AN: Hello FanFiction! Yes, I know it's been a while and I'm truly sorry about that. School started and everything just got complicated and I totally forgot that I needed to update! Much thanks to RedvineRachel for the reminders. To answer my reviews then: To Haven14: Hee hee thanks! Oh I need to update the tumblr one too. Whoops! Thanks for reminding me! To Pigwidgeon: Thanks so much! And I'm trying my best not to push the romance but, being a hopeless romantic, that's proving easier said than done. To RedvineRachel: I thought you'd like it ;) and I remembered to update! YAY! To Pidwidgeon: HERE YA GO BUDDY! To Muggleborn Demigod: Thank you! To Catie: I hope you like my explanation! To azebra117: 2 was probably the closest… if you ask me, my ideas don't make much sense anyway. Enjoy! To DaughteroftheOliveBranch: Please don't die, I'll miss you! To OffToPigfarts: I'm a bit late but I'm carrying on! To Redvines: The true mark of a fan my friend. ;) And last but not least To camoc: wrote more and thanks so much! OKAY that should pretty much cover the reviews. Thanks to everybody who reads/follows/reviews/favourites this story you make me smile like nobody else. TO THE STORY!
"Excuse me, what was that?" she asked. Jim looked deeply into Calypso's eyes, "I... I know you..." She cocked her head, "I thought you didn't know who I was anymore than I do." Jim tried, but failed to shake the feeling. He knew her, no doubt about it. But how? "There's something oddly familiar about you..." She removed her sunglasses and looked at him, "Is there?" Jim shrugged... "Maybe it'll come to me later. You want to go to the park?" Calypso raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of subject but complied. They hopped on the bike and Jim steered them straight to central park. He found it hard to concentrate because of the electric shock feelings he was getting from Calypso's arms around his waist-like a fizzy pop-rock kind of feeling that was oddly familiar. He knew her. Was she a girl who he'd seen in school? Or one of the girls that Joe kept bringing around? Or a fan? She did have the sunglasses. And the multiple pictures on her wall... Could she be her?
Apocalyptour St. Louis two years ago.
Jim sighed as he helped get the butt-load of equipment off the busses and set up. "Jim! Jim! Where did you leave your costume?" June Saito ran up to him, a frazzled look on her face, "I can't find it anywhere!" Jim patted her shoulder reassuringly, "It's already backstage with all the other costumes. The guys just brought it all back." June sighed but then stiffened, "The headdress I-" Jim put his hand over her mouth. "Already backstage. We took care of it, don't worry. And before you ask, the Heart costume is back there too. It's all fine, relax." June pulled Jim's hand away from her face, "Okay, okay, just nervous." Jim gave the nerve wracked girl a small hug, "It'll be fine. Just grab your box of program stubs and we'll be ready to go." He wandered away from her and sat down on a stool for a moment. The tour was getting to them already. But they were all still having the time of their lives. Just then Julia came up behind him and swatted him with the arm-full of lanyards she was carrying, "C'mon Povolo. Time for meet and greet fun!" Jim made a face and closed his eyes, "5 more minutes ma." She laughed and made her way towards the entrance lines. "GET UP POVOLO!" Jaime bellowed into his ear. He jumped up and had her in a gentle headlock before she could say hufflepuff. The managers of The Pageant sent them a dirty look and Jim released Jaime. She punched him in the arm and walked off to join Joey at the doors. Jim stretched to his full height, fingertips barely brushing the ceiling. It was time to greet that die-hard group of Starkid fans who paid a good hundred bucks just to see them. He could already hear the excited squeals from outside the doors. "Everybody ready?" Corey called out from his position near the doors where he would be handing out posters. "Brace yourselves."
The doors opened and the sounds of the fans escalated. They flooded towards Joe and Lauren, soon spreading to the rest of the Starkids. They all looked the same to Jim. Every fan wearing some sort of Starkid tee and short shorts, even the guys in some cases. He loved them all the same. They were so devoted. He skimmed the crowd, there were two girls dressed up like superman and batman (very good costumes, he might add), another guy with excessive Starkid merchandise, and... woah. Jim's eyes bulged as he stared at her. She was lovely. She wore a simple flowered dress and had wild curly hair. She was talking animatedly with Brosenthal and smiling like crazy. She had an cute smile. Jim watched her for a few more moments before he was ambushed by fans dying to know his height. He set to work signing anything and everything, occasionally glancing towards the girl. At that point in time she was standing by laughing as a crazed fan-boy rubbed Brolden's adams apple. Brian looked incredibly uncomfortable and Jim couldn't help but chuckle. Just then she looked over at him and her eyes widened. Jim quickly averted his eyes but glanced over as she grabbed her friends arms and said something to them. They nodded and the trio advanced towards him. Jim quickly finished with the group of excited girls and smiled at the girl and her friends as they approached. When they reached him he noticed that the crowd near them was too big. He gestured for them to follow him a bit away from the mob surrounding Joey.
