Well here we are: Chapter 3. This took me a while because I was torn about whether to do another canon chapter or to be original. You'll have to read to find out. The drink of the day is the gift of life: Water, and tea. However, I am listening to hardstyle in the background. It's called the haunter of the dark for those interested. Hopefully this will help me get the creative… juices… flowing(who made up this phrase?) Also special thanks to my 3 followers so far. I love getting the email saying I have a new follower. I save them. But as an apology for the long delay an extra long chapter for your viewing pleasure.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. Eric Kripke does. I salute you good sir.
Chapter 3
After Dean's tearful confession to Sam on the hood of the Impala, Sam decided they needed a short break from hunting. Instead they would increase the money they had so they wouldn't be so broke on the next hunt. Between the silver for their bullets and gas for the Impala, They burned through money quickly. Dean loved his baby, but even he admitted the Impala drank gas like he did alcohol.
They stopped in a little town in Ohio. Dean would go to the local dive bars and hustle pool and poker while Sam and Lenore would wait tables at these same bars. Sam wanted to make money doing honest work and at the same time keep an eye out for Dean. While alcohol soaked bar tenants are easy marks for the trained, they also tend to be sore losers. It also doesn't help when some random patron catches Dean cheating. They've had to leave town more than once due to an observant eye.
A few days of this and unsurprisingly, Dean made the most money, with Lenore coming in a few hundred behind him. Sam was last but he expected that. He didn't like flirting with bar girls. Lenore being there only made it more awkward, even though she assure Sam she was a big girl and he would be doing it for the extra tips. She couldn't help but smirk when he was acting awkward towards these ladies, but inside she was pleased that Sam wanted to be true to her, even though they weren't dating or anything. They weren't even sleeping together and Sam felt a sense of loyalty to her. She couldn't help but love that about him.
After pooling their money and making almost three thousand in a few days, Sam decided they had enough and they could leave town. Dean took a hundred for himself, saying there was a girl at the bar yesterday that caught his eye and that he would be back in the morning. Lenore simply laughed and told him he'd be back in a few hours after striking out. A quick retort from Dean and he was gone. Lenore had seen Dean with the bar girls and would admit he had skills, but the playful nature that Sam brought out of her and the need to tease Dean unmercifully since Sam wouldn't caused her to make jokes. Dean seemed to accept and return just as good as he got. Lenore couldn't believe her life in there moments. She still drained forest animals to survive, and she still wouldn't let Sam come with her, since she didn't want him to see her like that, but traveling with two hunters, one whom she was nursing a very obvious crush on, made Lenore's head spin about how different her life is now.
Sam sat at his computer, searching newspaper articles for strange, unexplained deaths that could be the next hunt waiting to be found. Lenore just watched as Sam scanned story after story, making notes on a piece of paper. His face was scrunched up in concentration as he absorbed all the information that was presented to him, his Stanford side coming out. Lenore soon became acutely aware that she and Sam were completely alone. Last time he shot him down, and she had been patient. Now her patience was at an end and she decided right then that tonight she would have the younger Winchester.
She moved from the bed to the bathroom and grabbed the bag she had hidden underneath the sink. Inside was some makeup and perfume that if Dean saw it he would tease her about it for weeks. She applied some light makeup and a few sprays of a perfume she hoped Sam would like. She didn't exactly have anyone to ask about Sam's tastes. Bobby Singer didn't even know about the very slow relationship developing between her and Sam. The boys were worried about what their father figure would say, having hunted for longer than either of them. He was also slightly opinionated and she couldn't say she wasn't afraid of meeting the veteran hunter.
Lenore finally left the bathroom, slightly dolled up and wearing better clothes than her norm. She approached Sam, whose nose picked up her perfume and his brow creased in confusion while his heartbeat quickened, making Lenore swoon slightly, knowing she made the psychic boy have certain emotions. It was only Sam's impressive concentration that made him ignore the perfume and continue trying to work. Lenore was having none of that, however, and wrapped her arms around Sam's muscular chest and placed soft kisses of the back of his neck.
