I hate you
A.N: I know I have really no business writing a new story when I haven't finished some of my other ones but I'm working. I swear. Here is Smosh to say the disclaimer
Ian: Whoa how did we get here? Anyway I'mJustMe2 doesn't own Degrassi or any characters.
Anthony: The only thing she does own is the plot and Rose.
Ian: Enjoy.
Rose's P.O.V
-6:30 A.M-
I shut my car door locking it and slid the keys into my jeans pocket.
I was an hour early for school but I had agreed to tutor a kid the day before and we had agreed to meet in the library at seven so I had gotten there early to set up.
I noticed three people near the flag pole and as I walked closer I saw it was Riley, Drew, and Owen.
I could see Riley glance around and I ducked beside Owen's car. Luckily it was near the front of the school so I could be hidden and still see everything.
I watched in horror as Owen and Riley stripped Drew down and taped him to the flag pole with tape over his mouth and a blind-fold over his eyes.
Grabbing my portable camera from my backpack I snapped a picture and it came out.
I threw the camera and photo into my backpack and went back to watching.
"Next time don't cross me," Riley told Drew angrily.
"Let's go before someone sees us," I heard Owen say.
I heard Riley and Owen running towards Owen's car and in a moment of panic I did a back roll away from the car and ducked behind a pole.
I waited silently until Owen's car dis-appeared from the senior parking lot then I jumped up and ran over to the front entrance and Drew.
Some kids had already gathered and they were laughing.
"Don't worry Drew we'll find out who did this," The principal Mr. Simpson told Drew.
People started going into the school still laughing at Drew and as the football team arrived I turned to Mr. Simpson and asked, "Mr. Simpson may I speak to you during my Free Period?"
Mr. Simpson nodded and the football team started laughing at Drew.
"Enough boys. Go inside," the Football coach said.
The boys went inside Degrassi.
I noticed Riley and Owen were last and they smirked and high-fived each other as they entered the school.
Mr. Simpson and the football coach started to get Drew un-tied and his brother Adam and I went and got some clothes for Drew.
"I hate whoever did this to Drew," Adam said as we pulled clothes out of Drew's locker.
"I know who did it," I said as I pulled out Drew's favorite blue jeans and folded them over my arm.
"Who?" Adam asked.
I glanced around then whispered, "Riley and Owen."
"Are you going to tell Simpson?" Adam asked and I nodded.
We finished getting the clothes and we went back outside.
Drew was un-tied and Adam handed him the clothes.
Drew changed and then all three of us re-entered Degrassi together.
"Drew you need to tell someone," Adam said.
"Drop it Adam. I don't want more drama," Drew said.
"Would you be mad if Rose told Simpson who did it?" Adam asked.
"What? Rose you saw who did it?" Drew asked looking at me.
"Yeah and I'm telling Simpson during Free Period," I said.
"You're crazy," Drew said but he grinned.
"You love me anyway," I said.
"Yeah I do," Drew said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.
I giggled and Adam faked a gag.
Drew punched Adam's arm playfully and I said, "Adam just wait until you have a girlfriend then you'll be all lovey-dovey with her."
"I'll cross that bridge when it comes," Adam said and we headed to our lockers before our first class.
-Free Period-
I knocked on Mr. Simpson's door and heard a 'Come In'
I opened the door and Mr. Simpson asked, "What is this about Ms. Thorn?"
"I know who did the prank to Drew this morning. I saw them," I said sitting down in the chair.
"Who were they?" Mr. Simpson asked.
"Riley Stavros and Owen Milligan," I said.
"Do you have proof?" Mr. Simpson asked.
I pulled the photo I had taken out of my backpack and gave it to Mr. Simpson.
He glanced at it and his eyes widened.
"Well I will talk to Coach Armstrong and decide on a punishment for these two. Thank you Ms. Thorn," Mr. Simpson said.
"Thank you Mr. Simpson," I said standing and leaving his office.
'Riley and Owen watch out because you mess with my boyfriend and you mess with me' I thought running my fingers through my dark coffee brown hair.
If only I had known how far Riley would go to get revenge on me for telling on him.
A.N: end of chapter 1. What do you think so far? Should I go on?