Lexxa: Welcome back to the Fullmetal Alchemist Dare Show of Doom!

Ichigo: What? You're writing again so soon? What happened?

Lexxa: Shut up… But I may or may not be in the middle of a trip that takes a couple hours to get from Point A to Point B…

Ichigo: Somebody sounds mathematical.

Lexxa: Somebody sounds stupid.

Ichigo: Rude…

Lexxa: Anyways, this review is from symmetricalravenxx8.

Can you mention that I wanted to say that I love Ed?

Lexxa: Ed! She loves you! At least I think it's a she.

Edward: Um… alright…

Lexxa: Say that you love he/she/it too!

Edward: I love you too…

Lexxa: You don't sound too convincing.

Edward: Your mom doesn't sound too convincing. In bed.

Lexxa: You just basically insulted yourself.

Edward: What? How?

Lexxa: Think about it.

Edward: -thinks about it- I hate you.

Lexxa: Alright, Frigid Boy.

Also I dare Al to go an entire day without thinking of kittens.

Alphonse: But, how will you know what I'm thinking?

Lexxa: With this! –pulls out a stick-

Alphonse: What's that supposed to be?

Lexxa: A stick.

Alphonse: And how is that stick supposed to make you know what I'm thinking?

Lexxa: -shrug- I don't know. I just wanted a stick.

Ichigo: So there's nothing special about that stick?

Lexxa: Nope.

Ichigo: That's a first.

Lexxa: -hits Ichigo with stick- Shut up!

Ichigo: Ow!

Lexxa: -hits Alphonse with stick- Stop thinking about kittens!

Alphonse: How did you know?!

Lexxa: Magic.

Edward: -has dictionary- I am not frigid!

Ichigo: What does it mean exactly?

Lexxa: Sexually unsatisfying.

Ichigo: Well then…

Edward: -throws dictionary- I am not frigid!

Lexxa: Then why did you say that my mom doesn't sound convincing in bed?

Edward: Um… because… Shut up!

Lexxa: I win. So that's all for this chapter. Review!

Alphonse: Brother… how would you know what Lexxa's mom sounds like in bed?

Edward: That's a question for when you're older.

Alphonse: But…

Edward: When you're older!