The effect was immediate. Sam's breath hitched and his shivered ever so slightly, while his heart rate shot up in surprise. Lenore pulled his chair away from the desk and she straddled his lap, pulling him into a fierce tongue war. As the kiss deepened, Lenore could feel his blood moving to specific regions, and she smiled, realizing her seduction was working. She shed her shirt and kissed her way down Sam's neck, biting at his pulse point without her fangs. A part of her realized she was near a warm, blood-filled body, the rest of her recoiled at the thought of her drinking from him. She physically shuddered from trying to control her bloodlust.
Sam, in a haze of lust, though she was shaking from her actions. He pulled her mouth closer against his neck, unaware of the pain her was causing her. She jumped off him running to the other side of the room, whispering, 'No' like a mantra, horrified. To make matters worse, her fangs decided they would descend at that exact moment, making tears fall from Lenore, shattered at how badly her planned evening had turned out.
Sam knew the moment she jumped off him something was wrong. Shaking his head to clear the lust-filled haze, he breathed deep to calm his heartbeat and walked slowly to Lenore, not wanting to startle her. She was crying and whispering in the corner like an animal. She gasped when she realized Sam was slowly making his way over to her.
"Sam, no," she said weakly. She was truly torn in this moment. She wanted Sam to comfort her with his soft words and understanding eyes. At the same time she couldn't bear letting Sam see her struggling to control the vampire inside her. Sam just disregarded her and sat next to her, waiting for her to open up slightly.
Sam looked at her and his heart melted. She was hurting, badly. His deductive brain put two and two together and formed an idea of what just happened in his mind. He knew Lenore cold be fiercely proud of her vampire nature at times she had to be strong, but when they were alone, when she could just be the girl that Sam had rescued from Gordon, Sam knew she was ashamed of her vampire self, and loathed it, just as she loathed herself in those moments. She felt she was unclean.
"Lenore. Please. Don't hide from me. You know I accept you for all that you are," Sam declared, trying to make her feel better.
She just seemed to cry harder. 'Nice job genius,' a voice in Sam's head laughed. Sam decided the slow approach wasn't working and he would have to go big or go home. Sam grabbed Lenore forcefully and pulled her against him, holding her tight. Lenore started fighting against him weakly, even as she relaxed in his embrace. "Sam I-"
"Don't hide from me Lenore," Sam commanded. "When I say all of you I mean all of you," he said and kissed her while her vampire fangs were down.
Lenore was shocked to her core. She thought for sure that Sam, as a hunter, would be repulsed by her fangs, yet here he was, kissing her even though they were down. He was kissing her so hard she wanted to bleed for him. She kissed him back, losing herself in the kiss, not even realizing her fangs were retracting as she relaxed.
She pulled back and being completely vulnerable, asked, "You really don't mind my fangs?"
Sam just chuckled slightly. "They're a part of you. They're every bit as beautiful as you are."
Lenore felt better and kissed the Winchester harder, her earlier plan coming back to the front of her mind. She pushed Sam onto the bed and turned off the lights, before joining him in the sheets.
The next morning
Dean was getting some breakfast for him and Sam at a local fast food breakfast joint when his cell phone rang. Dean looked at the phone and saw it was Bobby. Dean sighed. He could let it go to voicemail but then Bobby would worry. Public wasn't exactly the best place to talk about a hunt but it would have to do as Dean was still in line.
"Hey Bobby."
"Dean. It's good to hear your voice boy. It's been a while since you've called. I had to make sure you haven't been eaten yet," Bobby said, chuckling slightly.
"Nahh me and Sam are in Ohio. He's still sleeping so I'm grabbing some breakfast and caffeine."
"Well ain't that nice of you. Listen Dean I think I have a lead on something."
Dean couldn't help it. "Yellow eyes?"
"No. That bastard seems to be in hiding. I've been in constant contact with Ash at the Roadhouse but still nothing. Him making sense of your dad's research is nothing short of miraculous. Your dad wasn't exactly the sharing type."
