "Is he dependable? Will he be able to help me?" Jim smiled and started putting her things back in her purse. "Don't worry Calypso. He knows what he's doing. Best doctor in town!" She gave a small nod and smiled a half-smile. "Okay."

Jim helped her put everything away and she hung the bag across her shoulder. "Now stand up slowly. We don't want you taking another spill do we?" Calypso shyly smiled at him and started to stand. Immediately she saw stars and fell back into Jim's arms. "Sorry..." she muttered. "Here, let me help." Jim put his arm around her shoulder and helped her to stand. "Woah..." Calypso wobbled a bit but Jim held her steady. "Do you think you'll be okay walking to my car? It's only a block away." She nodded quickly. Even though she was very dizzy, she didn't want to be too much of a bother to Jim. He'd already helped her a lot.

They slowly made their way down the street, occasionally getting funny looks from others. After what seemed like hours to Calypso they reached a royal blue Yukon. "Here we are," Jim said. Calypso grimaced at him, her head pounding. "You okay, Calypso?" he looked at her worriedly. She gave a quick nod and collapsed. Jim gasped and lifted her quickly but gently into the passenger seat of his car.