The angels cried for their sister from heaven
For there she lay all broken and still
He had promised that he would never hurt her
But now she lays here, broken and alone
He decided
Not the angel that revived him from darkness
He went back to the one that caused it
His tormentor, his oppressor
The angel never used to be like this
She was a natural beauty
With a smile that shined like the sun
Her kindness held no bounds
And her heart loved unconditionally
But that's what got her here
She had loved him
He promised to love her too
But then he was gone
Leaving her broken
So here she lied
Broken, cold, and alone
As her father roared
And her sister angels sobbed
For they knew she could never come home
After the pain she had suffered through
Their angel would never be the same
Disclaimer: I do not own characters from Inuyasha