"Yeah. So what's this lead," Dean asked, changing the subject. John was still a sore spot for him, even with Bobby.
"That's the thing. I'm not sure what it is. Could be some travelers just going missing or…"
"Or it could be one of the hundred different things that we know and love. Got a general area?"
"Well ironically you're not far from it. From what I can tell, the disappearances are centered around the Ohio river. I'm thinking some kind of aquatic creature."
"Or it could be Wisconsin all over again."
"No. This doesn't seem like angry spirit. The locals aren't being targeted so far."
"Alright. I'll go wake up Sam and check it out. Hang on Bobby I have to order," Dean said before ordering his and Sam's food and caffeine.
"Well you boys be careful. There's no telling when Yellow eyes'll want payback for that shot to the leg Sam gave him."
"Alright Bobby. We'll call you when we get settled in," Dean said and hung up, grabbing the food and driving back to the motel.
As Dean entered the motel room, he was unprepared for the scene that he walked into: Sam, passed out on the bed with Lenore, his arm's draped protectively around her, comforting. Various articles of clothing were strewn around the floor and chairs and the faint smell of sweat and lust permeated the air. It was a smell Dean knew all too well.
Torn between giving the two lovebirds time to wake up on their own or to rouse them due to the urgency of the job, Dean simply stood in the doorway, internally debating. Suddenly, the air conditioning kicked on and churned the air of the room, bringing Dean's human and hunter smell right into the slumbering vampire's nose.
Lenore woke with a start, her preservation instincts kicking in at Dean's scent and she was alert for danger with her fangs descended. As she looked up and saw Dean, her mind cleared itself of the haze of sleep and she was able to remember where she was and who she was with. She retracted her fangs and whispered an apology to Dean. She was pleased to notice he didn't make any threatening gestures when her fangs were shown. Dean simply nodded and placed the provisions on the table before closing the door behind him as he stepped outside to give Lenore and Sam some privacy while they awoke and dressed.
Lenore was simply on cloud nine. Once her mind started to work again, she remembered her night spent with Sam. He was simply everything she wanted. Not too rough but she wasn't a vampire for nothing, and he was able to really please her. She did her share of pleasing as well but Sam was, for lack of a better word: perfect, at least for her. There aren't a lot of women that could live with the hunter life style. That percentage sharply fell when you added her supernatural elements into the equation.
The fact that his older brother, the Protecter, the Rock, accepted her as well was more than she could have ever hoped for. Dean was a hunter. He killed the supernatural. The fact he seemed to have no problem with his younger brother being with a vampire was something she would never have thought possible. She thought Dean would behead her the moment she showed any kind of interest in Sam. She expected it actually. His support meant almost as much as Sam returning her feelings. For the first time in decades, she felt like she had found someplace she could belong.
Lenore nudged Sam and kissed his nose, trying to gently ease him from his slumber. Sam sleepily protested and rolled over. Grinning mischievously, Lenore resorted to a much more devious and underhanded tactic. She tickled his sides.
The effect was immediate. Sam choked, holding back the laugh. He jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Lenore just laughed, loving every second of his reaction. She would have to do this much more often.
After Sam left the refuge of the bathroom and he and Lenore dressed, Sam fetched Dean, who was listening to Black Sabbath on his phone with the head phones in. As they started to eat, Lenore drinking from a blood bottle she had made the day before, Dean filled them in on the job.
Afterwards, they packed up their possessions and check out, returning to the road. As the scenery and the mile markers went by, Dean couldn't help but crack some jokes at Sam. "So. How's it feel to not be a virgin anymore?"
Sam chuckled. "Fish have to swim Dean."
"And men have to lay down pipe. Don't get me wrong Sammy, I'm proud of you. Vampire girl wouldn't have been my first choice. Hell she wouldn't have been a choice but at least she's pretty."
"And you're just ok with this? You? She's a vampire."
