Squad 7 Meisters
Chapter 1 Revelations, Reunions and Truth The Shinigami wants them?
Rated M just to be safe Action/Adventure/humor/romance
"Demon/Summon speak"
"Demon/summon thought"
"Human Speak"
"Human thought"
Pairing: A harem that is undecided
Note: No real relationships will start earlier out I'm going to start out with more bonds of friendships than love but rest assured love interests will be apparent to many but it will be very comical in showing the relationships
Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story except the concept Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto, and Soul Eater is owned by Ookubo Astushi and Funimation
Teams seven had just returned to the hokage's office from their mission in the land of the Wave and were being debriefed by the Sandaime. When suddenly Naruto's eyes flashed before they became dull as he walked forward mechanically to the hokage's desk, this drew many confused stares from his team and the hokage before the Sandaime voiced his opinions
"Naruto-kun are you alright what's wrong?" Naruto simply walked past the Sandaime before he went to the window behind the desk and breathed on it creating a light fog on the window as he began to write on the window while chanting
"Forty two forty two Five sixty four for when you want to knock on death's door." He wrote the numbers on the window and stepped back as the numbers began to light up before they faded away and a black square replaced them. The occupants in the room stared at the box before it lit up and a spiky shaped black figure with a cartoon skull mask that began to speak in a cartoonish silly voice
"Hey, hey, hey what's up what's up!" making the members of team seven sans Naruto sweat drop while the hokage narrowed his eyes at this apparition
"Who are you, and what did you do to Naruto?" The elderly fire shadow questioned, the figure simply stared at him before speaking in an equally cartoonish but calmer voice
"Simple I commanded him through the seal I put on him when he was born." This put Kakkashi and the hokage on guard as they glared at him
"What are you talking about the only person who put a seal on him was the Yondaime and the shinigami." Making Sasuke and Sakura widen their eyes as they began to wonder, why the Yondaime the village hero and the death god put a seal on Naruto.
"That's because I am the shinigami." The figure replied, making the occupants of the room widen their eye's before the elderly hokage quickly questioned him
"You look nothing like the shinigami I've seen and if you are the shinigami why don't you tell me something the shinigami would know about him." The figure stared at him before scratching his head with one of his large fingers then sighing and answering each of the hokage's questions.
" First of all I Look like this when I'm not summoned for the reaper death seal because that is the form you mortals are most accustomed to seeing me in. Secondly, to answer the other question I know who his father is, and I know the true cause of the Kyuubi attack." Making the hokage's eyes widen before he calmed down and said
"Well I believe you so lord shinigami can you tell me why you have decided to take control of Naruto today of all times or at all for that matter?" The now named shinigami spread his large hands before he answered
"Simple I have had a plan for Naruto here for a while and I feel that he and his team could deal with a threat that has come to this world."
"What threat do you speak of Shinigami-sama?" the elderly Sarutobi clan head asked
"I shall tell you as soon as Naruto-kun wakes up." He replied before he snapped his fingers and the life returned to Naruto's eyes as he looked strangely at the strange figure in the window and his current location before he quickly asked
"What's going on?" He was quickly filled in on what had happened as the shinigami began to speak.
"Ahem anyway the threat I spoke of was the resurgence of madness, kishin eggs, and witches." On the word witches Sakura's eyes widened and she seemed to flinch. Sasuke was confused over what the shinigami meant
"What do you mean?" The last Uchiha questioned
"Well madness is the product of an unstable mind but in all actuality it is very more potent to people's minds like a poison that corrupts someone making them do things they might have not wanted to do. To answer what kishin eggs are those are the product of when a human eats another human soul. The soul is the essence of a person and appears as a small blue ball of light, if a kishin egg is not destroyed it can grow to become a kishin. Kishin are the epitome of madness and are beasts of destruction. Lastly witches are beings who use magical power to either destroy things or get their own gain. To combat I have decided to give some blessings to your squad." This statement making the squad and the Sandaime eyes widen
"But lord shinigami why our squad we're not that special, there could be so many other squads you could choose from?" Sakura gave the question everyone was thinking.
"That's wrong you are all very special in your own way, Sasuke here is the last loyal Uchiha, Sakura though you think you are not special I know that there are many great things happening to you in the future, and Naruto you are destined for great things and you are one of the last Uzumaki and a Jinchuuriki." This caused Naruto's eyes to widen for many different reasons, one that the shinigami thinks he is destined for great things, two he is part of a dead clan, three his teammates just heard what he is and what he contains.
