Disclaimer: I was hoping to get the rights to Harry Potter for Christmas but I got a laptop instead so sadly the rights of anything you recognise still belong to the great J. K. Rowling.

Author's note:Thank you everyone. You have no idea how happy I was when I went into my mail this morning and found out that 9 PEOPLE had either Alerted or Favourited my story and that I already had 2 reviews, I was so happy so I just want to say THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU AND YOU ROCK SO MUCH! Now on with the story.

I want to thank my awesome Beta irishwerewolf


Everyone just stared at Mr. Weasley in shock. Then Ginny wailed and started sobbing into Harry's jacket say things, "l just l...lost my b...b...brother without a choice. I...I can't lose Harry as well."

Then everyone burst and started shouting.







"SLIENCE!" Mrs. Weasley shouted making everyone stop. She then turned to Percy's grave and said, "I'll talk to you soon Percy," pressing a kiss onto the grave and turned to her remaining children.

"I want everyone home within the next 5 minutes," she and Mr. Weasley then disappeared with a 'CRACK.'

"Bye Perce," Charlie and Bill said before Disapparating away with Fleur.

"See ya Percy," everyone else but Fred said before also Disapparating

"Thanks again Percy," Fred said before Disapparating away to the Burrow. If he had stayed a minute longer he would have heard a voice saying, "You're Welcome, Fred."

(A.N. I thought of leaving the Chapter here but then looking at the first chapter and I decided against it)

Back at the Burrow everyone was looking at Mr. Weasley who had the Daily Prophet in his hands. When Fred stood by the table, he started reading the article

Ministry Puts Forward Marriage Law

By Rita Skeeter

Minister of Magic Kingsley Shalklebot called a press conference yesterday afternoon to announce a new law he described the law in full detail.

"The Marriage Law was first put into effect in 1480. Back then you would have to get married to the person the Ministry chose on the date they set at the time they set. It didn't matter if you were already married unless the ministry agreed to your marriage. If you disagreed you would be killed on the spot. It was abolished in 1513. We have of course changed it. Now if you are already married, engaged, under 17, or over 30 then you are an exception to this law. What will happen is the Ministry will send you a letter on the 3rd of May stating the name of your spouse. You will then have to marry this person within 6 months. You are also required to produce 3 magical children within 6 years of marriage. If you do produce a child, but the child is not magical you will be given another year. It is up to you whether or not you want more. We will be matching you with your soul mates so if you are dating your soul mate then you are very lucky. We put this law forward because the war has put a big drop in our numbers and we need more magical people or the British wizards and witches will risk becoming extinct. You cannot become engaged to one of your choice after 6:00am on the 2nd of May."

The Minister then turned to his assistant who reminded him of another law the ministry is putting into effect: a Pregnancy Law.

"The Pregnancy Law counts to all couples already married under 35 and don't already have at least 4 children. This law states that all couples must have at least 4 children in the next 8 years whether that you have more or not is up to you."

He then added before leaving, "There will be rules to these laws. Already married couples will get a letter informing them on when their meeting is. New couples will be sent their meeting dates on the 4th of May."

He then left the our wizarding nation wondering who will they get and who will get the dashing Harry Potter?

When Mr. Weasley finished reading everyone was silent, wishing it wouldn't be this way.

I am so sorry if this chapter is rubbish. I am not very good at writing stories, but I think this is my best. Now for the question: what should I call Bill and Fleur's first child? I am planning on making him a boy. Please give me some ideas (other than Louis) and also review