"It would make for some awkward family photos when you're a hundred and she still looks the same, but otherwise I'm ok. She doesn't hurt humans. Besides the freaky strength, speed, and pain tolerance, she's just a normal girl that has brain damage."
"Brain damage?"
"Well she's not into me at all. She's into you."
Sam laughed, a good full laugh. Something Dean was afraid he would never see on Sam again after Jessica's death. Lenore seemed to be healing the scars and filling the hole in his heart. Dean was happy for them. The fact that she was a grade A drinking buddy did play into her favor a bit as well.
"She doesn't hurt humans. As long as she toes that line me and her have no beef. Plus having a girl around gives me endless opportunities to tease my little brother," Dean said with a smirk.
Sam was nearly in shock. Dean just accepted her. Sam couldn't believe it. He had to pinch himself to make sure this wasn't a dream. He could only hope that Bobby and Ellen felt the same way. Still, Dean's little dig at the end called for a, "Jerk."
After some hours on the road, the trio finally arrived at Portsmouth. They found a small motel and surprisingly, Dean bought a second room for himself. When they were about to ask, Dean simply said with a wink, "You two don't get to have all the fun."
The brothers went to the local police station to get information using their fake credentials. Lenore went hunting to restock her blood supply for the next day or so. Meeting up, they combed the missing persons reports and the area maps of where the victims were last seen. They also searched local newspapers and area lore from here and three towns in every direction.
As they were finishing another map search, Dean's phone rang. "Finally, a distraction," Dean muttered and hit accept. "Hey Bobby."
"Don't hey Bobby me, boy. What happened to calling me when you got settled in?"
"Sorry, Me and Sam were getting missing persons reports from the cops."
"Well I've been looking into this as well. There have been at least ten missing persons in the same month once every ten years, same gender ratio: three men and seven women. Guess which month and year it is"
Dean sighed in frustration," I just love working on a timetable. So that hiker group was two and two right?"
"Yeah. Which means our baddy still has five women and a man to collect."
"Guess we don't have much time left to gank em. Alright I'll let Sam know. Thanks Bobby."
"No problem. If this gets bigger than you boys can handle alone, call me, I'll be there as quick as I can. And tell that Idgit brother o yours to call me. Haven't heard his voice in a week."
"Will do Bobby, thanks," Dean promised, and hung up the phone.
"So Bobby find anything new," Sam asked?
Dean spent the next few minutes filling them in and scratched off the past few hours of work they had done. Lenore suggested they go and get some food so they left the motel and went to the nearest bar for burgers and booze, Dean's favorite combo. After a night of relaxing and drinking, Sam and Lenore went back to their hotel room while Dean stayed at the bar. After a few more drinks and a few phone numbers, Dean stumbled back to his motel room and passed out.
Elsewhere in the town
A man was jogging, listening to his ipod. The headphones were loud and it was dark. It was no wonder he didn't notice his attacker until it was too late.
When the man regained consciousness, he felt himself being dragged through the forest. He could smell the grass and the dirt, his skin cut in various places from the rocks in the ground. The splash of the Ohio river could be heard as well as the grunts of exertion from his attacker. He tried to struggle, but his body wouldn't obey his command. Finally, the assailant stopped dragging him, stopping at the base of a huge tree. He finally started to regain some feeling and looked up at the tree.
As he did so, the kidnapper grabbed his chin and pulled upwards, keeping his mouth shut. The kidnapped jogger tried to scream but it was muffled, as he couldn't open his mouth. He heard a scraping noise, as if metal was scraping against metal. He felt the cold touch of a blade against his throat and was paralyzed by fear, the fear and knowledge that his death was about to happen. As the metal slit his throat and his warm blood sprayed from his arteries onto the forest floor, he felt pain, then mind numbing cold, until he knew no more forever.