"Shinigami-sama what is a Jinchuuriki and how is Naruto one?" Sakura asked but before the death god could answer Naruto did for him
"Sakura a Jinchuuriki is a human being who at birth had a demon sealed inside of them. When I was born on October 10th twelve years ago the Yondaime sealed the nine tailed fox into me." This statement making Sasuke's and Sakura's eyes widen. Naruto's body demeanor changed into that of a sad one as he gave his next statement
"I can understand if you guys don't want to work with me anymore-SAKURA CHOP!" his statement was interrupted by a loud cry from Sakura as she slammed a thick hardcover book on his head creating an indent in his hair that was steaming slamming his head on the ground making all of the room members sweat drop at the act of violence. Said pink haired genin was standing over the blonde Jinchuuriki with an angry expression as she glared down on him and grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him back and forth while yelling at him
"What the hell do you mean 'IF you want to work with us of course we do I-I mean we don't care if you are a Jinchuuriki your just Naruto to me- I mean to us so quit acting like this your my- I mean our teammate that's all that matters to me 'Kay." On the last word she embraced him in a tight but gentle hug causing the boy and her to blush madly at this and making the two adults in the room look at this scene fondly while the last Uchiha simply grunted and coldly spoke
"I don't really care your still just a stupid dobe and by the looks of it the pinky there is now a dobette." This statement causing the adults in the room to narrow their eyes while Sakura felt her heart break at this statement but before any of them could say anything Naruto blurred in front of sasuke and punched him hard enough in the stomach to throw him into the wall creating a dent making all of the occupants in the room's eyes widen at the display of speed and power even the anbu that were hidden. The last of the Uzumaki stalked forward and grabbed the last Uchiha by the throat pulled him close and growled at him.
"Say anything you want about me teme but if you ever say anything bad about Sakura-Chan again I will crush you like the bug you are." At the last part he showed an impressive show of strength and lifted Sasuke several feet above the ground. Sasuke simply grunted as he nodded due to the strong grip Naruto had on his throat. Naruto would have done more had it not been for the hand of Kakashi on his shoulder calming him slightly as the Cyclops began to speak.
"Naruto that's enough I'll speak to him later-" any other words were lost in his throat due to the shock at seeing Naruto's eyes they had changed and became blood red spirals that encompassed the pupils
"Naruto what's happened to your eyes?" TheJōnin asked the blond haired Jinchuuriki as the boy got over his rage and looked in the window to see what his sensei was talking about but before he could ask a question the Shinigami answered.
"That is the Doujustu of the Uzumaki clan." The comical death god's statement causing all the occupants of the room's eyes widen at this. Seeing their expressions Lord Death began to elaborate
"You see as we all know the Sage of Six paths the creator of ninjutsu had the Doujutsu known as the rinnegan or a stronger version of it the details are unspecified but anyway he had the strongest Doujutsu ever and passed his eyes and chakra down to his eldest son who would later go on to found the Uchiha clan and his body and heart to his younger son who would go on to found the senju clan but what people did not know is that he had a third son who had not only his body and heart but his eyes and chakra he went on to found the Uzumaki clan. Their Doujutsu was one that was only found through certain circumstances that were only met once in every few generations. The eye itself allows the user to use many abilities that Naruto-kun will have to find out on his own and with help from this scroll and help from someone else." The cartoonish death god explained while pointing a ruler at a poorly drawn diagram (Like Rukia's) and handing Naruto an average sized red scroll with the Uzumaki spiral entire room was silent before one orange clad Shinobi broke the silence
"It's official I'm fucking awesome." Causing all around face faults and a cry of Sakura chop accompanied by Naruto being smashed to the floor
"Any way I have to go soon there is some business I have to take care of but before I go there are to more things I have to do one is to give you your weapons and blessings and two is introduce Naruto here to someone who has been wanting to see you for a long time come here Kushina-chan." The name causing the hokage and the copy ninja's eyes to widen to dinner plate size and then their jaws to drop as they saw the women who stepped into the image.
She had a slender, but feminine build, fair skin, violet eyes, long bright red hair with strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left. She wore an outfit consisting of a high-collared, sleeveless light blue blouse under a long, loose-fitting tan dress with a red spiral on the back. She also wore a dark blue band on her left wrist and pale purple standard Shinobi sandals. Her face was heart shaped and unblemished with a soft smile on her face before it changed into a sheepish grin as she scratched the back of her neck making Naruto feel very uncomfortable over the likeness between this strange women and him. The thought being shared among the other two genin on the squad before the women broke the silence with her angelic voice
"Umm this is kind of embarrassing my name is Kushina Uzumaki my hobbies are pulling pranks and chatting, my favorite food is salt ramen and I dislike coffee and anything bitter, My favorite phrase is "Don't give up until the very end" , and my dream is to one day reconnect with my son …..Naruto." This statement causing the proverbial nail to go into the proverbial coffin and making Naruto pass out.
"Ummm did I do that?"
So did you like It did you love it did you hate it to f&*%#ing bad just kidding this is my first story and I want it to be good so REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Sayonara