A/N This story is Anna Ride's but she wanted me to post it for her. This is what she said, "BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT MY OTHER, WHOLESOME, PURE STORIES DESPOILED. And she only wrote it because Nolan dared her to. I kind of only wrote the whole seduction...thing...because this guy at Acting Camp said a sweet, pure, innocent girl like me couldn't write that.


Third Person POV

Max groaned, hiding her face in her hands. "I can't do this!" she muttered to
herself, stress igniting in her brown eyes. "Baking sucks!" Suddenly, two strong
arms wrapped around her waist, and her cheeks heated up as a pair of warm lips
brushed her neck.

"Max, do you need some help?" Fang asked, kissing her neck again, but
longer. "You seem really stressed out." Max turned in his arms, and her eyes
widened when she saw they were nose-to-nose. A mischievous look was in Fang's
eyes, and it made Max want to melt, faint, and kiss him all at the same time.

Then, she realized her predicament. Fang had pinned her to the counter so that
she couldn't escape, as her heart beat faster and her cheeks turned a darker
scarlet, seeing as Fang was moving closer. "Uh, yeah, I need help with the…"
she lost her thought for a moment, staring at his lips. "The…the cookies! Yeah,
um…I…I couldn't get the cookie dough to mix."

Fang's right hand released her waist, and he dipped his finger into the batter, his
obsidian eyes still on Max, who was turning redder by the second. "Uh…what…
you…um…what're you…doing, Fang?"

A devilish smirk crossed his face as he pointed his thumb out, and Max eyed the
cookie dough on it. "Taste it and see if it's right or not," he replied smoothly, his
eyes on her. Max shook her head wildly.

"Uh, no, that's…that's a health hazard. I could get…uh…" she watched as he
leaned closer, nodding, his eyes intense. "Salmonella. It comes from eating raw
eggs and stuff," she explained, biting her lip.

Fang shrugged, popping it into his own mouth. Max watched, mesmerized, as he
licked his lips, swiping away some cookie dough that had been left there. By then,
they were so close that Max could smell his…his wonderful, Fangy smell. It was
intoxicating, and her knees were growing weak.

"So," he said, his voice normal and smooth, but still husky and deep and so
attractive Max almost swooned. "You need help with the cookies?" She nodded
weakly, and he smirked, leaning down and kissing along her jaw line. "What do
you want me to do?" he breathed between kisses, as her eyes slid closed.

She was silent, relishing in the electric tingle his touch sent through her. Fang
pulled away and she mentally growled. "Max?" his tone was amused. "What do
want me to do?"

Shaking her head, she snapped out of it. "Oh, uh, can you, um…" she thought
hard, trying to focus as Fang ran his hands up…and down…and up…and down…
her arms. "Mix the cookie dough?"

Fang chuckled, kissing the side of her mouth and making her tingle. "It's already
mixed," he whispered back. She tried to ignore him, nodding and thinking. But her
concentration was ruined by Fang moving his hands to her hips, and then there
was no space between them.

His eyes glittered, his eyebrow arching in a silent dare. "Can you put the cookies
on a tray?" she asked, and he nodded, pulling away and crossing over to do as

She suddenly missed the attention and warmth, and crossed over to him, sitting
on the counter and scooping up some of the frosting, plopping it in her mouth
and moaning. "This is so good!"

Fang chuckled, the mischievous look back. He turned to her, away from the
cookies, and rested his hands in between her thighs, a smirk on his face as he
pulled them apart gently. Her heart beat faster, her cheeks turning red again, and
she sat there, shocked and frozen, as he stepped in between her legs, their eyes

Then, he closed his eyes and kissed her, sucking some frosting off of her lip. Still
frozen, she let him, and then she realized what was happening and kissed him
back, her arms going around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

He pulled away, and she frowned, but then he kissed along her jaw line and down
her neck, and she bit her lip as he nibbled at her skin there, his tongue licking over
the spot. She bit back a moan.

Fang pulled away from her neck, kissing her again, and she pulled him close,
kissing him back, hard. Since she was wearing short shorts, wherever his fingers
trailed on her thighs left a path of fire.

He lifted her up from the counter, setting her down on her feet and trapping
her against the counter again, moving his hands to her hips. There was no space
between their bodies once again, and they were so…ahem, focused, that they
didn't notice the soft, padding footsteps enter the room.

And then…

"Ohmygod!" Nudge shouted, her eyes wide in disgust and shock. "This is the
kitchen! What do you think you two are doing? I…I eat in here! We get our food
from here! And…and you've ruined that! My sanctuary! My peace place! Ruined!
Despoiled!" Max pulled away, her eyes wide in surprise and embarrassment as
they latched on the twelve year old girl.

"How dare you do this in the safe zone! This," Nudge gestured around in a big
circle, including the whole kitchen, "is where we go to get away from you two
making out! And…and I thought you were making cookies!" The girl squealed in

Max looked at Fang.

Fang looked at Max.

Then, Fang smirked devilishly, his eyes latching on Max's neck, a laughing look
entering his usually emotionless eyes, before they traveled back to her eyes. He
kissed her softly on the lips, and she closed her eyes, but when she opened them
again, he was gone. Groaning and biting her lip, Max turned around, finishing

putting the cookies on the baking sheet and slipping them into the oven.

After making sure everything was set, she tromped up the stairs, going into her
room and slamming the door, locking it and crossing over to her bed, flopping
down on it as the whole scene ran through her head. A blush crawled up her neck
and she groaned, turning over and screaming into her pillow.

About two hours later, her stomach grumbled, her throat sore and raspy from
her screams and her hair all over the place from her tossing and turning. So she
padded into the bathroom, grabbing her brush and yanking it through her hair.

Then, she swept the newly-combed hair over her left shoulder, and looked in the
mirror. Her eyes immediately latched onto her neck, where a brown splotch now
lay. Max's eyes widened, and raspy throat or not, she screamed louder than ever,
and no doubt the whole city could hear, "Fang!"