Back at the motel
Sam woke to the feeling that something was wrong, terribly wrong. He didn't know what it was, but his instincts told him that everything was not alright. He dressed and sat on the computer, looking for more leads and hoping the feeling would dissipate. Lenore eventually awoke and joined him in the search. The lore of the land yielded no results, save for more missing persons reports with the same pattern. The only link seemed to be the date and the gender ratio. It wasn't a lot to go on.
This pattern of fruitless searching and continued for a few days until four more missing persons were reported, three women and one man. It seemed the murderer or whatever it was had gotten sloppy this time. They had disposed of the body of one of the women in the river and it was found downstream. Dean and Sam donned their Federal Marshal disguises again and went to the morgue to examine the body.
"Dean, what are we even doing here? The body was found in the river. We should be combing every inch of those riverbanks and finding this thing."
"We need more information Sam. And from what I heard on the police scanner, I think it's human. If not for the pattern I wouldn't even think of staying in this town."
"What did you hear," Sam asked, intrigued?
"Blood was drained, but not from a vampire or any of the other things that like to snack on humans. Throat was slit. Knife wound."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"I know. That's why we're here. We still don't know what we're dealing with."
They went into the morgue and examined the body. It was pretty cut and dry what killed her and how she died. The coroner was called off and left the two alone. With him away, they swapped ideas back and forth, trying to find what a human would want in Portsmouth with human blood and death. There were no witches in town and no cult markings on the body. Dean was about to give up.
Sam took his gloves off, his mind searching for answers. He stretched out and his hand accidently brushed against the dead woman's foot. Suddenly, Sam's eyes rolled up into his head as he relived the horrible last moments of the deceased. Sam struggled with the vision, gasping and choking while Dean held onto his brother, knowing it was a vision having seen the signs before. This seemed to last for a few minutes, much longer than any of Sam's earlier visions and much much worse. Dean was about to call for help when Sam finally snapped out of it and called down, grabbing his throat as if to make sure it was intact.
Dean got them out of there as quickly as he could and grilled Sam on what happened.
"So you touched her and then you got a vision of her being killed?" Dean asked, trying to reason this out. Sam's psychic visions always freaked him out.
"Basically. It was like seeing a death echo, but instead I was the death echo."
"Did you see anything that could help?"
"Well the guy is definitely human. He dragged his victims through the woods and was having a hard time of it. I could feel his hand on my throat when he… um…"
"Dammit. This is just what I need. More freaky esp stuff. Anything else?"
"The last thing she saw was this tree."
"A tree? What kind?"
"Not sure. It was huge though. It's roots ran for at least thirty yards and into the river."
"You think that tree has something to do with this?"
"Pagans. They worship trees and nature. We dealt with this back with that ugly scarecrow."
"Fugly you mean. Let's call Bobby. Tell him what's up. You're turn."
Sam nodded and pulled out his phone, first sending a quick text to Lenore then dialed his surrogate father's number.
"Sam, good to hear from you."
"You too Bobby. Listen we found something that might interest you. We think these deaths have to do with pagan trees."
"What makes you say that?"
"I had another vision."
"Of what? Demon work?"
"We don't think so. This seems too human for them. Plus I didn't see any black eyes or smoke in the vision. "
"You know what caused it?"
"It happened after I touched a dead woman's foot."
"You relived her last moments?"
"Basically. There was this huge tree. Extremely long roots and it looked like it was starting to grow fruit."
"Well I've never heard of this reliving death thing but the tree seems familiar. I'll do some digging. I'll call ya in an hour."
"Thanks Bobby," Sam said and hung up.
Lenore was worried about Sam and fussed all over him when they got back to the rooms. He explained what happened and what he saw. She didn't have any idea but she went and got pizza for the two of them. Bobby called back to Sam and they put him on speaker.
"Boys I'm on my way. You won't believe what you've stumbled into."
"What's going on Bobby," Dean asked, worried? If Bobby was coming then it was big.
"Yggdrasil. The Tree of Life," Bobby replied.
"The Tree of Life? Never heard of it."
"Ancient Norse myth, or so I thought. There's tons of lore on it but nothing is concrete. How long do those missing persons reports go back?"