He turned to face the girl and her friends, "Hey guys how are you doing?" The girl smiled so big it looked like she was going to explode, "Oh my gosh, you're real," she said and then clasped her hand over her mouth blushing. He smiled and nodded, she was cute. "Nice to meet you, my name is Jacob." the boy said, extending his hand. Jim shook it and smiled, this was the boy who went so far as to touch Brolden's adams apple. The other girl spoke up, "I'm Courtney." he shook her hand as well. The girl he had been watching didn't say anything. There was a moment of awkward silence, "So are you guys all from around here?" The girl spoke up, "They are," she said, gesturing to Jacob and Courtney, "But I live an hour south of here. We actually just met." Jacob grinned and flung his arm around her shoulder, "Yup. Starkid brought us together." Jim smiled, "That's totally awesome. So do you guys have any questions about the show or anything?" Jacob nodded, "Are Jim and the Povolos ever going to open for any of the shows?" Jim shook his head, "Not that I know of." The girl bit her lip, "Have you ever wanted to be a part of the band, you know, since it's named after you and all?" "I don't know," he answered, "They've never really asked me but maybe for one gig or something. I wouldn't want a permanent part or anything." "You should totally play a show here with them!" Courtney exclaimed. Jim smiled, "Maybe someday." "One more question," the girl said, "Do you like cats?" 'Gee that's random' Jim thought. "Yeah, I really like all animals as long as they're nice." she smiled and nodded bashfully.
Then he noticed her fingernails-not something he would normally notice but hey, she was cute, alright-there were tiny designs on each one, "Can I see those?" he asked. She obliged and held up her hands. It was amazing-each nail had a tiny picture of a character from one of their shows, and it looked hand-painted. "Did you do those yourself?" he asked. "Yes," she answered, "Can you tell who they are?" Jim took her hands and held them closer to his face, trying to ignore the sparks flying from her fingertips to his. "Well, there's Roach and the Granger Danger scene, and Umbridge and Specs and Harry. Then there's Snape, Candy, Tootsie and Megagirl, and Cedric with his big white teeth and... Is this Goyle?" She nodded, "It was the first one I did so it's probably not very good-" He shook his head, "No, it's amazing. These are great." he let go of her hands slowly. She smiled, "Thanks."
Just in time to ruin the moment, Jacob pulled out a sharpie, "Can you sign my shirt for me?" "Sure." Jim took the sharpie and signed Jacob's shirt. "Anything else you need signed?" Courtney held out her program and he signed it. "Jacob can I borrow your sharpie?" the girl asked. Jacob handed her the sharpie and she turned to Jim. "Can you sign my shoes?" Jim raised his eyebrows, nobody had ever asked him to sign their shoes before, but took the sharpie and bent down to reach her shoes. The black converse already had Dylan and Brolden's signatures on them. "Where should I sign?" he asked, not looking up. "Wherever you want." she replied quietly. He signed next to Dylan's signature and, after a moment of hesitation, added the less than three that he normally put in his signature. "There you go." he said and stood up, handing Jacob his sharpie. "Thanks," the girl said as she blushed a light pink. "Can I get my picture with you?" Courtney asked. Jacob pulled out his phone and Jim put his arm around her and smiled as Jacob snapped a shot. "Now me," he said, handing the phone to Courtney. Jim took his picture with him and glanced at the other girl.
She handed her camera to Jacob and stepped towards him blushing harder, "Could you maybe get a picture with you holding me the way you held Lauren in A Very Potter Musical? I really don't weigh much-if it's not too much trouble." she asked quickly. His heart nearly stopped, this gorgeous girl wanted him to hold her, bridal style?! He'd seen some pretty bold fans but had never had this kind of request. "Well sure, if that's what you'd like." he answered. She beamed and stepped closer to him. He bent down to her height and she put her arms around his neck. Carefully, he placed an arm around her waist and under her knees and picked her up. She really was light. No more than one-hundred-twenty pounds. She smelled good too. His skin had an odd burning sensation where her fingers were touching his neck, kind of like how pop-rocks feel. He struggled to maintain his Goyle face as Jacob took the picture.
Jim didn't want to put her down, she felt perfect in his arms, like it was meant to be. 'That's ridiculous.' he thought, 'She's just a fan and we'll never see each other again.' Reluctantly he set her gently on the floor. She hugged him, "Thank you so much. That was a dream come true." she said quietly. He hugged her back, "No problem." They pulled apart and she was smiling like mad. "Hey Jim, mind if I interrupt?