"At least early nineteen hundreds," Sam replied.
"So you have a guy or a group of guys that finds a tree that can make you immortal. Catch is they have to kill people to do it. Not sure what it does but the tree bears fruit after ten people have been killed in front of it. You eat the fruit and you live longer. That's my guess anyway. I'll be there in about fifteen hours. You boys be careful in the meantime. Pagan's got his fill of men, but that doesn't mean he wont kill ya."
"We'll be careful. See you when you get here Bobby," Sam replied and closed his phone. He sighed in frustration. He didn't want anyone finding out about Lenore so soon but it seemed his hopes were dashed. Lenore felt apprehensive as well, but Sam had reassured her that Bobby was a good man and a fair one at that. Dean was just eager to get the hunt on. They decided to patrol the parks and try and save anyone they could before Bobby got there. They spent all night searching but still another body was found the next morning.
Dean was angry. The killer had slipped past him, Sam and Lenore to kill another woman. He knew he wouldn't be able to save everyone but it still hurt that he failed while actively trying. A knock on the motel room announced that Bobby had arrived. He walked in, gave Dean a hug and looked around for Sam.
Sam was sad. He felt guilty that he couldn't save the dead woman and now the killer only needed one more before getting what he wanted. He got a warning text from Dean saying Bobby was headed towards them before the knock came. Lenore jumped up and answered the door with a smile, hoping to make a good impression. "Hi there. You must be Bobby. I'm Lenore."
"Well hello. The boys didn't tell me they had some company."
"I just recently joined up with them. I'm somewhat of a hunter myself."
"Always good to meet new people. Now we should get down to business," Bobby said before laying down a map onto the table of the town, with an area circled. "Now best I can tell, the tree will be somewhere along here. From what Sam said about his vision, it would be on the bank so we don't have to look far."
"That's a half mile of land. How're we gonna tell that tree apart from any others," Lenore asked?
"The color. Yggdrasil isn't bothered by the seasons. I would bloom in winter just as well as in summer. While most of the trees around her will have started to lose some color and leaves, it won't have. It's also quite a bit bigger than the other trees."
"Ok. So burn it?"
"Basic idea."
"We also have to gank the cultists," Dean declared."
"Dean, they're people," Sam protested.
"Freaky immortal kill humans people Sam. They need a bullet."
"I'm with Dean on this one. We can't have them hurt other folks," Bobby agreed.
"Lenore. Your opinion," Sam asked?"
"They're hurting humans Sam. You know what would happen If the roles were reversed," she answered, talking about herself, not that Bobby realized.
Sam sighed in acceptance and started to load his pistol, as did everyone else in the room.
The boys played rock paper scissors to decide who held the heavy canister of fuel they used for their flamethrower. Sam won after Dean threw out scissors. Dean grunted in acceptance of his defeat and started prepping the flamethrower. Bobby meanwhile was loading shotguns and handed one to Lenore. A few knives were tucked away into sleeves and the hunters were ready.
They waited in the dark as Sam went to look for a boat they could borrow. Bobby chatted with Dean about random things while Lenore just stared at the river, waiting for Sam's return. Finally, the hum on an engine alerted the trio that Sam had returned. They piled into the boat and started motoring upstream, looking for the pagan tree.
As the boat rocked on the current of the water, the hunters were splashed with water and chilled by the wind. It was only due to the lack of light and the lack of a muzzle flash or noise heard that made the ambush they drove into so effective. Four tranquilizer darts, on for each hunter, hit them in the chest. As the hunters lost consciousness, the man dropped his rifle and swam to the boat, getting in and driving to Yggdrasil.
Dean was the first to wake up. He felt the stinging pain of where he was shot with the needle. His mind was still foggy from the drug used on him and he was tied up, "real good", he thought. He looked around and to his relief, saw everyone else in a similar state.
Just as Sam started waking up, their attacker walked back. His features couldn't be made out in the dark of the night, but he was a little shorter than Sam and walked with a brisk pace. Sam tried to call out to Bobby, but the elder hunter seemed more than just unconscious.
"I'm afraid that won't do any good. You see at his age, the dose I shot him with is most likely fatal," the man said sadly.
At the word "fatal," both Sam and Dean struggled against the ropes that bound them to get to their father figure. While they seemed to make no progress, Lenore woke up.
"Ahh. My guest of honor has awoken. The ceremony can finally begin," the man spoke with glee.
"Guest," Lenore asked, confused?
"But of course. Being the final sacrifice to Yggdrasil is a great honor. Your blood will wash the soil that feeds it and your essence will be absorbed into the roots. These in turn feed the world fruits, which I will eat to gain more life. I eat all nine and I will live for another ten years, as the river of time simply lets me anchor, forgotten."
"I won't let you touch her," Sam yelled and struggled harder.
"I welcome you to try Mr. Winchester. However, over the years I have become very proficient at many skills: Spellcasting, shooting, ambushing, and knot tying to name but a few."
This seemed to be the truth, as both brothers couldn't even get to the knives in their sleeves to cut themselves free. "You know who we are," Dean asked?
"Of course. The famous Winchesters. You boys and your Father have quite the reputation as hunters and amateur spellcasters. Some even call you Demon slayers. They also say Sam is gifted with premonition. It seems that was either an exaggeration or you can't control it. You would have seen my attack otherwise."
"Then you should know we get into these situations all the time and we survive," Dean quipped.
"Oh I have no intention of ending the Winchester legend. I simply need your female accomplice. After she is dead and I have immortality again I will release you three."
At this, he looked up at the clear skies, reading the stars. He looked at Lenore and said, "It's time," and grabbed and dragged her in front of the tainted tree. Sam tried even more, calling out to Lenore and trying to save her. She tried calling out to Sam but the man had her by the throat and it was hard to breathe.
As he brought Lenore to the spot that so many others had died in the name of immortality, he pulled her up roughly and pushed her down to her knees. Lenore felt a compulsion fall over her body, making her look up at the tree. As she did, the man drew his blade and placed it on her throat. "With your death, I will have life. Thank you for your sacrifice," he spoke and as the boys watched, horrified, Sam and Dean screaming for him to stop, he cut Lenore's throat and her vampire blood coated the ground in a spray.
She shuddered, and dropped to the ground, her heart pumping her essence onto the ground. Sam screamed and cried out her name, still trying to get to her. Dean simply sagged, defeated. Sam lost another girlfriend and he could do nothing to stop it.
As the blood was absorbed into the roots, Yggdrasil started to shudder. The leaves glowed bright blue and nine fruits appeared on its branches. Lenore's murderer grinned with triumph and started to devour all nine fruits with gluttony.
As he ate, Sam was in agony. Lenore, his Lenore, lay not ten feet from him, dead. The memories he had with her were running in his head, her sarcastic smile, her raw emotion. He could be himself with her, no lies, no hiding, and he failed. The anger, the pure rage and malice at the monster that took her from him grew and grew till his body was shaking.
Sam screamed in rage, his eyes, no longer seeing him as a human but instead as a creature to be killed, locked onto the thing and just as it devoured the last bite of the fruit and swallowed, the creature was thrown into the air and impaled onto a protruding tree branch.
The man coughed up some blood, then started laughing. To Dean's surprise, the pagan simply pulled himself off the branch and the wound closed shut. "I wasn't expecting Telekinesis. I guess I should have from one of Azazel's ilk. As you can see, Immortal does mean immortal," he said, smug and secure in his victory. His face contorted in agony and he screamed, clutching his mouth as vampire fangs sprouted from his gums in a splash of immortal blood. "What is this? What the hell is this?"
"When you drained Lenore, your tree got a dose of vampire blood. When you ate the fruit, you got it too. Sucks to be you bitch," Dean laughed.
As the man lay on the ground, stunned from his gums suddenly exploding, Lenore suddenly sat up and started crawling towards the newborn vampire. Sam tried to speak to her, but in Lenore's state, she couldn't hear him. All she could feel is overpowering hunger and the smell of fresh blood. As she reached her assailant, she sank her sharp fangs into his neck and drank deep, intent on taking her blood back. The vampire shrieked in pain and surprise of being fed on. As it lay being fed on, begging and pleading for Lenore to stop, the immortal properties of his blood healed Lenore's neck wound.
Just as she drained him dry and let him go, Lenore seemed to fully awaken. She looked around and saw the brothers and bobby still tied up. She crawled to them and cut their bonds. Sam hugged her tightly while Dean ran to Bobby and check his breathing. It was shallow and uneven. He needed a hospital soon. "Sam we need to get him help. Bobby's still hanging in there but I'm no doctor."
As Sam helps Dean carry Bobby to the boat, Lenore asks, "What happened? The last thing I remember was getting necktied by Jeremy Irons. Now I don't even feel the knife cut. How is that possible?"
"Lenore, you've been through a lot. Lets just get Bobby to a hospital and we can figure this all out later."
At Dean's words, the taste of the blood on her lips registers in her brain, as does the body and the blood on the ground. "Oh god. Did I do this? Did I feed on a human," Lenore said, shaking at what she already knew to be true.
"Did I?"
"Well to be fair, he wasn't exactly anywhere near human," Dean confirmed.
At Dean's words, Lenore ran into the forest. Sam started to follow after her but Dean pleaded with him to stay and help him keep Bobby alive. Sam nodded and they got him to a boat and drove it downstream, towards the town.
At the hospital
It had been close, but Bobby pulled through. Dean had bluffed it off as a hunting accident to the doctors and a US Marshal badge stopped them from asking more questions. They treated him and he was awake a few hours later.
Bobby laid in the hospital bed, hooked up to some machines and ate his jello as Sam explained Lenore and her and his relationship and the circumstances that led to them. Bobby was patient after an initial outburst of surprise and listened to what Sam and Dean had to say on the matter. When they were finished, he simply nodded and told them to still be careful.
Sam had tried texting and calling Lenore, but she seemed intent on vanishing for the moment. Sam wanted to go after her, but Dean was adamant on staying with Bobby until he healed up. Eventually they left and burned the pagan tree to the ground, along with the body of it's caretaker. After Bobby left the hospital, him and the boys went their separate ways after a customary beer. Dean fired up the Impala and started driving back towards the Roadhouse. He wanted some familiarity for a little while and maybe Ellen had a job for him.
As they drove Sam simply stared at the window, wondering where Lenore was now. She had left her truck and her clothes and was simply gone. Sam couldn't track her like that. He just hoped she would come back.
Dean tried to lighten the mood with some bad singing and got Sam to smirk a bit when he butchered Stairway to Heaven. "At least we know she's not dead," Dean said. "You remember what that dick said in the woods? We've got a reputation. Makes me feel good that all the monsters and demons and evil bitches know to fear us."
"Yeah I guess so. Dean I don't get why you aren't worried."
"About what?"
"My Psychic thing. You saw me throw that guy into the tree."
"Yeah but you did the same thing with that Max kid remember? It's nothing new."
"So you're not freaked out?"
"Of course I'm freaked out Sam. But you didn't mean to. You saw Lenore or thought you saw Lenore die and reacted. You had a vision of me being shot in the head and moved that china cabinet or whatever it was. Same situation."
"I guess."
"You should learn to control it though."
"Really? Why?"
"Craps tables. We'll never have to worry about money again."
Sam snorted and went back to watching the road. Dean glanced at his brother. He was worried, but at least he didn't have to watch another one die, not really. So Dean simply enjoyed the drive and his Def Leppard, thinking that if he drove fast enough, his worries and problems would just fall behind.
A/N: So here's the end of chapter three. It's definitely not the end and is only the beginning. For those reading please leave a review. I would love comments, ideas, basically any feedback. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and look forward to the next one.